2. Februar 2009

FastReport .NET 1.3 released!

What is new in version 1.3?

+ added monochrome TIFF export
+ added Excel 2007 export
+ added PowerPoint 2007 export
+ added MHT (web-archive) export
+ added DBF export
+ added ODBC connection
+ added Oracle ODP.NET connection
+ added ability to print copy name on the printed page (see 
+ "Features/Print Copy Names" report) added built-in support for 
+ cascaded data filtering (DetailControl property). See the 
+ "Dialogs/Cascaded Data Filtering" report added "apply" flags to the 
+ style elements added band's context menu items for easy creation of 
+ child band and detail data band added TextObject.NullValue property 
+ (to replace null values with specified string) added 
+ TextObject.ProcessAt property (allows to print totals in the header) 
+ added the ImageExport.MonochromeTiffCompression property added 
+ HTMLExport.WidthUnits, HTMLExport.HeightUnits properties (allows 
+ selection between Pixel and Percent) added the Message-HTML (MHT, 
+ MHTML, web-archive) mode in HTML export (HTMLExport.Format property) 
+ added Config.DesignerSettings.FilterConnectionTables event added 
+ DataSourceBase.Load event to load detail rows in code added Croatian 
+ localization added Persian localization added new demo projects in the 
+ Demos\VB.Net folder added "Script/Sort Group By Total" report
* improved "Keep with data" mechanism
- fixed bug with Matrix and Table objects (Visible property is not working)
- fixed bug with MS SQL connection (can't use tables in schemas other than dbo.*)
- fixed bug in Medium Trust mode
- fixed bug in business objects (duplicate datasource names)
- fixed bug in dialogue forms (switch to the dialog page may throw an exception)
- fixed bug in query builder
- fixed bug with OutlineExpression and RepeatOnEveryPage
- fixed bug with KeepChild
- fixed bug with exporting barcodes
- fixed bug in dialogue controls (Enabled & data filtering)
- fixed bug with RepeatOnEveryPage band with child
- fixed Matrix&Table bug (infinite loop if there is not enough space to print a column)
- fixed bug in PDF export (file structure)
- fixed designer exception when copying the total
- fixed exception when closing the designer
- fixed bug with disabling the navigator in HTML export
- fixed bug with size of WebReport in percents
- fixed PDF export (digits substitution in Arabic)
- fixed bug with sorting on a calculated column
- fixed bug in the PDF export (export of band with zero height and non-solid fill)
- fixed bug in the text/expression editor (drag&drop items from the data tree)
- fixed bug in the Excel 2007 export
- fixed bug in the printer settings dialog (printer properties)
- fixed bug with Outline when several reports are joined into one
- fixed search in the preview
- fixed bug in the group when there is no data to display

FastReport.NET is a full-featured reporting solution for Windows Forms and ASP.NET. It can be used in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/2008 and Delphi Prism.
It is compatible with .NET Framework 2.0 and higher.  

With FastReport.NET, you can create application-independent reports.
In other words, FastReport.NET can be used as a standalone reporting tool.

6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
27. Mai 2024

Aktualisierung der Cloud-Dienste auf 2024.2 Version

In der neuen Version 2024.2 für FastReport Cloud und FastReport Corporate Server haben wir Fehler behoben und neue Funktionen hinzugefügt.
21. Mai 2024

Neue Version von FastReport Online Designer 2024.2

Neue Funktionen in Version 2024.2: Spark-Grafikobjekt, Erstellung benutzerdefinierter SQL-Abfragen, Intellisense beim Bearbeiten von Code.
Fast Reports
  • 800-985-8986 (Englisch, die USA)
  • +4930568373928 (Deutsch)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • info@fast-report.com
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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