Types of solutions for generating reports and documents

FastReport .NET

Sets of components that simplify and automate the process of creating reports and documents in C# for diverse technologies.

FastReport VCL

Sets of VCL, FMX, and Lazarus components with full sources codes for creating reports and documents in Delphi and Pascal.

WEB reporting

Components for cross-platform projects to develop, build, display, print, and export reports directly in the browser.

Solutions for end-users

Independent software solutions for designing, building, converting, and viewing ready-made reports on your computer.

OLAP and Business Graphics

Data presentation and analytical processing tools for obtaining pivot tables with subsequent visualization based on Business Graphics.

Service solutions

Ready-made services and client-server systems for fast data visualization and automatic execution of information processing tasks.


October 15, 2024

New version of FastReport Business Graphics .NET 2025.1

We present you the release of FastReport Business Graphics .NET 2025.1, which includes important fixes and improvements. This update improves the stability of the library, improves the accuracy of displaying elements, and eliminates problems related to changing data in charts.     Key changes in version 2025.1 Fixed a visual error with the arrangement of elements at non-standard DPI  The new version solves the problem with displaying elements on forms when using non-standard DPI values ​​(dots per inch). Now the interface scales correctly, maintaining the exact location of all elements, which improves the display quality on high-resolution monitors.     Fixed positions of elements in the Gantt chart editing form  The Gantt chart editing form has been fixed to correct inaccuracies in the positioning of elements. This update ensures that controls on the form now display and respond correctly, making it easier to customize the chart.     Fixed a bug with rendering text on the Gantt chart Previously, there was an issue where text in Gantt charts was displayed incorrectly or not displayed at all. In the new version, this error has been fixed, and text in charts is now displayed correctly, which improves the readability and information content of the charts.     Fixed bug with changing values ​​in Gantt chart This issue prevented the start value of a segment in a Gantt chart from being changed. Now, data changes are reflected in real time, and users can easily edit time intervals in charts.     Complete changelog * updated EULA;- fixed a visual issue in the position of elements on the form when using a non-standard DPI;- fixed positions of elements in the Gantt chart editing form;- fixed an error with text rendering on the Gantt chart;- fixed a bug where the values in the Gantt chart did not change if you tried to change the started value of the segment;
October 15, 2024

Updating .NET products to version 2025.1

In this release, we have focused on implementing long-awaited features that greatly simplify the process of developing templates for reports. Now you can add a report page with a link, asynchronous report preparation with undo support, text rotation with TextRenderType.HtmlParagraph, text search in code editors, export to images for WebReport and much more.     New Opportunities Adding a report page with a link In previous releases it was possible to add a page of another report to a report. This option can be found in the "File->Open Page..". By default, a copy of the page is added to the report. You can now enable the "Add as link" option, which will add a link to the page to the report rather than a copy of the page. This means that when you change a page in the original report, the changes will be reflected in all reports to which the page is added as a link. And vice versa, if a page is changed in one of the reports that has a link to it, it will be changed in the original report as well.     Asynchronous report preparation Added the report.PrepareAsync() method, enabling asynchronous report preparation in addition to the existing synchronous report.Prepare() method. This method also supports CancellationToken, allowing users to cancel the report preparation process if needed, improving control and performance for large reports in non-blocking environments. This functionality may be further enhanced in the future, with new methods providing additional asynchronous access.     IfNull function object IfNull(object expression, object defaultValue) There is a new function allows to avoid System.NullReferenceException when evaluating expressions. The function has two parameters: the first is the expression to be evaluated, the second is the default value. If the expression can be evaluated, the function returns its result. If not, it returns the default value.     Rotate text with TextRenderType.HtmlParagraph Added support for rotating text with TextRenderType.HtmlParagraph. Previously, text rotation was only available with other text renderer types. You can see examples of text rotation below. In addition, such texts are now correctly exported to PDF.     Text search in FastReport WPF and FastReport Mono code editors Now you can search for text not only in FastReport .NET code editor, but also in FastReport WPF and FastReport Mono editors. An example of searching for text in FastReport WPF code: And in the FastReport Mono code editor:     Changes in WebReport Localization support for Blazor WASM WebReport Introduced localization support for the WebReport interface in FastReport Blazor WebAssembly. Previously, localization was managed through file-based methods, which were incompatible with the WASM environment. A new method, webReport.SetLocalization(Stream) allows loading localization from a Stream, making it compatible with Blazor WASM applications.   Image Export to WebReport Added export of the report to images. To display it in the list of exports, add the following code: WebReport.Toolbar.Exports.ShowImageExport = true; If necessary, you must enable the WebReport option to configure the export to images WebReport.Toolbar.Exports.EnableSettings. After enabling it, you can click on the "gear" and change the settings in the modal window that appears.     Full list of changes [Engine]+ added PicturesInParagraph property to RichObject;+ added method for asynchronous report preparation PrepareAsync();+ added converting of strings to dbtype compatible;+ added print scale;+ added decimal conversion to words in ToWords functions;+ added locale identifier for Spanish is 22538 (Spanish - Latin America) and 3082 (Spanish - Spain (Modern Sort));+ a new IfNull function has been added for working with expressions. It returns the result of the calculated expression if it is not null, otherwise the specified default value;+ implemented calculation of horizontal position of pictures in RichObject;+ added the ability to send a request in the virtual-host-style;+ added support for text rotation with TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph;+ added the ability to use header bands for the "PrintOn" property of the Totals;* upgraded Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core in FastReport.Data.OracleODPCore;* methods GetConnection, OpenConnection and Dispose marked as virtual;* added null check for incoming value for Hyperlink.Value property;* static verification methods TryParse has been introduced into classes of QRCodes;- fixed text break issues;- fixed page visibility change after PageStart event;- fixed conversion to parameter type;- fixed checking of the report script for stop-words if it contained in the variable name;- fixed visibility of the bottom border of a text object with enabled GrowToBottom;- fixed border doubling when the grouped DataBand has the GrowToBottom option;- removed rendering of child clipPath tags in SVGPictureObject;- fixed a bug in FinishReport event;- removed invalid ability to add SubreportObject to ContainerObject;- fixed changing the CommandType of the request if it was set in GetAdapter; [Designer]+ added ability to open page as link from another report;+ added italic, bold, underline and strikethrough font styles to the span tag;+ added a search in the TreeView by the character entered from the keyboard;+ add a search function in the code editors in WPF and Mono;* added a check for duplicates of downloaded fonts;* replaced default property values in the constructors of CurrencyFormat, NumberFormat, and PercentFormat classes from fixed values to values from CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;- fixed incorrect position of Amiri, Cambria Math, DejaVu Math TeX Gyre fonts in the font selection drop-down list;- fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when saving borders via Border Editor;- fixed incorrect display of SVG-images in the designer;- fixed the display of variables declared in one line on the Code tab in the tooltips;- fixed page margins length in "ExtraDesignWidth" mode;- fixed the length of the Guides in the designer for long reports;- fixed a bug where the selected font was not displayed in the drop-down list;- fixed incorrect application of data formats;- fixed an error leading to System.NullReferenceException when deleting a band with a Subreport object; [Preview]+ added properties Outline.Expand and Outline.Width in PreviewControl;- fixed index out of range when previewing empty SvgObject;- fixed closing of PreviewSearchForm after clicking the "Next" button; [Exports]+ added the ability to combine all report pages into one when exporting to Excel;+ added an option to use a custom format instead of general in Excel-export;+ added strikethrough text formatting to Word-export;+ added the MemoryOptimized option for Word-export, which enables the use of FileStream instead of MemoryStream;+ added support for rotating text with TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph when exporting to PDF;* format display adjustments - format 'D' and 'MMMM yyyy' are displayed as dates (format 'MM yyyy' if possible), numeric format with negative pattern '-n' is displayed in standard Excel numeric format;* changed the export of the PictureObject border as an image in Word;* optimized memory consumption when exporting to PDF;* changed layout of table export to fixed;- fixed the issue with HTML tags rendering in HTML export;- fixed the export of negative PDF property values;- fixed the color of cell borders in the browser after exporting to Excel;- fixed border style of cell in Word and PowerPoint;- fixed export of pictures in header and footer to Word;- fixed bug with deleting temporary file;- fixed calculation of line-height when exporting to HTML;- fixed incorrect export of borders with double line style to PDF;- fixed a bug with transparency in HTML-Export;- fixed an issue where the <p> tag was incorrectly displayed during HTML-export;- fixed default value of "UseHeaderAndFooter" option in Word export;- fixed incorrect location of images in tabular export to Word;- fixed the row height of objects sets after TableObject when exporting to Excel;- fixed NullReferenceException when exporting font to PDF with alternative lookup of substitution; [WebReport]+ added the ability to display the report name instead of parameters in the tab;+ added  SetLocalization method for loading WebReport localization from a Stream;+ added ability to export report to image format in WebReport;- fixed inheritance of "box-sizing" from custom application styles in WebReport;- fixed IndexOutOfRange exception when previewing a WebReport;- fixed a bug that caused the WebReport.Debug property to not display error information in the report when enabled;- fixed a bug where a NullReferenceException exception could occur when clicking a tab in WebReport;- fixed reset AdditionalFilter in WebReport;- fixed WebReport printing with pages in landscape orientation; [Online Designer]+ added a method for updating the table;- fixed previewing of empty SVG object in Online Designer; [.NET Core]+ added methods for MS SQL stored procedures in FastReport Core; [Common]+ added a new method for setting an parameter expression via code;+ added a timestamp when signing installs; [Extras]+ added ability of connection to stored procedures in Oracle;* updated the Firebird.Client version to 10.0.0;* updated vulnerable packages Npgsql(Postgres) and System.Data.SqlClient;* changed the text of the error message when pressing the "Advanced" button in the connection to Linter;- fixed a bug with missing menu in the designer of forms for the Report object;- fixed a bug with "character varying" type of Postgres; [Demos]- fixed demo-report Barcode.frx.


August 12, 2024

How to build and install the Postgres plugin in FastReport .NET

Our FastReport .NET has quite rich capabilities and wide functionality. Today we will look at connecting to the database using the FastReport plugin for the report designer. Below is an example of the FastReport .NET installation path that would be: C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\WinForms 1.    Go to the installation folder and then follow the path Extras\Core\FastReport.Data\FastReport.Data.Postgres Important! The path should be exactly like this; there may be outdated projects along other paths. 2.    We find there the project file FastReport.Data.Postgres.csproj in Visual Studio.  Important! There are several files in this folder, you need to open this one. 3.    Several projects will open in Visual Studio. Select FastReport.Data.Postgres and right-click on it, and then click “Set as Startup Project” in the context menu.   4.    Select the “Release” build and the “net462” target.   5.    In the decision tree, expand the project -> Dependencies -> net462 -> Projects and Packages. Pay attention to the exclamation marks in the triangles.   6.    Delete “FastReport” in “Projects”. We don’t delete anything else in the dependencies. Now you need to add nuget packages FastReport.N et and Npgsql .  Important! FastReport.Net must be added as a package, since the method of adding FastReport.dll no longer works. 7.    In the “Dependencies” context menu, select “Manage NuGet Packages”.   8.    You need to add two package sources: nuget.org and the source referring to our nuget-server, or to the local folder  C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\FastReports\WinForms\Nugets. 9.    Select the nuget.org source.   10.    On the “Installed” or “Updates” tab, find the Npgsql package and click on it.   11.    We look on the right and see the following information: the current version associated with the project is 3.2.7, the latest version of the package is 8.0.3, the Uninstall and Update buttons. 12.    Click on the Update button. 13.    Select the second package source. The example uses the Nuget Server of Fast Reports Inc.   14.    Go to the Browse tab and enter fastreport.net in the search field    15.    Select the FastReport.Net package or FastReport.Net.Demo for the trial version.  Important! It should be one of these two packages, as the FastReport.Net.Pro package is outdated and no longer used.  16.    We carefully look at the version and select the one that we have installed. This manual covers 2024.2.12 version.   17.    Click the Install button. We accept the license agreement and wait for the package to be installed. 18.    Right-click on the FastReport.Data.Postgres project and click Build in the context menu.   19.    At the bottom left we see the inscription “Build succeeded.” This means that the plugin is built correctly and Visual Studio can be closed. 20.    Go to the folder where FastReport .NET is installed, as indicated at the beginning of the instruction, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\WinForms. There should be "Designer.exe" here. 21.    We move from this folder to the following folders along the path: Extras\Core\FastReport.Data\FastReport.Data.Postgres\bin\Release 22.    We find 2 folders “net462” and “net6.0-windows7.0”, go to the net462 folder. 23.    Copy the following files from this folder:  FastReport.Data.Postgres.dll, Npgsql.dll, Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll, System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll, System.Memory.dll  24.    Paste the copied files into the folder where Designer.exe is located. 25.    Run “Designer.exe”, go to the File -> Options menu (View -> Options if the Ribbon interface is disabled). Go to the “Plugins” tab. 26.    If there is already a FastReport.Data.Postgres plugin, you need to remove it and repeat step 21.   27.    Click on the “Add” button, go to the designer folder, in this example it is  C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\WinForms  28.    Select the FastReport.Data.Postgres.dll file and click the “Open” button. The plugin appears in the list.   29.    Pay attention to the text at the bottom left, which indicates that the Designer needs to be restarted. Click the OK button. Close the designer. 30.    Launch Designer.exe again. If you have followed this instruction, the connection to Postgres should appear in the list of connections.   31.    If you see the following errors when trying to connect:   Then you need to close the designer, copy the file indicated in the error from the С:\Program Files(x86)\Fast Reports\WinForms \Extras\Core\FastReport.Data\FastReport.Data.Postgres\bin\Release\net462 to the folder where you have Designer.exe. In FastReport .NET, it is very easy to assemble and connect various connectors to a variety of databases.
August 08, 2024

How to install FastReport .NET and its components on Windows

To install the FastReport.NET software and its components, you need to download the installer distribution in the cpanel and run it. When using an operating system with UAC (User Account Control), you need to agree to run the software. After launching the installer, a welcome window with an authorization button will appear. Click on the authorization button. In the system, the default web browser application will open. Use the login and password of your account to authenticate and access the purchased products. After authorization, a message about successful authorization will be displayed. You can close the web browser application and switch to the FastReport .NET installer. If you were unable to log in, please contact technical support. In the next step, familiarize yourself with the license agreement for the use of FastReport .NET software. The current version of the license agreement is available at this link. If you agree to the terms of the license agreement, you need to check the "I accept the terms of the license agreement" checkbox. Then, press the active "Next" button. If you do not agree with the terms of the license agreement, close the FastReport .NET installer and delete the downloaded files. In the next installation stage, we invite you to join the FastReports Inc. service quality and notification improvement program. This will help our company improve the quality of products, overall reliability, and the performance of all tools and libraries. This step is optional, you don't have to join our program. Select "Yes" or "No" depending on your decision, and then continue the software installation. When you join the Service Quality and Notification Improvement Program, your computer or device automatically transmits information about the use of FastReports Inc. products and software development technologies to FastReports Inc. For more information on the privacy policy, please refer to this link. Select the product you need in the installer window. The messages "Unavailable", "An old version of the product has been detected" mean that an old version of the product is installed by an old installer. If you want to update the old version, close the installer, uninstall the old version using the standard "Add/Remove Programs" tool, and then start the installation of the new version again. If you see this message after removing all old versions, please contact our technical support. Also, at this stage, you can select: Product version; Sources—Installation of source codes; Examples—Report templates; Framework—Installation of local .dll files. Then, you can select the path where the FastReport .NET software will be installed. Now everything is ready for the installation, click "Next" to start the installation process. This may take some time, depending on the selected components and the speed of your internet connection. At this stage, you can monitor the progress of the installation. The completion dialog will be shown after the installation of all selected components. To close the installer, click the "Finish" button.   Offline installation In rare cases, the ability to perform an offline installation is necessary to install the "FastReport.NET" software on computers without direct access to the Internet. Our installer allows you to do such an installation with remote activation. First, you will need data packages, so it is recommended to do a preliminary installation on a computer with Internet access. After the installation, go to the installation directory and copy all .dat files and the setup.exe file to a temporary medium. Connect the temporary medium to the computer without Internet access and start the installation. If you are unable to authenticate through the Internet, the following dialog will be available to you. Check the "Use manual registration" checkbox. After that, copy the key from the "Registration information" field and send it to the technical support service with a request for activation. Insert the response from the technical support service into the "Registration code" field and click "Next". The subsequent installation process will be similar to the standard installation of the "FastReport.NET Components" software. Now that the installation of FastReport .NET and its components in Windows is complete, you are ready to start using this powerful tool to create high-quality reports in .NET applications. Remember that FastReport .NET provides extensive reporting customization and generation capabilities, making it indispensable for developers. Use all of its features, experiment, and create reports that reflect your needs and requirements. Wishing you success in your work with FastReport .NET!

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