Online Designer

A visual template and report designer right in your browser

v. 2025.1.2

What reports can Online Designer do?

Practically any: invoices, financial reports, product catalogs with color profile support, restaurant menus, sales details, questionnaires with electronic forms, airline tickets, utility bills, and much more. If you have data that needs to be made visually understandable, FastReport is the perfect solution for you.

Features and Benefits Online Designer

Ease of use
You just need to connect the data, drag it onto the template page, adjust the display, and save the finished document.
Our designer can be run on the Android, iOS, or Windows platforms in any modern browser from a computer, tablet, communicator, game console, or TV.
Lots of components
A variety of elements are available for building reports in the designer: from text and images to mathematical formulas and 3D diagrams.
Quick access to the report and data structure
From the report tree and properties tree, you can edit the report structure, parameters, and filters, as well as data sources with global styles.
Compatibility and integration
Online Designer is part of the unified FastReport platform in C#. Create reports in the designer and store templates, ready-made files, and data sources in FastReport Cloud.
Available documentation
Take advantage of our documentation, free video tutorials, and numerous articles for every usage scenario of our product in your projects to achieve meaningful results in the shortest possible time.

Objects for reporting

Available objects: Text, Picture, Shape, Line, Subreports, Table, Matrix, Barcode, Graphs, Maps, RichText, Checkbox, Postal code, Text in cells, Exports in 40+ formats, Dialog forms, Data sources, Runtime Report Designer, Report script, Saving templates in clouds.

Localization is supported for more than 40 popular languages of the world.

Objects for reporting

Flexible customization

Configure the Online Designer to suit your preferences. Keep only the necessary components, as this will make the designer faster and more lightweight.

The Report Designer has an adaptive interface, as the user's interaction with the designer is tailored to the capabilities of the platform. Full functionality in the browser is possible thanks to the touch-oriented design. Additionally, our designer fully supports keyboard shortcuts.

The style of the Report Designer matches the style of your web application: from classic office to minimalist. Our Builder supports the creation of custom themes—choose the most pleasing colors for you in just a few clicks.

Flexible customization

Exports to convenient formats

Filters for exporting the finished report to many formats: PDF, RTF, XLSX, XML, DOCX, TXT, CSV, PowerPoint, HTML, MHT, XPS, JPEG, BMP, PNG, Open Document Format (ODT, ODS, ODP), XAML, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), DBF, PPML, etc. Cloud support: OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, FastReport Cloud.

Online Designer allows you to quickly convert reports with editable fields (such as text fields, combo boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and graphics fields) into PDF documents without connecting additional libraries. Save your reports in popular formats: PDF 1.5, PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, PDF/X-3 and PDF/X-4, which are secure, accessible and reliable.

Exports to convenient formats

Ultimate .NET

This set of components is part of the Ultimate solution, with which you can create your business projects on all modern .NET, ASP.NET, Blazor, WASM, WPF, WinForms, Avalonia UI, Mono, and other platforms. With your team, you can work both in the desktop designer and directly from the browser. The Ultimate package also includes components for data visualization, namely business graphics with a set of charts and OLAP products for fast processing of large data sets.

Delivery options

from $1,499
from $799
from $299
FastReport Engine
WEB components
WinForms components
WPF components
Mono components
Online Designer
Report script engine
Data connections
Reporting features
Report objects
Export in formats
Convertors from
Custom plugin support
Source Code

Resent articles

April 20, 2023

How to update FastReport Online Designer to the latest version

Starting with version 2021.4.5 FastReport Online Designer is switched to new licensing. You can read more about it in the license agreement. Along with it, there’s a new way of installing the updates. In order to update the Online Designer to the latest version you need to log into your customer panel: Then in the FastReport Online Designer tab switch to the FastReport Online Designer Builder page.  Now you need to set up the designer configuration.  After configuring your build, click the “Assemble” button, which is located to the right of the menu items. You can find the assembled version of FastReport Online Designer in the Latest Build section, which is located when you click on three dots. After the preceding steps are done, FastReport Online Designer will soon appear in the FastReport Online Designer Builder or be emailed to you. 
March 07, 2023

Configuring the API for building FastReport Online Designer

FastReport Online Designer Builder now can build the designer using the API. Previously, users had to manually build in FastReport Online Designer Builder. You could download the result or receive it by mail. Now you can automate this process to update FastReport Online Designer if the product version changes. To do this, you need to create features that work with the API and deploy the designer build on your servers. As an example of using the API, you can request a product version once a day, and if it has changed, automatically request a build. And after that, host the updated designer. API Key A user is authenticated using an API key, which you can create in FastReport Online Designer Builder. To create a key, you need to: 1) Log in to the build service under your account.2) Go to the "API Keys" section (located when clicking on three dots). 3) Click the ”+ Create" button   After that, you will have a new API key generated. You can click on the key to copy it and use it for authentication in API.   Build request To request a build, make a POST request at: The request body must contain at least your API key. If you don’t specify the parameter, its default Value will be used! Minimum request example: { "APIkey": "Your API key" } The parameters that the API accepts for build are described below. Parameters  Parameter  Description  themes  The build theme.  Data type: string  See the values in the themes table.  components  Components to be included in the build.  Data type: array  See the values in the components table.  bands  Bands to be included in the build.  Data type: array  See the values in the bands table.  controls  The dialog box controls to be included in the build.  Data type: array  See the values in the controls table.  plugins  Plugins to be included in the build.  Data type: array  See the values in the plugins table.  customization  The control panels to be included in the build.  Data type: array  See the values in the panels table.  config  Build configuration.  Data type: object  See the object structure in the settings table.   Themes  Value  Description  none  No theme  classic  Use classic theme  mini  Use minimal theme   Components  Value  Description  TextObject  Text Component  PictureObject  Picture Component  ShapeObject  Shape Component  PolygonObject  Polygon Component  PolyLineObject  Polyline Component  LineObject  Line Component  SubreportObject  Subreport Component  TableObject  Table Component  MatrixObject  Matrix Component  AdvMatrixObject  Advanced Matrix Component  BarcodeObject  Barcode Component  RichObject  Rich Text Component  CheckBoxObject  Checkbox Component  CellularTextObject  Cellular Text Component  LinearGauge  Linear Gauge Component  SimpleGauge  Simple Gauge Component  RadialGauge  Radial Gauge Component  SimpleProgressGauge  Simple Progress Gauge Component  HtmlObject  HTML Component  SVGObject  SVG Component  ContainerObject  Container Component  DigitalSignatureObject  Digital Signature Component  MapObject  Map Component   Bands  Value  Description  ReportTitleBand  Report Title  ReportSummaryBand  Report Summary  PageHeaderBand  Page Header  PageFooterBand  Page Footer  ColumnHeaderBand  Column Header  ColumnFooterBand  Column Footer  DataHeaderBand  Data Header  DataBand  Data  DataFooterBand  Data Footer  GroupHeaderBand  Group Header  GroupFooterBand  Group Footer  ChildBand  Child Band  OverlayBand  Overlay Band   Controls  Value  Description  ButtonControl  Button  CheckBoxControl  Checkbox  CheckedListBoxControl  Checked List  ComboBoxControl  Text with Combobox  DateTimePickerControl  Date Time Picker  LabelControl  Label  ListBoxControl  List  MonthCalendarControl  Calendar  RadioButtonControl  Radio Button  TextBoxControl  Text Box   Plugins  Value  Description  CODE  Page with Code  GUIDES  Guidance Lines  POSITION_BLOCK  Position of the component when moving  RULER  Ruler  BAND_HORZ_RESIZER  Band Horizontal Resizing  HOTKEY  Hot Keys  CONTEXT_MENU  Context Menu  DBLCLICK  Double Click   Panels  Value  Description  Properties  Properties Panel  Events  Events Panel  ReportTree  Repot Tree Panel  Data  Data Panel  Preview  Page Preview Panel   Settings  Value  Description  features  Data type: array  See the list of values in the features table.  entryName  Data type: object {     "name": "index",     "ext": "html" }  publicPath  Data type: string.  Public path to the application on the server.  saveSuccessRedirect  Data type: object. {       "url": null,       "blank": false,       "useParent": false,       "removeConfirmation": true }        customFonts  Link to fonts  API  Data type: array  See the list of values in the API table.   Features {     "name": "SHOW_BAND_TITLE",     "enabled": true } Object contains feature key and checkbox  Value  Description  SHOW_BAND_TITLE  Band Title  ADD_BANDS  Adding bands  SORT_BANDS  Sorting bands  RESIZE_BANDS  Resizing bands  CONFIRM_BEFORE_EXIT  Confirm Before Exit  MOVABLE_POPUPS  Movable Popups  REVISION_FILES  Hash In File Names  MINIFY  Code Minification  ENABLE_PREVIEW_BUTTON  Preview Button  READONLY_MODE  Disable Editing  AUTOSAVE  Autosave   API {     "name": "API_SAVE_REPORT",     "value": "../FastReport.Export.axd?putReport=#{id}" } The object contains an API key and a link  Value  Description  API_SAVE_REPORT  Report saving  API_MAKE_PREVIEW  Report Preview  API_GET_REPORT  Getting report  API_GET_FUNCTIONS  Getting functions  API_GET_CUSTOM_CONFIG  Application Config  API_GET_CONNECTION_TYPES  Connection Types  API_GET_CONNECTION_TABLES  Connection Tables  API_GET_CONNECTION_STRING_PROPERTIES  Connection String Properties  API_MAKE_CONNECTION_STRING  Creating the Connection String  API_GET_MSCHART_TEMPLATE  MSChart Template After requesting a build, you will get a UUID to check its status. Example of the response: { "message": "Successfully queued", "code": 0, "payload": { "UUID": "25d36576-c5e2-49f4-8ab0-73838c457336" } }   Checking the build status To check the build status, make a GET request to:{apiKey}/{buildUUID} The link should contain your API key used for the build and the UUID you got when you requested it. You can see several statuses in the response depending on the build stage. 1 (QUEUED) –The build is scheduled and is now queued.2 (PROCESSING) –Build started but still processing.3 (BUILT) – The completed, you can download it. Example of the response: { "code": 0, "payload": { "statusCode": 2, "statusText": "PROCESSING" } } If the build is completed, you will receive a download link in the response.   Downloading the latest build To download the built application, make a GET request to:{apiKey}  Specify your API key in the link. In response to the request, you will receive an archive file with the built application.   Getting the current version of FastReport Online Designer Make a GET request to get the current version of the application:{apiKey} Specify your API key in the link. In response, you will receive the current version of FastReport Online Designer. Example of the response: { "payload": { "version": "2023.1.3" }, "code": 0 } Our team will continue to improve the client experience when working with FastReport products. For any questions, contatc our support at
September 14, 2022

5 functions for working with reports in FastReport Online Designer

The time for Fast Reports products is not standing still. Every month we add new functions and objects and improve and optimize the current code. There have been some updates in FastReport Online Designer, which improve usability and simplify report creation. Here is their list: Autosave; Selection of several objects in the report tree and table cells; Setting favorite properties for objects; You can change property values for multiple selected objects; The settings of FastReport Online Designer Builder are now saved when you specify a new configuration. Now you don't need to set values all over again. Autosave Now you can enable Autosave in FastReport Online Designer. This can be done in two ways. 1. To enable Autosave in the already built FastReport Online Designer.2. To set the corresponding option in FastReport Online Designer Builder. Let's take a closer look at these two methods. Autosave in the already built FastReport Online Designer To enable Autosave, set the Autosave option to true in the build.json file, which is located in the directory with the built-up designer.   Autosave in FastReport Online Designer Builder You can also enable Autosave in the designer builder. This option is located in the "Settings" tab.   Selecting multiple objects in the report tree and table cells We have added the ability to select multiple items in the report tree by holding Shift or Ctrl.   This also works with table cells.   Favorite Properties for Objects We have added the ability to mark an object property as a Favorite. Now you do not need to search a frequently changed property each time. To add a property to "Favorites", right-click on it and select "Add to Favorites" in the context menu.   Changing property values for multiple selected objects Now you can change property values for several objects at the same time:   Saving settings for FastReport Online Designer Builder Previously, FastReport Online Designer Builder did not remember the selected options, and you had to set all the options again each time with a new configuration. Now it remembers the values.   The FastReport Online Designer development team is committed to improving the user experience. In the future, FastReport Online Designer will offer even more useful features that simplify report creation. We are always open to feedback from you. Contact our support!
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