FastReport .NET Avalonia

A universal component for generating reports when developing cross-platform applications using Avalonia UI

What reports can FastReport .NET Avalonia do?

Practically any: invoices, financial reports, product catalogs with color profile support, restaurant menus, sales details, questionnaires with electronic forms, airline tickets, utility bills, and much more. If you have data that needs to be made visually understandable, FastReport is the perfect solution for you.

Features and Benefits Avalonia

Embeddability in projects
Install the necessary packages from the NuGet repository, or download packages from our website and add the necessary libraries to the project. No additional modules or special extensions are required.
Saving development resources
The advantage of the Avalonia framework, multiplied by the ease of working with FastReport: create reporting components for your application for three platforms at once: macOS, Linux, and Windows. One piece of code—three platforms!
Quick access to the report and data structure
From the report tree and properties tree, you can edit the report structure, parameters, and filters, as well as data sources with global styles.
Compatibility and integration
Avalonia is part of the unified FastReport platform in C#. In FastReport Cloud, you can store your templates, reports, and data sources, and then use them in the desktop designer.
Smooth transition from other solutions
Our report generator instantly converts your reports from List&Label, DevExpress, Microsoft Reporting Services (RDL, RDLC), Crystal Reports, StimulSoft, and Jasper Library into FastReport format.
Graphics engine
SkiaSharp is used as a renderer, which allows you to build beautiful, professional-looking reports in maximum quality.

Template designer

The standalone desktop report designer is the heart of FastReport. It allows both developers and users to create, edit, view, save, export, and print custom reports without much hassle. The designer can be used at run-time. This will allow your users to independently edit existing documents and create new ones. The designer can also be used in MDI (Multi-Document Interface) mode to work with several reports simultaneously.

Localization is supported for more than 25 popular languages of the world.

FastReport .NET Avalonia is a band-oriented report generator. A rich set of bands allows you to build reports of any type: list, master-detail, report with grouping, multi-column, master-detail-detail, and others. If you need to create many reports that contain the same elements (header, footer, company details, logos), then you can collect common elements into a base report and inherit all other reports from it. We also support subreports.

Template designer

Data processing

FastReport .NET Avalonia works with ADO .NET data sources. It supports the sorting and filtering of data and master-detail relationships. Everything can be configured with just a few mouse clicks. It is possible to connect to ADO, MS SQL, and XML databases. Connectors are available for connecting to other types of databases, and it is also possible to retrieve data from business objects of type IEnumerable.

Your report can contain data (tables, queries, DB connections). Thus, you can not only use the data available in your application but also connect directly to any database from the report itself. FastReport .NET Avalonia contains a scripting engine that supports C# and VB .NET. You can use the full power of .NET in your report for complex data processing, managing dialog forms, and much more.

The report can contain dialog forms for requesting parameters before generating the report. Dialog controls support the ability to connect to data and then filter it. Filtering can be added to any report, and it does not require writing any code. Using the visual query designer, you don't need to know SQL to build a complex query from multiple tables.

Data processing

Preview and print

The pre-prepared report can be examined in detail in the Report Viewer's preview window. Our component supports working with parameters, multi-level detailing, and interactive reports. You can define the reaction to a mouse click on an object in the preview window. For example, you can build and display another report that shows detailed information about the object the user clicked on.

Additional printing settings. The following options are available to you: cutting large report pages into small ones, printing several small pages on one large one, and printing in a given format with scaling. Do you need to print a report containing A3 pages on a regular A4 printer? Now, this is not a problem!

Preview and print

Exports to convenient formats

Filters for exporting the finished report to various formats: PDF, RTF, XLSX, XML, DOCX, TXT, CSV, PowerPoint, HTML, MHT, XPS, JPEG, BMP, PNG, Open Document Format (ODT, ODS, ODP), XAML, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), DBF, PPML, etc. Cloud support: OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, FastReport Cloud.

FastReport .NET Avalonia allows you to quickly convert reports with editable fields (such as text fields, combo boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and graphic fields) into PDF documents without connecting additional libraries. Save your reports in popular formats: PDF 1.5, PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, PDF/X-3, and PDF/X-4, which are secure, accessible, and reliable.

Exports to convenient formats

Ultimate .NET

This set of components is part of the Ultimate solution, with which you can create your business projects on all modern .NET, ASP.NET, Blazor, WASM, WPF, WinForms, Avalonia UI, Mono, and other platforms. With your team, you can work both in the desktop designer and directly from the browser. The Ultimate package also includes components for data visualization, namely business graphics with a set of charts and OLAP products for fast processing of large data sets.

Delivery options

from $1,499


FastReport Engine
WEB components
WinForms components
Avalonia components
WPF components
Mono components
Online Designer
FastReport.Drawing (Skia)
System.Drawing (GDI)
Report script languages
Report script engine
Data connections
Reporting features
Report objects
Export in formats
Convertors from
Custom plugin support
Source Code
from $599


FastReport Engine
WEB components
WinForms components
Avalonia components
WPF components
Mono components
Online Designer
FastReport.Drawing (Skia)
System.Drawing (GDI)
Report script languages
Report script engine
Data connections
Reporting features
Report objects
Export in formats
Convertors from
Custom plugin support
Source Code
Fast Reports
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  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portuguese)
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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