20. Dezember 2021

Fast Reports' speaker at Basta!

Vitaliy-EzepchukWe are proud to present our speaker at one of the biggest .NET conferences in Europe - Basta! 

Our team lead of cloud development Vitaliy will talk about Load balancing with Rabbit MQ.

Here's the synopsis of his talk: 

One of the most popular solutions for load balancing is message queues. How to distribute the load evenly among users so that no one is left out? In this session you will learn about developing a distribution system on .NET 6 using Rabbit MQ queues, dynamically adding new users, and comparing it with prioritized queues.

Vitaly is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics & Computer Science of Southern Federal University. Developed bots for computer games in .NET and Java. Was working with migration modeling problems. Among his hobbies are mathematics, fishing, guitar, and Minecraft modding.

If you're at Basta in Frankfurt or online - make sure to visit his talk and ask questions during the Q&A session. 

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