17. Dezember 2011

Improved customer panel

We have updated the customers web-panel. We hope it is easier to use; you can tune it (select which IDE you use, which files you want to see for downloading etc.) and it is now available in 4 languages (with 3 more to be added very soon - if you want to add your own language, please write to us). 

It is only available for our customers: please come and check it out now: https://cp.fast-report.com

We are waiting for your opinion.

Fast Reports
  • 800-985-8986 (Englisch, die USA)
  • +4930568373928 (Deutsch)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • info@fast-report.com
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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