11. Juli 2011

Rebranding of FastReport Studio and release of FastReport for COM/ActiveX v.4.9

1. From the version 4.9 FastReport Studio has new name. From now FastReport Studio Developer Edition names FastReport for COM/ActiveX, FastReport Studio Business Edition - FastReport for Business.
These names more storng describe targets of products.

2. 11 of July FastReport for COM/ActiveX and FastReport for Business v.4.9 released

What news?

+ pictures format in all exports switched to PNG

It gives possibilities to use all the preferences of the PNG-formats, like quality, alpha-channels, size (in BIFF and HTML). Also it solves problems with preview on Apple-devices.

+ added export to DBF format - it can be use for data exchange of modules of different business applications

+ added new property ExpandDrillDown to IfrxReport interface - it allows control DrillDown reports programmatically

Version 4.9

- fixed bug in the PDF export in rotating texts 90, 180 and 270 degrees
- fixed bug in the ODF export in processing of headers and footers
- fixed bug in the Text export in computing object bounds
- fixed bug in the ODF export in UTF8 encoding
- fixed hiding gridlines around nonempty cells in the BIFF export
+ added property TfrxODFExport.SingleSheet
+ added property TfrxSimpleTextExport.DeleteEmptyColumns
- fixed images bluring when exporting
+ optimised merging cells in the BIFF export
- fixed word wrapping in the Excel XML export
- fixed bug in XML export with the ShowProgress property
- fixed bug in RTF export with font size in empty cells
- fixed bug in ODF export with UTF8 encoding of the Creator field
- fixed bug in XML export with processing special characters in strings
- fixed bug in ODF export with properties table:number-columns-spanned, table:number-rows-spanned
- fixed bug in ODF export with the background clNone color
- fixed bug in ODF export with a style of table:covered-table-cell
- fixed bug in ODF export with table:covered-table-cell duplicates
- fixed bug in ODF export with excessive text:p inside table:covered-table-cell
- fixed bug in ODF export with language styles
- fixed bug in ODF export with spaces and tab symbols
- fixed bug in ODF export with styles of number cells
- fixed bug in ODF export with the background picture
- fixed bug in ODF export with charspacing
- fixed bug in ODF export with number formatting
- fixed bug in ODF export with table-row tag
- fixed bug in XLS(OLE) export with numbers formatting
- fixed bug in RTF export with processing RTF fields
- fixed bug with processing special symbols in HTML Export
- fixed bug with UTF8 encoding in ODF export
- fixed bug in PDF export with underlined, struck-out and rotated texts

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  • info@fast-report.com
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