5. September 2005

FastReport 3.17 Studio released

+ added the export image options command-line keys (/dpi=xx /quality=xx /mono /unite /crop )
+ added emulation of the runtime mode in standalone designer (/runtime command-line key)
+ added GIF export
+ added Language selector in Designer (View menu)
+ added pdf and e-mail export buttons in preview toolbar
+ added right mouse button menu in Preview
+ added full screen mode in Preview (F11 hot-key)
+ added User Manual
+ added Programmer Manual
+ added Command-Line Manual
+ added IfrxView interface
+ added new demo reports with charts
+ added language resources support
* changed the registry key of Connection aliases from HKCU to HKLM
* rewrited Visual C++ demo
* changed installer 
- Fixed bug in Command-line export featutre
- fixed bug with Designer windows
- fixed event OnClickObject

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  • info@fast-report.com
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