6. November 2013

New version FastReport Mono 2014

+ added multi tabs preview in WebReport
+ added support of ASP.NET MVC framework (ASPX, Razor) in WebReport
* IMPORTANT! changed extension of WebReport handler (from FastReport.Export.aspx to FastReport.Export.axd),
please check existing web.config
+ added dialogs in WebReport (some controls and features are in development now)
+ added AJAX in WebReport
+ added new customizable toolbar in WebReport
+ extended checking for errors of exporting
- fixed frame in text export
- fixed bug with the re-export to PDF from code
- fixed bug in Excel 2007 export with styles for multi-page report template
- fixed bug in Excel 2007 export with empty page name
- fixed bug in PictureObject
- fixed bug in the Word 2007 export in layer mode
- fixed bug in TrueType font parser
- fixed connection timeout for PostgreSQL

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  • info@fast-report.com
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