We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
1. FastReport 4.01 released
What is new?
+ added ability to show designer inside panel
(TfrxReport.DesignReportInPanel method). See new demo
+ added TeeChart7 Std support
+ [server] added "User" parameter in TfrxReportServer.OnGetReport,
TfrxReportServer.OnGetVariables and
TfrxReportServer.OnAfterBuildReport events
+ added Cross.KeepTogether property
+ added TfrxReport.PreviewOptions.PagesInCache property
- barcode fix (export w/o preview bug)
- fixed bug in preview (AV with zoommode = zmWholePage)
- fixed bug with outline + drilldown
- fixed datasets in inherited report
- [install] fixed bug with library path set up in BDS/Turbo C++
Builder installation
- fixed pagefooter position if page.EndlessWidth is true
- fixed shift bug
- fixed design-time inheritance (folder issues)
- fixed chm help file path
- fixed embedded fonts in PDF
- fixed preview buttons
- fixed bug with syntax highlight
- fixed bug with print scale mode
- fixed bug with control.Hint
- fixed edit preview page
- fixed memory leak in cross-tab
2. Special Christmas Offer from Fast Reports.
Only two weeks. Only for upgrade FastReport 3 to 4 Standard,
Professional and Enterprise.
Use this links for ordering FastReport with discount:
from FastReport 3 to 4 Standard:
from FastReport 3 to 4 Professional:
from FastReport 3 to 4 Enterprise:
3. We have moved to new address:
off. 502, Oborony str. 24
344082, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Phone: +7 863 2270740
Fax: +7 863 2270736