FastCube FMX 1.1 enthält die folgenden Veränderungen und Aktualisierungen:
+ Added property TfcxAxisContainer.DimCaption[ALevel: TfcxSmallCount; AVisIndex: Integer]: TfcxString
+ Added OnPrepareSaveDialog event for export components. This allows to setup save dialog before showing it to user.
+ Additional totals uses property CalcTotalsOnTotals
+ Added sorting in CubeGrid and DetailGrid
+ Added TfcxSlice.ApplyDefaultSettings
+ Added TfcxSlice.ResetDisplayLabelOfFields
+ Added aggregate function Weighted arithmetic mean
+ Added aggregate function Median
+ Added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio XE8 (Delphi XE8/C++Builder XE8)
* Acceleration and optimization calculation of measures
* Hide "Sort" menu item for "Measures" field since it has no sense for it
* Renamed property TfcxMeasureField.SliceField2 to TfcxMeasureField.SliceFieldDistinct
* Reimplemented XML-A export
- Fixed errors in HTML and Excel exports
- Fixed error in HTML and Excel exports (error with property RepeatValues)
- Fixed error in TfcxAxisContainer.DimValue
- Fixed error with SmallInt
- Fixed: SliceFieldExtra is not saved in Measure Editor
- Fixed errors of calculation of totals which based on other totals
- Fixed errors of measures calculation
- Fixed error of loading filters with NULL value
- Fixed error with attributes referenced from main dataset
- Fixed error in TfcxMeasuresContainer.SetPosition
- Fixed error in HideZero
- Fixed error in TfcxAxisContainer.DimValue
- Fixed memory allocation error in xls Export on 64bit platforms