How to update FastReport Online Designer to the latest version


FastReport Online Designer

Starting with version 2021.4.5 FastReport Online Designer is switched to new licensing. You can read more about it in the license agreement.

Along with it, there’s a new way of installing the updates. In order to update the Online Designer to the latest version you need to log into your customer panel:

Then in the FastReport Online Designer tab switch to the FastReport Online Designer Builder page. 

Client Panel

Now you need to set up the designer configuration. 

Designer's Configurator

After configuring your build, click the “Assemble” button, which is located to the right of the menu items.

The “Rebuild” button

You can find the assembled version of FastReport Online Designer in the Latest Build section, which is located when you click on three dots.

Completing the update

After the preceding steps are done, FastReport Online Designer will soon appear in the FastReport Online Designer Builder or be emailed to you. 

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