
June 16, 2020

New version of FastCube VCL 2.11

Added Rad Studio 10.4 support Starting with this version we add Rad Studio 10.4 support. Highlight of measure cells In this version we significantly improved FastCube VCL cell highlight abilities. We added new highlight classes, improved classes we had before and fixed errors. TfcxTopHighlight class - highligh most and least cells TfcxAverageHighlight - highlight cells comparing with average TfcxUniqueHighlight - highlight repeatable and unique cells TfcxExpressionHighlight - highlight cells matched expressions   We also imporoved bar chart highlight (TfcxContinuousHighlight class): now negative and positive values can be drawn using different style and on different sides of axis. Other major changes Major refactoring of the TfcxContinousHighlight with breaking of the compatibility:  Before: TfcxContinuousHighlightValueType enum had BoundByRow, BoundByCol, PercentByRow, PercentByCol, PercentileByRow, PercentileByCol elements. Now: Those elements replaced by Bound, Percent and Percentile elements. Added new enum TfcxHighlightScanDirection and the approptiate property ScanDirection common for all Highlight types with the Auto, Rows and Columns elements. New saves wont correctly work in the old version. Effect: Highlight setup simplification due to reduced combobox lists. Auto element suit for most cases and does not break highlight (as before) after "Measures" field move from the rows to the columns and vice versa. Errors Fixed TDate, TTime, TDateTime fields parse for Lazarus/FPC Fixed array out of bounds error in TfcxSliceGrid ------ + Added support for RAD Studio 10.4 + Added cell highlight option compared with average value (TfcxAverageHighlight). + Added most/least N cell highlight option (TfcxTopHighlight). + Added repeatable/unique cell highlight option (TfcxUniqueHighlight). + Added cell highlight based on expressions (TfcxExpressionHighlight). + Added negative value settings for ContinuousHighlight with Kind = ContinuousHighlightKind.BarChart + Added event TfcxCustomToolbar.BeforeDialogExecute * Major refactoring of the TfcxContinousHighlight with breaking of the compatibility - Fixed TDate, TTime, TDateTime fields parse for Lazarus/FPC - Fixed array out of bounds error in TfcxSliceGrid
May 28, 2020

New version of FastReport VCL - 6.7

In the new version we’ve added support of the latest version of IDE -  Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4 and extended integration with Steema TeeChart Pro. Added support for new series (see the list of changes for a complete list). Added a new class to help simplify the creation of barcodes for payment standards using “Swiss Payment Standard” as an example. Thanks to your feedback, we improved Code completion in the script code editor. Added new ability to edit RichView direct from the preview window.  Also, added and improved few reports in Main Demo.   All changes:    Version 6.7 + Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4 + Added InPlaceEditor for TfrxRichView allows to edit RichView in the preview window; + Added Swiss Payment Standard presets for QRCode barcode; + Added Logo property for QRCode barcode; + Added extended support of TeeChart pro series :   TPolarContourSeries, TEquiVolumeSeries, TCircularGauge,   TClockGauge, TNumericGauge, TBigCandleSeries,   TDeltaPointSeries, TImageBarSeries, TImagePointSeries,   TWindRoseSeries, TErrorPoint3DSeries, TErrorPointSeries,   TEqualizerSeries, TBeeSwarmSeries, TPolarGridSeries, TOrgSeries, TKagiSeries,   TRenkoSeries,TTagCloudSeries, THighLowLineSeries,   TVolumePipeSeries, TTreeMapSeries, TKnobGauge, TRoseSeries,   TTernarySeries,TDarvasSeries; + Added helper for Fill casting AsBrushFill/AsGradientFill/AsGlassFill (TfrxCustomFill) + Added TfrxPostProcessor.ResetDuplicates - can reset duplicated from script + Added DrillState property to rtti (check how to use in 151.fr3 report) + Added arrows left - right keys for filtration during Code completion + Added Processing for TfrxSysMemoView + Added TfrxDesigner.OnAfterUpdateReport event * Added New "What's new" report * Improved few demo reports in MainDemo + [Lazarus] Added LazChart RTTI modules - [Lazarus] Fixed bug when TfrxBitBtnControl doesn't show glyph when run designer from Lazarus IDE - [Lazarus] Fixed Toolbar in the report designer for scale larger than 100% - Fixed preview tabs in custom preview control - Syntax memo Drag and Drop DataTree insert text to mouse position - Syntax memo code completion disabled inside string 'Text' block - Fixed Images in PPTX export with screen scale 125% - Fixed text wrap for CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET charset in non unicode output - Inherited reports convert path to short if its too long - Inherited reports Loading optimized - Use PostScript font name in PDF when font name contains multi-byte chars - Fixed bug when reports threads may stall inside IIS DLL (New synch threads mechanism for DLL) - Fixed scope of script variables in code completion - Fixed var parameter in declaration for code completion * Code completion now replaces whole ident , not just insert new in cursor position * Code completion window now resizable - Fixed code completion bug for variables declared in group like : 'm1, m2, m3: TfrxView;' - [Lazarus] Fixed Map object de-serialization of points - [Lazarus] Fixed bug with preview PageCache which causes wrong behavior in interactive reports - Interactive charts fix with zoom in preview - Fixed RestoreDefaults behavior - Fixed bug when interactive events may fire before chart was filled - Fixed bug with TfrxMapGeodataLayer.MapDataSet in Map Editor dialog * [Lazarus] Optimized MaxiCode output - Fixed bug with Mercator property * [Lazarus] Fixed modal dialogs in preview under Linux GTK - Fixed Detail report bug when rebuilds report using TfrxCustomPreview.Report (Collapse/expand drills). - Fixed bug with KeepHeader and ReprintOnNewPage in multi-column reports * [Lazarus] Optimized work with fonts under Linux GTK - Fixed font charset for RTF export
May 20, 2020

New version of FastReport .NET - 2020.3

In the new version of FastReport .NET 2020.3 we added a new type of QR code, Swiss QR Code. There are new properties VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression, and ExportableExpression. These properties allow to configure values of Visible, Printable, and Exportable properties depending on certain condition.   Also saving of embedded fonts in the PDF export has been optimized, as a result, file sizes have significantly decreased.   In addition, FastReport.Core and FastReport.OpenSource can be compiled on Unix-systems now. Discontinued support of .NET framework 2.0.   Version 2020.3 ---------------     [Engine] + added new type of QR code, Swiss QR Code + added property MatrixObject.PrintIfEmpty, which allows displaying the matrix even if it is empty + added property Page.LastPageSource, which allows to configure the printer tray for printing the last page of the report + added VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression, and ExportableExpression properties > these properties allow to set the value of the Visible, Printable, and Exportable properties, depending on the fulfillment of the specified condition * discontinued support of .NET Framework 2.0 - fixed a bug with text object visibility when Highlight.Visible parameter is enabled - fixed a bug with work of property PrintableExpression     [Designer] - fixed a bug where drag&drop to the matrix didn't work - fixed a bug leading to System.FormatException when opening DevExpress files - fixed a bug "Count cannot be less than zero." when opening DevExpress files - fixed a bug with moving objects in the report tree while holding down the Ctrl key - fixed a bug with drop down menu of select color button     [Preview] - fixed a bug with setting exports list using Config.PreviewSettings - fixed a bug where the report could only be saved in the Box, regardless of the cloud storage selected in the menu     [Exports] * optimized saving of embedded fonts in PDF-export. File size has decreased significantly. - fixed a bug with incorrect indents in export to OpenOffice Writer - fixed a bug with incorrect size of picture in export to RTF - fixed a bug with page breaks in export to OpenOffice Writer - fixed a bug with paragraph offset in export to OpenOffice Writer - fixed a bug with text justify in exports to OpenOffice Writer and OpenOffice Spreadsheet - fixed a bug in Excel export (BIFF8)     [WebReport] - fixed a bug with resource loading in WebReport (OpenSource version) - fixed a bug with image scaling in WebReport - fixed a bug with timeout exception while saving a report in the Online Designer - fixed a bug with calls of WebReport.ExportPdf, WebReport.ExportCsv, WebReport.ExportRtf, etc.     [.Net Core] * fixed compilation error FastReport.Core and FastReport.OpenSource on Unix-systems (because of net40 in targetFrameworks) - fixed some API errors in report code, available in System.Drawing.Primitives - fixed broken button "Open after export" in FR.Core3
May 18, 2020

New version of FastReport Mono - 2020.3

In the new version we added ability to import RTF documents into report templates which makes work with FastReport easier for beginners. After converting add the data source and arrange fields in objects. In ver. 2020.3 there is a new type of export which allows printing tags on printers that support ZPL Template of ZPL tag (report) Printed ZPL Tag All changes:  Version 2020.3[Engine] + added import of RTF documents into report* merged codebase of FastReport.Net and FastReport.Mono [Designer] * slight UI improvements* Messages window now remembers its size/visibility+ added Polygon toolbar in the designer+ added description control in the Data Dictionary window- fixed bugs in GUI [Exports] + added ZPL export- fixed size of PDF file with interactive forms+ fixed RTF image size+ added indent in ODT export* improved detection of font location in Linux
April 21, 2020

New version of FastReport FMX - 2.7

In the new version we’ve added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3 with latest updates and support of new platform MacOS x64.  Export to PDF significantly improved in this version: we added block text align and improved work with fonts. Also, wrap and draw of text object was improved. Full list of changes: Version 2.7 --------------- + Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3 + Added MacOS x64 support + Added support of block align in text object (HAlign=haBlock) in PDF Export + Added ability to move report pages tabs in the report designer + Added popup menu for pages Tab in the report Designer - Improved text wrap realization - Improvement text draw between different platforms - Fixed preview content scaling for 150% scale or above - Fixed HTML tag subscript printing - Fixed inactive report designer when switching to dialog page(OSX). - Fixed changing of page orientation - Fixed draw of arial narrow font in D2D context for RAD Studio 10.2 and above - Fixed text split for simple text render - Fixed fsUnderline style in font GDIP canvas cache - Fixed right align in PDF export - Fixed space Width in PDF export - Fixed font names in PDF export - Fixed wrong result of CalclHeight function - Fixed Hint callouts in the report preview and the report designer - Fixed Modal dialogs order under OSX for Rad Studio 10.2.3 - Fixed bug in PDF export under OSX - Fixed bug in TfrxMemoView with HAlign=haRight - Fixed PDF export when font has multi byte name like "MS ゴシック" - Fixed bugs with DBLookupComboBox DialogPage control - Fixed error with PictureCache in file under MacOS - Fixed "Object lock not owned" error message for Chart object - Fixed DialogPage for RAD Studio 10.2 (Position, Font, BorderStyle) - Fixed truncate of the last symbol in PDF export undex OSX - Fixed error with combobox in object inspector - Fixed preview lock during exports - Fixed barcode lines - Fixed AV in the TfrxCustomMemoView.DrawPart + Added TfrxPreview.PageSetupDialog for C++Builder compatibility - Fixed infinite loop in the TfrxMemoView.WrapText - Fixed IDE freeze when designer minimized - Fixed AV in the PDF export - Fixed export of fixed-width fonts to PDF
April 07, 2020

New version of FastCube .NET 2020.1

Added ASP.NET Core package Starting with this version we add ASP.Net Core support. Two interactive web-controls are ready for use: WebSliceGrid and WebCubeGrid (SliceGrid and CubeGrid for web).   ONLINE DEMO      Highlight of measure cells In this version we significantly improved FastCube .Net cell highlight abilities. We added new highlight classes, improved classes we had before and fixed errors. * TopHighlight class - highligh most and least cells* AverageHighlight - highlight cells comparing with average* UniqueHighlight - highlight repeatable and unique cells* ExpressionHighlight - highlight cells matched expressions * We also imporoved bar chart highlight (ContinuousHighlight class): now negative and positive values can be drawn using different style and on different sides of axis. Please refer to our updated FastCube .Net documentation for more details and usage examples. Saving to clouds We added support for saving cube, slice and exports to Google Drive, DropBox and FTP Other major changes * Export menu is merged with Save menu in SliceGridToolBar and CubeGridToolBar* Moved Highlight classes to the FastReport.Olap.Highlight namespace* Major refactoring of the ContinousHighlight with breaking of the compatibility: Before: ContinuousHighlightValueType enum had BoundByRow, BoundByCol, PercentByRow, PercentByCol, PercentileByRow, PercentileByCol elements. Now: Those elements replaced by Bound, Percent and Percentile elements. Added new enum HighlightScanDirection and the approptiate property ScanDirection common for all Highlight types with the Auto, Rows and Columns elements. New saves wont correctly work in the old version and in the current version of FastCube VCL 2. Effect: Highlight setup simplification due to reduced combobox lists. Auto element suit for most cases and does not break highlight (as before) after "Measures" field move from the rows to the columns and vice versa.  Errors * Fixed error with "copy to clipboard" operation of the SliceGrid data zone cells.* Fixed error with the chart building.* Fixed error with closing passed stream inside the Cube.Save(Stream) method.* Fixed error with export to XLS format
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