The new version of FastReport .NET 2020.2 supports the PDF/A-1a standard in PDF export, and added new export to DXF.
Now there is a version of FastReport .NET Core compatible with Core 3 and Core 3.1.
Also in FastReport .NET Core added support for MSChart.
In addition, functions have been added to the online designer for FastReport .NET Core.
+ added property Report.Tag
+ added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.
+ added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
+ added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel and SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
+ added an ability to split table rows
+ added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly
- fixed a bug with parsing xml with hexidecimal values, e.g. "To create it:
+ added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
+ added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
+ added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
+ added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
+ added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
+ added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
* when changing the window, the context menu now closes
* now during autosave the selected item from the properties window is not reset
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor
+ added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
+ added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
+ added export to DXF
+ added support of PDF/A-1a standard in PDF export
- fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
- fixed a bug where exporting to EMF called an exception
- fixed display of objects with negative height/width for layered Html-export
[.Net Core]
+ added version of FastReport for Core 3/3.1 for Windows-only
+ added MSChart support
+ added Functions in Online Designer
* updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
* changed access modifier PrintPdf and PrintHtml
* added a new way for saving reports in online-designer: DesignerSaveCallBack is obsolete, please use DesignerSaveMethod instead