
October 15, 2024

Updating .NET products to version 2025.1

In this release, we have focused on implementing long-awaited features that greatly simplify the process of developing templates for reports.
December 13, 2021

New version of FastReport VCL 2022.1 is here! 

  We added support of digital multi-signature for documents in PDF format. A PDF export file can be sign with more than one digital certificates. One document – several signatures. All in one file. New ability to export all opened tabs in preview window into one file while saving junction through Hyperlink functionality (not all export filters support junction by anchors).   Saving reports are easy. New transport filter for saving and loading reports and exported documents into Yandex Disk. New abilities of reporting server. The client-server component now has ability to process and convert prepared reports loaded by client to different formats supported by FastReport VCL. Is easy to create converting server of prepared reports. Fast edit of expressions. The enhanced text objects editors have ability to insert an expression “on the fly” with help of build-in data tree and Drag&Drop support. The improvement affects the editors of the Rich, Text and HTML object. Added support of right to left output for HTML tags with RTLReading property turned on. Also, we made lots of fixes and improvements. Check the full list of changes. Version 2022.1 ---------------------------- + Added support of multi-sign in PDF export; + New ability of the ReportServer component to load and convert prepared reports from a client and convert in to specified export format; + Added ability to export all tabs with prepared reports to one export file; + Added new transport filter to YaDisk; + Added support of RTL for Text object with HTML tags when RTLReading is enabled; * Improved objects editors for Text, HTML and Rich objects for fast expression insertion; + Added TfrxSVGGraphicCache check SVGCache in Demos folder; + Added RTTI information for DataLink behavior; + Add new classes to FireDAC RTTI; + Added basic script RTTI for PDFView object; + Added DataSet and DataField to PDFView object; + Added function to set path to Pdfium library from the code (frxPDFiumDLLPathSet); * Updated How to build DLL with report components example; * Update import form QuickReport (conversion of TQRDQuery, TQRDTable ,TQRDesignSubdetail); * Improved processing of ARC in Emf to PDF/SVG converter; - Fixed bug with email export via MS Outlook; - Fixed bug with empty page in DOCX export; - Fixed bug with bracket '(' symbol in GS1 Datamatrix data; - Fixed bug with specifying the port in DataLink; - Fixed EMF Export registration; - Fixed bug with symbols width in PDF export with Calibri font; - Fixed bug with incorrect clipping in PDF export; - Fixed bug with Map Color Scale and Size Scale background; - Fixed reading of Extended type on x64 platform in HTMLView object; - Fixed parameters fill bug in internal query during report loading(To avoid exception for undefined parameter); - Fixed issue with tls connection to Cloudflare or AWS servers with tls server name extension(via DataLink protocols); - Fixed bug with Unicode printer names in non Unicode Delphis; - Fixed export of images XLS export; - Fixed bug with negative numbers in XLSX export; - Fixed bug with PNG smooth draw; - Fixed bug when preview events occurs during SetProgressMessage; - Fixed bug with Collapse All in preview window; - Fixed bug with DialogPage size under RAD Studio 11; - Fixed bug with draw of shape object; - Fixed memory leak in HTMLView object; - Fixed bug with PNG transparency and HiQuality in PDF export (back-compatibility); - Fixed bug in multi-threading environment; - Fixed bug with TableBuilder and PageHeader band;
December 08, 2021

Release of the new version of FastReport Desktop 2022.1

Updated version in FastReport Desktop 2022.1. Even more possibilities with FastReport. New features Added new "Advanced Matrix" object: Here is a list of its key features: row and column headers can contain groups and simple elements in any order. This allows you to build asymmetric reports; collapse buttons allow you to interactively manage the visibility of individual elements; sorting buttons allow you to interactively sort the matrix by the selected values, including the total values; Top N grouping allows you to display N values in the header, and group the remaining values into a separate element with the ability to expand; output of matrix headers in a stepped form; sorting headers by total values; a wide range of aggregate functions; support of custom aggregate functions; a wide range of special functions that allow you to get the values of totals, adjacent cells, as well as functions for calculating percentages; support for "Sparkline" and "Gauge" objects in data cells. Learn more about this object in the documentation. Added GS1 DataBar barcodes: Limited, Omnidirectional, Stacked and Stacked Omnidirectional. New properties: Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour and Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder These properties allow you to customize the behavior when exceptions with invalid database field and table names occur. Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder is a string variable that is used to replace expressions with nonexistent names. By default, the value of this variable is an empty string. Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour can have the following values: ExceptionBehaviour.Default  - default behavior, as it was before. If there are errors with invalid names, an error message is displayed. Report preparation is interrupted.  ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithExceptionMessage - invalid expressions are replaced by the text of the exception message. Errors are not shown at that. Report preparation is not interrupted.  ExceptionBehaviour.ShowExceptionMessage - A message appears with the exception text, after pressing OK, report preparation continues. Incorrect expressions are replaced with the value of Placeholder variable.  ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithPlaceholder - invalid expressions are simply replaced with Placeholder. No error messages. Report preparation is not interrupted. Example with variable values: ExceptionBehaviour = ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithPlaceholder Placeholder = "NO DATA! Here you can see that the table has a field named FistName, but it's not specified correctly in the expression. And this is the result of preparing such a report. Previously it would have been impossible to prepare it due to errors. Improved translation quality of RTF into report objects. Conversion of RTF into report objects is optimized. RTF translation in table cells is added. Lots of bugs fixed. Exports improvements Implemented export of watermark to Word and RTF. Added SVG image scaling in export matrix. This improves the quality of exported images when exporting to Word and Excel. However, this increases the size of the output file. To use this feature, you must enable the "Print optimized" option when exporting. Export groups to single sheets in Excel 2007 has been implemented. Excel 2007 has added the ability to export a property that determines the size and location of the image when exporting. Now you can define how the image will behave in a cell when its position and size are changed. In doing so, the image can: move and resize together with the cell; move together with the cell, but not change its size; don't move or resize; Implemented the ability to hide or show grid lines when exporting to Excel 97. Added "Don't rotate landscape pages when printing" option in HTML export. Previously, we were forcibly rotating landscape-oriented pages when printing. The reason was that browsers cannot correctly print reports with pages both in portrait and landscape orientation. When you print such documents, pages with landscape orientation are cut off by the width of pages with portrait orientation. Now, you can adjust whether to rotate pages in landscape orientation or not. In addition, a bug where landscape-oriented pages were always rotated, even when there are no portrait-oriented pages, has been fixed. Complete list of changes [Engine] + added a new AdvMatrixObject; + added GS1 DataBar barcodes: Limited, Omnidirectional, Stacked and Stacked Omnidirectional; + added new properties: Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour and Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder. These properties give the ability to customize the behavior when exceptions are thrown with incorrect names of database tables and fields; + added translation of RichObject inside TableCell; * reworked translation of RichObject into report objects; - fixed ShiftMode of translated RTF object; - fixed a bug with two parameters with the same name in report leading to System.ArgumentException; - fixed a bug with subreport containing multicolumn Databand; - fixed a bug with wrong band height calculation; - fixed a bug with displaying of hyperlinks when converting RTF to report objects; - fixed translation of RichObject if it set from a report script; - fixed a bug with private fonts added to Config.PrivateFontCollection; [.NET Core] + added support for .NET 6; - fixed incorrect search for Bold-Italic fonts; [Designer] + added verification of entered data in editing window of the QR code of SberBank; - fixed a bug with line break in text object editor; - fixed a bug when converting rdl reports containing matrices inside table cells; - fixed a bug with guide lines in the designer; - fixed a bug with Report tree window; - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException and crash of the designer during its launch when the Auto Guides option is enabled; [Preview] - fixed a bug with shifting the position of objects when switching the view of bands while editing a prepared page; [Exports] + implemented export of watermark to Word; + implemented export of watermark to RTF; + added "Don't rotate landscape pages when printing" option in export to HTML; + added the ability to change the name of the attached file when sending by Email; + add zooming of SVG images in export matrix; + added the ability to export a property that determines the size and position of the image when exporting to Excel 2007; + implemented ability to hide or show gridlines when exporting to Excel 97; + implemented export of groups on separate sheets to Excel; + implemented export of transparency level watermark images to Word; + implemented export image size of watermark to RTF; - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when exporting to text, tables with rows count less then one; - fixed incorrect left padding of tables in export to Word; - fixed a bug with Wingdings font in HTML tags when exporting to HTML; - fixed a bug with export Wingdings and Webdings fonts to HTML; - fixed a bug with width of frame in export to PowerPoint; - fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to RTF; - fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to Word; - fixed a bug leading to System.OutOfMemoryException when exporting to PDF; - fixed incorrect line break display when exporting to HTML; - fix out of memory when export to PDF; - fixed bugs in export to PDF in non-Windows systems; - fixed a bug with exporting tables with more than 63 columns to Word 2007; - fixed a bug leading to a memory leak and System.OutOfMemoryException in PDF-export when the "Text in curves" option is enabled; - fixed a bug with line break in HTML-export;
December 08, 2021

Release of the new version of FastReport for DBA 2022.1

Updated version in FastReport for DBA 2022.1. Even more possibilities with FastReport. New features Added new "Advanced Matrix" object: Here is a list of its key features: row and column headers can contain groups and simple elements in any order. This allows you to build asymmetric reports; collapse buttons allow you to interactively manage the visibility of individual elements; sorting buttons allow you to interactively sort the matrix by the selected values, including the total values; Top N grouping allows you to display N values in the header, and group the remaining values into a separate element with the ability to expand; output of matrix headers in a stepped form; sorting headers by total values; a wide range of aggregate functions; support of custom aggregate functions; a wide range of special functions that allow you to get the values of totals, adjacent cells, as well as functions for calculating percentages; support for "Sparkline" and "Gauge" objects in data cells. Learn more about this object in the documentation. Added GS1 DataBar barcodes: Limited, Omnidirectional, Stacked and Stacked Omnidirectional. New properties: Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour and Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder These properties allow you to customize the behavior when exceptions with invalid database field and table names occur. Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder is a string variable that is used to replace expressions with nonexistent names. By default, the value of this variable is an empty string. Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour can have the following values: ExceptionBehaviour.Default  - default behavior, as it was before. If there are errors with invalid names, an error message is displayed. Report preparation is interrupted.  ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithExceptionMessage - invalid expressions are replaced by the text of the exception message. Errors are not shown at that. Report preparation is not interrupted.  ExceptionBehaviour.ShowExceptionMessage - A message appears with the exception text, after pressing OK, report preparation continues. Incorrect expressions are replaced with the value of Placeholder variable.  ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithPlaceholder - invalid expressions are simply replaced with Placeholder. No error messages. Report preparation is not interrupted. Example with variable values: ExceptionBehaviour = ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithPlaceholder Placeholder = "NO DATA! Here you can see that the table has a field named FistName, but it's not specified correctly in the expression. And this is the result of preparing such a report. Previously it would have been impossible to prepare it due to errors. Improved translation quality of RTF into report objects. Conversion of RTF into report objects is optimized. RTF translation in table cells is added. Lots of bugs fixed. Exports improvements Implemented export of watermark to Word and RTF. Added SVG image scaling in export matrix. This improves the quality of exported images when exporting to Word and Excel. However, this increases the size of the output file. To use this feature, you must enable the "Print optimized" option when exporting. Export groups to single sheets in Excel 2007 has been implemented. Excel 2007 has added the ability to export a property that determines the size and location of the image when exporting. Now you can define how the image will behave in a cell when its position and size are changed. In doing so, the image can: move and resize together with the cell; move together with the cell, but not change its size; don't move or resize; Implemented the ability to hide or show grid lines when exporting to Excel 97. Added "Don't rotate landscape pages when printing" option in HTML export. Previously, we were forcibly rotating landscape-oriented pages when printing. The reason was that browsers cannot correctly print reports with pages both in portrait and landscape orientation. When you print such documents, pages with landscape orientation are cut off by the width of pages with portrait orientation. Now, you can adjust whether to rotate pages in landscape orientation or not. In addition, a bug where landscape-oriented pages were always rotated, even when there are no portrait-oriented pages, has been fixed. Complete list of changes [Engine] + added a new AdvMatrixObject; + added GS1 DataBar barcodes: Limited, Omnidirectional, Stacked and Stacked Omnidirectional; + added new properties: Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour and Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder. These properties give the ability to customize the behavior when exceptions are thrown with incorrect names of database tables and fields; + added translation of RichObject inside TableCell; * reworked translation of RichObject into report objects; - fixed ShiftMode of translated RTF object; - fixed a bug with two parameters with the same name in report leading to System.ArgumentException; - fixed a bug with subreport containing multicolumn Databand; - fixed a bug with wrong band height calculation; - fixed a bug with displaying of hyperlinks when converting RTF to report objects; - fixed translation of RichObject if it set from a report script; - fixed a bug with private fonts added to Config.PrivateFontCollection [Designer] + added verification of entered data in editing window of the QR code of SberBank; - fixed a bug with line break in text object editor; - fixed a bug when converting rdl reports containing matrices inside table cells; - fixed a bug with guide lines in the designer; - fixed a bug with Report tree window; - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException and crash of the designer during its launch when the Auto Guides option is enabled; [Preview] - fixed a bug with shifting the position of objects when switching the view of bands while editing a prepared page; [Exports] + implemented export of watermark to Word; + implemented export of watermark to RTF; + added "Don't rotate landscape pages when printing" option in export to HTML; + added the ability to change the name of the attached file when sending by Email; + add zooming of SVG images in export matrix; + added the ability to export a property that determines the size and position of the image when exporting to Excel 2007; + implemented ability to hide or show gridlines when exporting to Excel 97; + implemented export of groups on separate sheets to Excel; + implemented export of transparency level watermark images to Word; + implemented export image size of watermark to RTF; - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when exporting to text, tables with rows count less then one; - fixed incorrect left padding of tables in export to Word; - fixed a bug with Wingdings font in HTML tags when exporting to HTML; - fixed a bug with export Wingdings and Webdings fonts to HTML; - fixed a bug with width of frame in export to PowerPoint; - fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to RTF; - fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to Word; - fixed a bug leading to System.OutOfMemoryException when exporting to PDF; - fixed incorrect line break display when exporting to HTML; - fix out of memory when export to PDF; - fixed bugs in export to PDF in non-Windows systems; - fixed a bug with exporting tables with more than 63 columns to Word 2007; - fixed a bug leading to a memory leak and System.OutOfMemoryException in PDF-export when the "Text in curves" option is enabled; - fixed a bug with line break in HTML-export
December 07, 2021

New version of FastReport Mono 2022.1

The release of version 2022.1 in FastReport Mono took place. A large number of new features and changes have been made. New features Added new "Advanced Matrix" object: Here is a list of its key features: row and column headers can contain groups and simple elements in any order. This allows you to build asymmetric reports; collapse buttons allow you to interactively manage the visibility of individual elements; sorting buttons allow you to interactively sort the matrix by the selected values, including the total values; Top N grouping allows you to display N values in the header, and group the remaining values into a separate element with the ability to expand; output of matrix headers in a stepped form; sorting headers by total values; a wide range of aggregate functions; support of custom aggregate functions; a wide range of special functions that allow you to get the values of totals, adjacent cells, as well as functions for calculating percentages; support for "Sparkline" and "Gauge" objects in data cells. Learn more about this object in the documentation. Added GS1 DataBar barcodes: Limited, Omnidirectional, Stacked and Stacked Omnidirectional. New properties: Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour and Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder These properties allow you to customize the behavior when exceptions with invalid database field and table names occur. Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder is a string variable that is used to replace expressions with nonexistent names. By default, the value of this variable is an empty string. Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour can have the following values: ExceptionBehaviour.Default  - default behavior, as it was before. If there are errors with invalid names, an error message is displayed. Report preparation is interrupted.  ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithExceptionMessage - invalid expressions are replaced by the text of the exception message. Errors are not shown at that. Report preparation is not interrupted.  ExceptionBehaviour.ShowExceptionMessage - A message appears with the exception text, after pressing OK, report preparation continues. Incorrect expressions are replaced with the value of Placeholder variable.  ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithPlaceholder - invalid expressions are simply replaced with Placeholder. No error messages. Report preparation is not interrupted. Example with variable values: ExceptionBehaviour = ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithPlaceholder Placeholder = "NO DATA! Here you can see that the table has a field named FistName, but it's not specified correctly in the expression. And this is the result of preparing such a report. Previously it would have been impossible to prepare it due to errors. Improved translation quality of RTF into report objects. Conversion of RTF into report objects is optimized. RTF translation in table cells is added. Lots of bugs fixed. Exports improvements Implemented export of watermark to Word and RTF. Added SVG image scaling in export matrix. This improves the quality of exported images when exporting to Word and Excel. However, this increases the size of the output file. To use this feature, you must enable the "Print optimized" option when exporting. Export groups to single sheets in Excel 2007 has been implemented. Excel 2007 has added the ability to export a property that determines the size and location of the image when exporting. Now you can define how the image will behave in a cell when its position and size are changed. In doing so, the image can: move and resize together with the cell; move together with the cell, but not change its size; don't move or resize; Implemented the ability to hide or show grid lines when exporting to Excel 97. Added "Don't rotate landscape pages when printing" option in HTML export. Previously, we were forcibly rotating landscape-oriented pages when printing. The reason was that browsers cannot correctly print reports with pages both in portrait and landscape orientation. When you print such documents, pages with landscape orientation are cut off by the width of pages with portrait orientation. Now, you can adjust whether to rotate pages in landscape orientation or not. In addition, a bug where landscape-oriented pages were always rotated, even when there are no portrait-oriented pages, has been fixed. Complete list of changes [Engine] + added a new AdvMatrixObject; + added GS1 DataBar barcodes: Limited, Omnidirectional, Stacked and Stacked Omnidirectional; + added new properties: Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour and Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder. These properties give the ability to customize the behavior when exceptions are thrown with incorrect names of database tables and fields; + added translation of RichObject inside TableCell; * reworked translation of RichObject into report objects; - fixed ShiftMode of translated RTF object; - fixed a bug with two parameters with the same name in report leading to System.ArgumentException; - fixed a bug with subreport containing multicolumn Databand; - fixed a bug with wrong band height calculation; - fixed a bug with displaying of hyperlinks when converting RTF to report objects; - fixed translation of RichObject if it set from a report script; - fixed a bug with private fonts added to Config.PrivateFontCollection; [Designer] + added verification of entered data in editing window of the QR code of SberBank; - fixed a bug with line break in text object editor; - fixed a bug when converting rdl reports containing matrices inside table cells; - fixed a bug with guide lines in the designer; - fixed a bug with Report tree window; - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException and crash of the designer during its launch when the Auto Guides option is enabled; [Preview] - fixed a bug with shifting the position of objects when switching the view of bands while editing a prepared page; [Exports] + implemented export of watermark to Word; + implemented export of watermark to RTF; + added "Don't rotate landscape pages when printing" option in export to HTML; + added the ability to change the name of the attached file when sending by Email; + add zooming of SVG images in export matrix; + added the ability to export a property that determines the size and position of the image when exporting to Excel 2007; + implemented ability to hide or show gridlines when exporting to Excel 97; + implemented export of groups on separate sheets to Excel; + implemented export of transparency level watermark images to Word; + implemented export image size of watermark to RTF; - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when exporting to text, tables with rows count less then one; - fixed incorrect left padding of tables in export to Word; - fixed a bug with Wingdings font in HTML tags when exporting to HTML; - fixed a bug with export Wingdings and Webdings fonts to HTML; - fixed a bug with width of frame in export to PowerPoint; - fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to RTF; - fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to Word; - fixed a bug leading to System.OutOfMemoryException when exporting to PDF; - fixed incorrect line break display when exporting to HTML; - fix out of memory when export to PDF; - fixed bugs in export to PDF in non-Windows systems; - fixed a bug with exporting tables with more than 63 columns to Word 2007; - fixed a bug leading to a memory leak and System.OutOfMemoryException in PDF-export when the "Text in curves" option is enabled; - fixed a bug with line break in HTML-export; [WebReport] - fixed a bug with new line character when using Wingdings font;
December 06, 2021

New version of FastReport .NET 2022.1

The release of version 2022.1 in FastReport .NET took place. A large number of new features and changes have been made. New features Added new "Advanced Matrix" object: Here is a list of its key features: row and column headers can contain groups and simple elements in any order. This allows you to build asymmetric reports; collapse buttons allow you to interactively manage the visibility of individual elements; sorting buttons allow you to interactively sort the matrix by the selected values, including the total values; Top N grouping allows you to display N values in the header, and group the remaining values into a separate element with the ability to expand; output of matrix headers in a stepped form; sorting headers by total values; a wide range of aggregate functions; support of custom aggregate functions; a wide range of special functions that allow you to get the values of totals, adjacent cells, as well as functions for calculating percentages; support for "Sparkline" and "Gauge" objects in data cells. Learn more about this object in the documentation. Added GS1 DataBar barcodes: Limited, Omnidirectional, Stacked and Stacked Omnidirectional. New properties: Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour and Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder These properties allow you to customize the behavior when exceptions with invalid database field and table names occur. Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder is a string variable that is used to replace expressions with nonexistent names. By default, the value of this variable is an empty string. Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour can have the following values: ExceptionBehaviour.Default  - default behavior, as it was before. If there are errors with invalid names, an error message is displayed. Report preparation is interrupted.  ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithExceptionMessage - invalid expressions are replaced by the text of the exception message. Errors are not shown at that. Report preparation is not interrupted.  ExceptionBehaviour.ShowExceptionMessage - A message appears with the exception text, after pressing OK, report preparation continues. Incorrect expressions are replaced with the value of Placeholder variable.  ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithPlaceholder - invalid expressions are simply replaced with Placeholder. No error messages. Report preparation is not interrupted. Example with variable values: ExceptionBehaviour = ExceptionBehaviour.ReplaceExpressionWithPlaceholder Placeholder = "NO DATA! Here you can see that the table has a field named FirstName, but it's not specified correctly in the expression. And this is the result of preparing such a report. Previously it would have been impossible to prepare it due to errors. Improved translation quality of RTF into report objects. Conversion of RTF into report objects is optimized. RTF translation in table cells is added. Lots of bugs fixed. Exports improvements Implemented export of watermark to Word and RTF. Added SVG image scaling in export matrix. This improves the quality of exported images when exporting to Word and Excel. However, this increases the size of the output file. To use this feature, you must enable the "Print optimized" option when exporting. Export groups to single sheets in Excel 2007 has been implemented. Excel 2007 has added the ability to export a property that determines the size and location of the image when exporting. Now you can define how the image will behave in a cell when its position and size are changed. In doing so, the image can: move and resize together with the cell; move together with the cell, but not change its size; don't move or resize; Implemented the ability to hide or show grid lines when exporting to Excel 97. Added "Don't rotate landscape pages when printing" option in HTML export. Previously, we were forcibly rotating landscape-oriented pages when printing. The reason was that browsers cannot correctly print reports with pages both in portrait and landscape orientation. When you print such documents, pages with landscape orientation are cut off by the width of pages with portrait orientation. Now, you can adjust whether to rotate pages in landscape orientation or not. In addition, a bug where landscape-oriented pages were always rotated, even when there are no portrait-oriented pages, has been fixed. .NET 6 support Added .NET 6 support for FastReport.Core and FastReport.CoreWin. Improvements to WebReport for Core and Blazor Server Export settings Added the ability to configure the export of a report in the required format from WebReport. When the webReport.Toolbar.Exports.EnableSettings property is activated, the settings icon will appear next to the required export button. Clicking on this button will display a window with a list of possible settings (exported pages, properties, etc.). The export settings window can be customized using the webReport.Toolbar.Exports.Color and webReport.Toolbar.Exports.FontSettings properties. Separating different report pages into bookmarks Added the ability to open different ReportPage pages in different WebReport tabs. To activate this feature, you need to enable the webReport.SplitReportPagesInTabs option. Static Styles in WebReport To be able to override the standard styles of the toolbar, outline and other elements for your own customization, static class names have been added. These include: fr-toolbar, fr-toolbar-item, fr-toolbar-narrow, fr-toolbar-dropdown-content, fr-toolbar-zoom-selected, fr-toolbar-pointer, fr-toolbar-notbutton, fr-toolbar-slash. Complete list of changes [Engine] + added a new AdvMatrixObject; + added GS1 DataBar barcodes: Limited, Omnidirectional, Stacked and Stacked Omnidirectional; + added new properties: Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour and Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder. These properties give the ability to customize the behavior when exceptions are thrown with incorrect names of database tables and fields; + added translation of RichObject inside TableCell; * reworked translation of RichObject into report objects; - fixed ShiftMode of translated RTF object; - fixed a bug with two parameters with the same name in report leading to System.ArgumentException; - fixed a bug with subreport containing multicolumn Databand; - fixed a bug with wrong band height calculation; - fixed a bug with displaying of hyperlinks when converting RTF to report objects; - fixed translation of RichObject if it set from a report script; - fixed a bug with private fonts added to Config.PrivateFontCollection; [.NET Core] + added support for .NET 6; - fixed incorrect search for Bold-Italic fonts; [Designer] + added verification of entered data in editing window of the QR code of SberBank; - fixed a bug with line break in text object editor; - fixed a bug when converting rdl reports containing matrices inside table cells; - fixed a bug with guide lines in the designer; - fixed a bug with Report tree window; - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException and crash of the designer during its launch when the Auto Guides option is enabled; [Preview] - fixed a bug with shifting the position of objects when switching the view of bands while editing a prepared page; [Exports] + implemented export of watermark to Word; + implemented export of watermark to RTF; + added "Don't rotate landscape pages when printing" option in export to HTML; + added the ability to change the name of the attached file when sending by Email; + add zooming of SVG images in export matrix; + added the ability to export a property that determines the size and position of the image when exporting to Excel 2007; + implemented ability to hide or show gridlines when exporting to Excel 97; + implemented export of groups on separate sheets to Excel; + implemented export of transparency level watermark images to Word; + implemented export image size of watermark to RTF; - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when exporting to text, tables with rows count less then one; - fixed incorrect left padding of tables in export to Word; - fixed a bug with Wingdings font in HTML tags when exporting to HTML; - fixed a bug with export Wingdings and Webdings fonts to HTML; - fixed a bug with width of frame in export to PowerPoint; - fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to RTF; - fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to Word; - fixed a bug leading to System.OutOfMemoryException when exporting to PDF; - fixed incorrect line break display when exporting to HTML; - fix out of memory when export to PDF; - fixed bugs in export to PDF in non-Windows systems; - fixed a bug with exporting tables with more than 63 columns to Word 2007; - fixed a bug leading to a memory leak and System.OutOfMemoryException in PDF-export when the "Text in curves" option is enabled; - fixed a bug with line break in HTML-export; [WebReport] - fixed a bug with new line character when using Wingdings font; [WebReport Core / Blazor Server] + added the ability to configure the properties of exporting a report from WebReport. When the webReport.Toolbar.Exports.EnableSettings property is activated, the settings icon will appear next to the required export button; + added property webReport.SplitReportPagesInTabs, which allows you to split different ReportPage-s in different tabs of WebReport; + added static class names for the ability to override the standard styles of toolbar, outline and other elements; - fixed updating WebReport when entering a value from the keyboard in the DateTimePicker field; - fixed the width of tabs with non-standard sizes of the report page; [Demos] + added demo of using WebReport Core for .NET 5; + added demo of using WebReport Core for Angular; + added demo of using WebReport Blazor for Blazor Server;
November 22, 2021

Black Friday: discounts for teams

November 22-28 any edition of FastReport or FastCube for Teams up to 4 developers can be purchased for half price. 50% discount applies for all Fast Reports products of Team edition: FastReport .NET FastReport VCL FastReport Mono FastReport FMX FastReport Business Graphics FastCube .NET FastCube VCL FastCube FMX The Team license is suitable for 2-4 developers and includes Build server license. The offer is valid for a new purchase only. Discount doesn’t apply to subscription renewals and upgrades.
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