October 12, 2022

Making migration to FastReport more efficient

Migrate to FastReport

A software developer can have many reasons to look for a new reporting solution for his project and finding a new one is not an easy task, let alone integrating it into your system, which had been probably working for years.

But moving to FastReport can actually save you hours of work: we have several converters from other solutions! And on top of that, you can save 10% of the license cost until November 30.

Learn more about why software developers choose FastReport and how migrating to it can be easier than it seems.

If you have questions - feel free to email us at sales@fast-report.com or in the chat box.

December 18, 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
December 12, 2024

Now FastReport .NET supports .NET 9: what's new?

Timely adaptation of tools to new platform versions is crucial for the convenience of developers. Since version 2025.1.8, FastReport .NET now supports .NET 9.
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