Licensing issues FastReport .NET Online Designer FastReport VCL Reporting FMX Analysis VCL

Reporting FMX

Is the product compatible with the UniGUI framework?

Yes, our product is compatible with the UniGUI framework

Is there support for macOS?

Yes, there is support for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Which IDE versions does FastReport FMX support?

From the Delphi XE2 version to the current version.

Is the product compatible with the FMXLinux framework?

FastReport FMX supports the FMXLinux framework. For more information, see How to install and Use FastReport FMX 2.8 for FmxLinux

Is there support for Linux?

Support is available with the FMXLinux framework. For more information, see How to install and Use FastReport FMX 2.8 for FmxLinux

Is there support for Lazarus?

The FMX framework does not support Lazarus. If you need to create reports in Lazarus, our FastReport VCL as a package Reporting Lazarus is perfect for you.

Fast Reports
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  • +4930568373928 (German)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portuguese)
  • info@fast-report.com
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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