
June 26, 2024

Fast Reports Wins ComponentSource Award

ComponentSource has awarded Fast Reports a Top 50 Publisher Award in the annual ComponentSource Awards for 2024.
February 13, 2018

FastReport VCL 6 FAQ

1. When will FastReport VCL 6 be released?We plan on releasing on March 1, 2018 2. What’s new?Look here: brief review  3. What versions of Delphi / RAD Studio / C++ Builder will be supported?All the versions from v.7 to the current one as of today. As tech partner of Embarcadero we add support of the latest versions as soon as possible. 4. Can I get FastReport 6 for free and before the official release?Yes, if:a) you buy FastReport 5 license right now and get FastReport 6.b) as always, we will be glad to give license of FastReport 6 to our partners 5. I bought FastReport 5 while ago - what can I do?If you bought license after August 31, 2017 you'll get upgrade to FastReport VCL 6 for free! - Look at your CP. Is it there?If you bought license before September 1, 2017 you can get FastReport VCL 6 (the same edition) with 20% discount. Look at CP -> upgrades. 6. Oops. I only have license of FastReport 4 (3, 2). Is there any discount for me?Why not? Look at CP -> upgrades and get 20% discount! 7. Is it possible to use FastReport VCL 6 in new project? Is it still Beta?It is stable enough now. And traditionally, all our official Beta-testers of 6th version will get release. Wait, how do I use it? Where is the new documentation with description of new functions and features? At the moment we are working on updating the documentation. For now we wrote several "how-to" articles (and continue writing new ones) - check them out here By the way we plan seminars and webinars about new possibilities of FastReport VCL 6. Stay tuned for more news!
December 12, 2017

New version of FastReport .NET 2018.1

A lot of new features in version 2018.1! We added WebReport for ASP .Net Core – now making reports in .Net Core applications is faster and easier. We also added support of Online Designer in .Net Core application. New interactivity feature – you can edit text objects and checkboxes with enabled Editable property. It allows creating blanks and forms, which can also be edited in PDF.  We added export to ZPL format: you can now make labels with Zebra label printer! New gauge objects, bug fixes, improved and optimized code.     All changes: [.Net Core]+ added WebReport for ASP .Net Core (FastReport.Web.Core\ added support Online Designer [Preview]+ added the ability to change of TextObject and CheckBoxObject in Preview when these objects have Editable property- fixed non-working search in preview [Engine]+ added Editable property for TextObject and CheckBoxObject- fixed error when parameter with type double initialized by int value [Designer]+ added Gauge editors, semi-radial gauges, added gradient fill to Pointer* improved report generation speed with UseFileCache option* imroved selection of LineObject when zoom > 100%- fixed bug with processing mouse event on PolyLineObject and PolygonObject toolbars [Exports]+ added polygons and polylines to PowerPoint export+ added ShiftNonExportable property indicating that the report bands should be shifted, if page has any non-exportable bands (Exportable = false)+ added PreserveAspectRatio, UseWidthAndHeight and UseViewBox properties to SVG export+ added forms export for pdf export, objects with the Editable property, will be exported as an input field+ added export in ZPL (Zebra printers)- fixed bug with SVG export to multiple files- width and height replaced to vievBox in svg export- fixed bug with multiple export from one export class instance- fixed bug when exporting report from code with Report.MaxPages equal 1 or more- fixed bug with ImageExport if report contain tables- fixed bug with ampersand in links for Excel2007Export [WebReport]+ added outline (TOC) of report in WebReport- fixed issue when fastreport handler in 'location' tags [Extras]- fixed bug with encoding in json connector, added DataEncoding property [Online Designer]+ added ability to hide of preview button on building+ added SVGObject+ added grouping of similar components (Gauge etc.) in tab with components+ added dialog window with error text from server on saving of report* info (i) is showing in dialog instead of popup in top corner- property values of Cursor have been updated- fixed bug with selection of color from toolbar in IE browser- fixed bug with field with selection for color in Highlight editor and Border editor in IE browser- fixed bug with empty properties panel for TableColumn and TableRow- fixed bug with showing of bands in incorrect order in Chrome browser
December 07, 2017

New version of FastCube VCL - 2.7

What's new in FastCube 2.7? As always the new version not only brings some improvement and bug fixes, but also - the new features! Added new export filter to Microsoft Excel 2007 (xlsx) Just put TfcxXLSXExport component and export filter is ready to use Parameters of export filter are identical to Microsoft Excel (xls) export filter Also added support of latest RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo IDE Full list of changes: + Added procedure TfcxMeasuresContainer.Recalculate+ Added property TfcxCube.AbortLoading: boolean to abort data loading in event OnProgress* Fixed names of TeeChart units in fcxpChartEditor.pas- Fixed error with Null values in export to Microsoft Excel 2007 (.xlsx)- Fixed error of reading milliseconds from XML- Fixed stack overflow error in popup list of unique values- Fixed text drawing using themes (noticed on dark themes)- Fixed error with creating measures with missed base field during loading schema- Fixed error with Unassigned and 0- Fixed error with drawing Fields zone- Fixed error with Highlights- Fixed error with HideZero- Fixed error with Dataset in TfcxpCube- Fixed error in ColOffsetValue and RowOffsetValue- Fixed error with comparing Date in Ranges- Fixed error with export to Excel introduced in 2.6- Fixed errors with export to Excel for 64-bit systems    
September 14, 2017

New version of FastReport .NET - 2017.4

A lot of new things in FastReport .NET 2017.4: Support of .NET Core (Professional and Enterprise editions) New report objects: SVG images and Gauges Delivery via Telegram messenger Saving to LaTeX format Highlights and hyperlink editors in Online Designer FastReport Pages: Android report viewer is now on Google Play Market -   And not only that!    [Core] + added initial support of .NET Core (\Demos\Core\FastReportCore.MVC\readme.txt)     [Engine] + Trim property has been added for linear barcodes + Tag property has been added for all components + added saving of meta data (ReportInfo.Name, ReportInfo.Author, ReportInfo.Description,   ReportInfo.Created, ReportInfo.Modified, ReportInfo.CreatorVersion) in prepared report file + added RegisterData(DataSet data, bool enableAllTables) and RegisterData(DataSet data, string name, bool enableAllTables)   functions for registering DataSet and enabling all its tables + added possibility to access the Report.Dictionary without case sensitivity + added RadialGauge control + added SimpleProgressGauge control - fixed wrong result for n.9999 values in NumToWords functions - fixed bug with multi-thread preparing and using the cursors inside a report - fixed borders for Gauges - adjusted scale and pointer for SimpleGauge     [Designer] + added pagination in Data View Window + added Space to separators list in CSV connection + added possibility to open List and Label files with extensions crd, srt, inv, lab and let + added selecting previous file filter in open file dialog - fixed bug with deleting of bands - fixed bug with empty fields when connecting to CSV table - fixed bug with space separator when connecting to CSV table - fixed bug with strings without separator when connecting to CSV table - fixed bug when viewing business object data - fixed bug with null value of System.Guid instance - fixed bug in PageColumns class when number of positions is not equal number of columns     [Exports] + added Word2007Export.RowHeight property with enum (Minimum, Exactly) + added converting to Percent format for Excel2007 export + added export in LaTeX (without pictures, works with XeLaTex) - fixed bug with barcode duplicates in PDF export - fixed bug with table cells duplicates in XAML, SVG exports - fixed bug with tilde in Excel2007 export - fixed bug with image duplicating in PDFExport - fixed bug with Biff8 export from prepared report - allowed export TextObjects with not default FontWithRatio to Excel 2007     [WebReport] + added property WebReport.DesignerConfig for storing custom configuration of Online Designer - fixed bug with WebReport object resizing     [Extras] + added Web API self-hosted example (Demos\C#\Web\WebApiSelfHosted) + added SVGObject plugin (\Extras\Misc\SVGObjectPlugin) + added TelegramMessenger plugin (\Extras\Misc\Messaging\TelegramMessenger) + added support for MaxiCode and Intelligent Mail barcodes + added editor for hyperlink property * improved Crystal Reports converter, now works with the latest versions of Crystal     [Online Designer] + added Highlight editor + added resizing area for the left sidebar + added MaxiCode & Intelligent Mail barcodes + added ability to call control dialogs from properties panel by clicking button in the title of subsection + switch all the customization panels at once + font editing dialog + border property editing dialog + hyperlink property editing dialog + building process changed * popup restyle in the upper right corner - fixed bug with positioning DataHeader Band after DataBand - fixed bug with freezing in IE
May 15, 2017

FastReport .NET 2017.3

In the new version of FastReport .NET 2017.3 we added 2 new barcodes: Intelligent Mail Barcode operated by USPS and MaxiCode that carries freight information during transport. Also added ability to attach files to the PDF which allows creating e-invoices in ZUGFeRD format. And there’s now an example of using FastReport .Net with ASP.NET Web API framework.  All changes: [Core] + added Intelligent Mail (USPS) barcode+ added MaxiCode barcode+ added property Report.ReportInfo.Tag+ added property Report.ReportInfo.SaveMode+ added support functions with optional parameters* added thread-safe collections support for .net 4 [Designer] + added ability of multi-line editing of Report.ReportInfo.Description and Report.ReportInfo.Tag- fixed bug with wrong width of different lines of border [Exports] + added ability to embed any file in PDF export with methods: PDFExport.AddEmbeddedXML, PDFExport.AddEmbeddedFile- fixed creating blank page after a table in RTF and Word2007 exports- fixed bug with bands Exportable property- fixed appearance of dates in Excel2007 export- fixed bug with padding and height of text in PDF export- fixed bug with black boxes in exports [Extras] + added new example for working with ZUGFeRD and PDF/A-3b \Demos\C#\ZUGFeRD + added new example for Web API \Demos\C#\Web\WebApi - fixed bug with relative path to JSON file in JSON connector [WebReport] + added properties WebReport.RequestHeaders, WebReport.ResponseHeaders+ added catching of exceptions on call of WebReport.DesignerSaveCallBack- fixed page margins in printing from browser- fixed bug with lines in HTML export and WebReport- fixed TTF exceptions processing for PDFExport [Online Designer] + added support of new property ReportInfo.Tag in Report object- fixed muli-level view of childs links- property Padding can contain only integer values
April 04, 2017

New version of FastReport Mono - 2017.1

New version of FastReport Mono includes ability to create background pictures in RTF, added Apple fonts, BIFF8 export: + added Excel 97-2003 export+ added an overlapped pictures mode to RTF export+ improved PDF export - fixed crash on run in console mode (withut X Window Server) under Linux and many minor fixes improving stability
March 30, 2017

FastReport goes printless*

The newest report generator FastReport Desktop Green Edition has a disabled Print option.    Therefore you will never have to deal with empty paper trays, "Low ink" indicators and shredders again. It's a real thing! Check out our infomercial and never return to printing again!      *Happy April Fools'
March 27, 2017

FastReport 5.6 with RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support

With support of new IDE new version brings few new features and lots of improvements. Also we're making FastReport 5 better not only for Delphi, but for Lazarus too. New version gives ability to build Lazarus application with GTK widgets. What else?  + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support for x32 and x64 windows platforms+ Added Sup, Sub tag support for TfrxHTMLExport+ Added TfrxPDFExport.SaveOriginalImages property. True by default+ Added GS1 support for Code128C, EAN128C barcodes+ Added sorting of printers by name in the printer's list+ Added Norwegian resources+ Added TfrxFDTable support in the frxFDRTTI+ Added #0..#31 chars support in the Code128A+ Added TfrxBarcodeView.TestLine property+ Added TfrxRichEditor form state storing+ [Lazarus] Added support of GTK widget- Fixed frx2xto30.pas for XE2 and later- Increased PaperSizes count limit to 512- [Lazarus] Fixed scrolling in designer- Fixed smMaxHeight in TfrxRichView- Fixed TfrxXLSXExport for file with 1000 worksheets- Fixed TfrxPreviewPages.ClearPageCache- Fixed TfrxIBXQuery.ExecSQL- Fixed new event insert if main procedure of the script have line with "// begin"- Fixed component's name after Drag&Drop from Data Tree for fields with Unicode characters- Fixed TfrxBarcodeView baCenter, baRight align- Fixed reprint on new page and group keeping bug- Fixed update parameters after loading for TfrxADOQuery- Fixed preview's toolbar for RAD Studio Berlin 10.1 Update 2 when VCL styles applied- Fixed TfrxReport.PrintOptions.Duplex usage- Fixed printing of PNG images- Fixed TfrxReport.ReportOptions.Author in the DOCX, PPTX and XLSX exports- Fixed vsExport usage for export filters- Fixed export of non-alphanumeric chars (<, >, &) inside HTMLTags in the ODF export- [FastScript] Fixed Format function- Fixed HTMLTags in the TfrxMemoView- Fixed calculation of hyperlink expressions- Fixed image size in the DOCX export- Fixed MSI barcode- Fixed exporting of objects' hyperlinks to encrypted PDF- Fixed export to continuous XLSX for reports with many pictures- Fixed export of frames with width < 1 to HTML- Fixed export of empty pages to XLSX- Fixed band's with barcodes stretching- Fixed KeepChild behavior for TfrxReportTitle child bands- Fixed custom number format in the ODF export- [Lazarus] Fixed printer selection in the print dialog- Fixed export of hyperlinks with hkPageNumber kind when page number greater than pages count- Fixed component's name after Drag&Drop from Data Tree for some cases- Fixed "Divizion by zero" error with pmSplit print mode- Fixed PrintOnSheeet in the Print Dialog for some cases- [Lazarus] Fixed default printer in the print dialog- Fixed export images to BIFF8 for x64- [Lazarus] Fixed printer selection before print properties dialog- Fixed RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin size of dialog page issue in the designer- Fixed exporting of numbers with '%' in the format string (like #,##0.###%) in the BIFF8 export- [Enterprise] Fixed "Report not found" error message- Fixed "Print to file" option for GDI reports- Fixed export to PDF with embedded fonts and empty memos- Fixed export to PDF for HAlign = haBlock (GapX used now)- Fixed font's embedding for protected PDF if EmbedFontsIfProtected = False and EmbeddedFonts = True- Fixed exporting of TfrxShapeView to XLSX and DOCX exports- Fixed exporting of Unicode characters in the memos with HTML tags to DOCX for non-Unicode IDE- Fixed TfrxPreviewButtons in the frxClassRTTI- Fixed parent for objects for some cases- Fixed font's name in the ODF export
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