
October 15, 2024

Updating .NET products to version 2025.1

In this release, we have focused on implementing long-awaited features that greatly simplify the process of developing templates for reports.
November 27, 2023

Updating .NET products to 2024.1 version

In this release, we focused on long-awaited features that greatly simplify developing report templates. The following are now available to you: custom line styles, changing the shape of the "Picture" object, setting up hotkeys, support for the ODBC connector, and much more. New opportunities Improved work with the Table object Working with the report designer has become easier and more convenient. There are new capabilities for working with the "Table" object. 1. Quickly add columns and rows. If you point to a row boundary to the left of the table or a column boundary at the top, a conditional display will appear showing where a new row or column will be added. There is also a button that, when clicked, will add a new row or column to the table. The table must be active (selected). Otherwise, new controls will not appear. 2. Change the height of rows and width of columns. Now, you can change the column width or row height accordingly by dragging the column or row border using the mouse. 3. Drop-down menu "Insert". When you right-click a cell in the context menu, you will see a drop-down list that allows you to insert a new column or row next to the cell. 4. Hotkeys. Copy cell text and paste text into a cell using the hotkeys Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Read more about the new table capabilities in the article. Merging text objects Now, there is a mechanism for merging text objects with the same text. For this purpose, a new MergeMode property has been added to the "Text" object, which allows you to configure the merge mode. The new property works very similar to the Duplicates property in Merge mode, but there are important differences: Duplicates works only with one object located in the “Data” band. For example, the Data1 band has a text object named Text1, and the Duplicates property is set to Merge. When building a report, at the first iteration of Data1, when the first record is displayed in Text1, the text "10" will be displayed. On the second iteration of Data1 and the output of the second record, the same text will be output in Text1. As a result, two instances of Text1 will be connected, and the text "10" will be displayed only once. MergeMode, unlike Duplicates, can merge instances of different text objects, and do this both vertically and horizontally. For example, when building a report, the text "10" will be displayed in Text1 and Text2, located next to and to the right. In this case, Text1's MergeMode property is equal to Horizontal. In this case, the text objects will be connected and the text "10" will be displayed once. Read more about the new property in the article at this link. Custom line styles For the LineObject, ShapeObject, PolyLineObject, and PolygonObject objects, a new property has been added—DashPattern, which allows you to create your line styles. Previously, the line style of these objects was set using the Border.LineStyle property. Only six styles were available: Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot and Double. With the new property, you can specify a collection of values that will sequentially specify the length of strokes and spaces. For example, with values 5, 4, 3, and 2, we set a pattern in which a stroke of length 5, a space of length 4, a stroke of length 3, and a space of length 2 will be displayed. Then, the values will be repeated in a circle, starting from 5. The unit of measurement here is the Border.Width. If there is at least one value in the DashPattern collection, then this new mechanism will work. And the Border.LineStyle property will be ignored. If the DashPattern collection is empty, the Border.LineStyle property mechanism will still work. Below, you can see some examples: Instructions for setting up lines are available at the following link. Change the shape of the Picture object It is now possible to change the shape of the "Picture" object. PictureObject now has a new Shape property that allows you to specify the following shapes: rectangle (default), round rectangle, ellipse, triangle, and diamond. You can find out more in the article. Setting up hotkey combinations It is now possible to customize hotkey combinations at your discretion. You can configure commands for actions such as "Open file," "Save file," "Prepare report," and much more. To do this, a new button has been added to the "Interface" tab in the designer settings. Pressing it opens a window for setting up hotkey combinations. Here is a table with actions and their assigned keyboard shortcuts. You can change the combination by double-clicking on the desired line. You can also navigate the table using the Up and Down keys, and make changes by pressing the Enter key. You can also return all combinations to their default values. You can find more information about setting up keys in this article.   .NET 8 support Added .NET 8 support for FastReport .NET, FastReport.Core, FastReport.Core.Skia, and FastReport.WPF. This platform improves application performance and adds many new features to your projects.   Refusal of support for .NET Standard 2.0 in FastReport.Web To cover more and more technologies that are constantly being added to the .NET world, we have decided to abandon the legacy .NET Standard 2.0 compatibility layer in our Web integration library FastReport.Web (WebReport Core/Skia). The minimum supported version of TargetFramework for this product will now be .NET Core 3.1 and higher (including .NET 5, 6, 7, and 8). FastReport.Core and FastReport.Core.Skia will still support .NET Standard 2.0 without changes.   Added ODBC connector support for FastReport.Core Our users have been asking us for a long time to add the ability to connect to databases via the ODBC protocol for our cross-platform products. This feature was present only in FastReport .NET and FastReport WPF previously. With this update, it is also available in FastReport.Core and FastReport.Core.Skia. To use it, add the FastReport.Data.Odbc plugin to your project and register it with this code: FastReport.Utils.RegisteredObjects.AddConnection(typeof(OdbcDataConnection));   Changes in WebReport Email Export to WebReport Now, WebReport has a function for sending reports by email. To enable this feature, you need to configure the SMTP server parameters when registering FastReport services. Just add the code: services.AddFastReport(options => options.EmailExportOptions = new FastReport.Web.EmailExportOptions { Address = "", EnableSSL = true, Host = "Host", MessageTemplate = "Message template here", Name = "John", Password = "password", Port = 25, Username = "Username" }); After this, activate the option WebReport.Toolbar.Exports.ShowEmailExport and users will be able to send reports by email: When you click the "Send by mail" button, the user will be asked to configure the message through a convenient modal window:   Printing in Blazor WebAssembly WebReport now allows you to print reports in Blazor WebAssembly. This feature is enabled by default, but if you need to disable it, just use the following code: webReport.Toolbar.ShowPrint = false; Your reports can now be printed directly from Blazor WebAssembly:   Full list of changes --- [Engine] + added merging of text objects; + added the ability to change the shape of PictureObject; + added the ability to create custom line styles; * now working with fonts is done without blocking; - fixed text going beyond the boundaries of the TextObject when TextRenderer = HTMLParagraph; - fixed creation of fonts from PrivateFontCollection; - fixed incorrect text color in RichObject; - fixed a break between RichObject and image; - fixed a bug when the focus was lost from the DateTimePicker object if it had the DetailedControl property specified; - fixed a bug in barcodes (display on HiDPI, export to PDF); - fixed indentation in HTMLTextRenderer; - fixed incorrect RichObject breaks; [Designer]+ added the “Show progress window” property to the designer settings; + added the ability to configure hotkey combinations; * updated checks for links; links with spaces are now processed correctly; - fixed the appearance of extra lines when scaling a RoundRectangle of small size; - fixed slash encoding in Barcode 93 Extended; - fixed deleting a link when merging dictionaries; - fixed a bug with the choice of date or time formatting in the Hungarian localization; [Preview] - fixed incorrect size of the page border when the page height or width is infinite; [Exports] + implemented saving of each image in a separate thread;+ added missing links to event handlers in exports to Excel 2007, Word 2007, and RTF;+ added a new property for scaling barcodes when exporting to ZPL;+ added selection of group by which the report will be divided into sheets in Excel 2007;+ added the ability to disable grouping of sheets when exporting to Excel 2007;+ added the use of wrap mode for texture fill when exporting to SVG;* when exporting to cloud storage, the window automatically closes after receiving the authorization code; - corrected private font collections; - fixed error in parsing the GSUB table;- fixed incorrect export of DashDot, DashDotDot, and Double object border styles to PDF; - fixed a bug when the numbers in the Gauge were displayed blurry during HTML export; - fixed calculation of the ContentMD5 header in S3 export; - fixed incorrect positioning of text when exporting to ZPL; - fixed incorrect export of GaugeObject to PowerPoint 2007; - fixed incorrect export of RadialGauge with filling in layered export in Word 2007; - fixed incorrect export of RadialGauge with filling in non-layered HTML; - fixed display in "Clamp" transfer mode for texture fill when exporting to SVG; - fixed the change in text size when using HTML tags in Excel 2007 export; - fixed the incorrect behavior of HTML tags with tabs when exporting to Excel 2007; - fixed the problem of reducing the quality of the watermark when exporting to PDF; - fixed a bug with incorrect indents when exporting to tables in Word 2007; - fixed image positioning in CheckBox when exporting to Word 2007; [WebReport] - support for .NET Standard 2.0 has been removed in FastReport.Web; - fixed an error when exporting in the Blazor application; - fixed ignoring Margin when printing with PrintHtml in WebReport; [.NET Core] - fixed a bug when the text width was incorrectly calculated when exporting to PDF; [Demos] - fixed a bug in displaying the navigation menu after minimizing Demo New; [Extras] + added Variant conversion to CLR types in MySqlDataConnection; + added FastReport.Data.Odbc plugin; + added support for FastReport.WPF for FastReport.Data connector plugins; * changed the behavior of the message about duplicate names in a request; - fixed the automatic creation of parameters in a request.
November 21, 2023

Black Friday for .NET products with up to 40% discount

During the period from November 21 to 24, hurry up to purchase a license with maximum benefit!  Single license with a 20% off on .NET solutions in Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate editions. Team license with a 15% off on NET solutions in the Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate editions and, taking into account the Team edition discount, a total of 40%! Discounts are applied to: FastReport .NET FastReport WPF FastReport Mono FastReport Desktop   Single license is for 1 developer. The Team license is suitable for 2-4 developers and includes the Build server license in the price. Discounts can only be applied when purchasing a license. The promotion does not apply to renewals and upgrades. You can ask questions in the chat on our website or email to   Buy now
November 20, 2023

A new version of FastReport Cloud 2024.1 released

With this version, the cloud service for document generation and storage has introduced the following features: integration with ClickHouse, interactive preview from WASM, a new notification service, bulk file deletion, email notifications, and much more. Integration with ClickHouse We have added connection to the ClickHouse columnar database. Go to the "Data" panel and click on the "+" button. You will see a menu for selecting available sources. Read more in the article. Notification service Added the ability to receive notifications about various events: successful document exports, creation or deletion of files, and others. You can set up the display of notifications on the Profile Settings page. The simple version will look like this: It will look different in the expanded format: Bulk file deletion  Our team has optimized the application. Now, instead of requests to delete each file from the recycle bin, you can create 1 single request. So the bin can be emptied several times faster. Folder properties page We have improved information about already created folders. Now there is a properties page with a description of the creator and owner of the folder and the size and location of the folder in the workspace. Folder size calculation Added an API that calculates how much space a folder's contents take up (relevant for templates, reports, and exports). You can see its size on the folder properties page. The size after downloading the folder is shown in brackets. Interactive preview Added a beta microservice for viewing reports in a browser based on WASM technology. Unlike the current static preview, it can work with interactive objects: maps and drop-down lists. To use it, you need to replace the word staticpreview with wasmpreview in the browser line  (/staticpreview/t/6235f34d935bef40aa09e8c3 -> /wasmpreview/t/6235f34d935bef40aa09e8c3). Apikey in staticpreview Added the ability to use apikey in staticpreview. This way you can give preview access only to users with this key.The key is sent as follows:{your key} New task page design The Task system has been significantly redesigned. The user interface has become more ergonomic and intuitive for users. Mailings by email A page for setting up mailings has been added. Now you can send letters with templates, reports, and exports. You can also set up a newsletter once and reuse it for other tasks. New breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs on file and folder pages have been replaced with a more compact version. Downloading folders We have added the ability to download groups of files and folders. To do this, select the “Download” item in the context menu. When you select folders or several files, a common archive will be created and download will start automatically. New online designer The online report designer has been updated to the latest version. You can find more about the designer changes on the product page. Storage of VCL templates With the release of 2024.1, we added storage of VCL templates. Now you can save .fp3 and .fr3 files in the cloud, and then use them in future projects.   Full list of changes: --- ### [Backend] + added Tahoma font to worker; + added API, which will create a folder with the specified name if it does not exist when requested; + added serialization for the transport property of export tasks; + added a cache for previews; + added localization for checking scripts; + added a parser for ReportInfo VCL templates; + added a connection to the ClickHouse database;+ added a validation method for transports and exports;+ added a way to receive notifications from audit;+ added bulk file deletion;+ added an API for calculating how much space a folder takes up; + added checking and solving the problem when files did not have GridFS chunks; + added missing "Access Denied" logs for tasks; * updated installation script; * updated behavior when copies of files will no longer be created with the same rights as the original; * localized FastReport .NET errors; *updated the FastReport package to the version with SkiaSharp; *refactored task updating;*improved updating of transports for transfer tasks; *improved task updating logic, now the process occurs in the View Model; * renamed TaskUpdateType to EnumerablePatchType; *merged some similar retrieval methods, removed unnecessary code, adjusted naming; *improved GET request for one folder, now the calculated size of its contents will be returned; * refactored View Models; * converted subscription and entity identifiers in ObjectId audits; *removed the Count field from audits due to performance problems; *improved query for statistics on audits; *added a new configuration file for the online designer; * moved all View Models to another directory; - adjusted records when creating audit; - fixed rights check for groups with null rights; - fixed error message display in online design; - fixed connection checking when creating or editing a data source; - fixed a bug with redundant auditing when exporting; - fixed the creation of loggers with incorrect contexts; - fixed a bug where an incorrect date value in creating or updating a subscription resulted in a 500 error; - fixed a bug when the “.preview” folder was created for each preview; - fixed numerous serialization problems; - fixed a lack of traceId in the backend logs; - fixed a naming error for SDK generation; - fixed a bug when the report parameters broke the export; - fixed duplication of file names during exports; - fixed an error in the win1251 encoding in a FireBird connection; - fixed UpdateTaskTest; - fixed transports in transformer tasks; - fixed serialization of tasks and audits; - fixed a bug with report dialogs when building; - fixed missing associated audits; - fixed the type of the returned View Model in InternalDesignerController; - fixed the preparation of the AMP tag for reading in XML; - fixed the error displaying line breaks and spaces in the designer; - fixed the returned View Model when exporting folders; - fixed the error when the messageId of the export could be null; ### [Frontend]+ added icons for data sources;+ added a preview button to the file properties page;+ added support for mixins in the online designer;+ added sorting by users page;+ added creation time on the users page; + added a message showing that the folder was successfully exported; + added a workspace identifier to the file information pages in the admin panel; + added localization for the headers of the file and folder selection dialogs; + added the TemplateId field to the export page in the admin panel; + added a beta microservice for viewing reports in a browser using WASM technology; + added the Deleted field to file pages in the admin panel; + added redirection to the logout page from the authentication server after exiting the application; + added a properties page for folders; + added a new switch for deleted files in the admin panel; + added the opportunity to go to the selected workspace from the user card; + added new icons in the online designer; + added search on the data sources page in the admin panel; + added the ability to use API Key in staticpreview; + added loading indicators for pages in the admin panel; + added sorting on the data sources page in the admin panel; + added blocking of the download button after clicking on it; + added an error message if updating the data source failed; + added behavior when the file pages of the admin panel the pressed ToBin button will change to Restore and vice versa; + added red coloring of the expiration date when the API key has already expired; *localized the inscription “just now” and other text in pop-up messages; *updated Blazor components, now they have unique html classes for future tests; * the history of file properties is hidden if the history is empty or there are insufficient rights to view it; * updated information about limits on the “about the workspace” page, implemented more accurate rounding of numbers; * enabled cutting of WASM technology; *updated Blazorise in the admin panel, fixed the page for creating a subscription plan; *replaced custom checkboxes with a variation from Blazorise on the page for editing a subscription plan in the admin panel; * changed the behavior for deleting on the file page; *changed the design of the task page; *changed the add parameter button in tasks; *refactored the admin panel; *breadcrumbs on the pages of files and folders were replaced with a more compact version; * improved redirect to a special page when the subscription has expired;- fixed text alignment on service pages; - fixed a bug when the delete dialog was displayed without selected files; - fixed a bug when you could not delete a file if a file with no rights to delete was deleted along with it; - fixed a bug when several data sources were created while checking the status of the source; - fixed a redirect when logging into the service; - fixed non-aligned subscription cards in the admin panel; - fixed a bug where it was impossible to move or copy a file to another subscription via the frontend; - fixed a bug when searching in audits resulted in a 404 error; - fixed a 404 error when switching workspace on file pages in the admin panel; - fixed the window headers of the selection dialogs; - fixed the dialog for selecting the export type in tasks; - fixed the behavior of the middle mouse button, now clicking on the admin side panel opens new tabs; - fixed the bug with displaying the template identifier on the export pages; - fixed a bug in the new dotent SDK, fixed the layout of the export loading screen; - fixed frontend errors when connecting to ClickHouse; - fixed non-aligned data display on the pages of files and data sources; - fixed invisible calendar in audits; - fixed a bug when the value from the URL did not appear in the search bar on the workspaces page in the admin panel; - fixed checkboxes on the plan update page in the admin panel; - fixed the position of the control panel in the preview; - fixed dashboard graphics (double graphs, missing colors, broken URL parameter); - fixed initialization of dashboards; - fixed a bug when long text broke the header of the selection dialogs; ### [Demos]- fixed a bug when editing group rights;- fixed Java SDK and demo;### [Common]+ added HomePageLink to the configuration file; + added automatic update of the online designer; + added Old and New Value fields to the "Audit Details" page; + added storage of VCL templates;+ added a scanner for critical API changes at the build stage;+ added generation of documentation in PDF format;+ added a new documentation chapter;+ added documentation “How to update transports in transformer tasks and email addresses in email tasks"; + added storage of .fp3 files; + added preview service in JS; + added error messages for data sources; + added the link to renew subscription; + added downloading of folders; + added the current year in the license for the SDK; + added a button by which you can go to audits from the workspace; + added a test that checks the avoidance of folder name collisions; + added configs for data sources containing a timeout setting; + added cancellation tokens in the user panel for methods that access the API; + added cancellation tokens for methods that interact with the API; + added setting preview rights to the file properties page; + added links to objects in audits; + added a redirect to the home page when you click on the logo in the header; + added the ability to sort subscriptions by CreatedTime and SubscriptionPeriodVM.StartTime, SubscriptionPeriodVM.EndTime, Name, Locale, Plan in forward and reverse order; + added trimming of folder names;*moved file uploading (documentation, installation files) to a new server;*updated the project to .NET 6.0;*updated the version of the Open API Tool;*updated the search bar on the file pages in the admin panel; *updated cake scripts to version .NET 6.0; *removed the onclick event, which reloads the page *updated version of FastReport .NET to 2023.2 - fixed display of TraceId in logs; - fixed “Old” and “New value” fields in audits of file actions; - fixed the assembly of the wasm-preview microservice; - fixed a bug when the online designer could not load; - fixed the version of the preview library in WASM; - fixed errors in checking rights in data sources and Tasks; - fixed an empty search field when there was an existing parameter in the URL for the user's section in the admin panel; - fixed the error of the wrong report export root; - fixed changing the standard subscription to the current one when changing workspaces; - fixed redundant paginator pages provided that the search is used on the workspaces page of the admin panel; - fixed image archiving when exporting a report to image format without the “create separate files for each page” setting enabled; - fixed incorrect positioning of the context menu when trying to open it in a small window; - fixed console errors when pressing buttons that have JSRuntime in their logic and errors about null references when pressing the "Properties" button of the context menu; - fixed non-working breadcrumbs in audits.
October 16, 2023

The new version of FastReport Online Designer 2024.1

Exciting updates to the report designer in the 2024.1 release! We have paid special attention to the internal architectural product changes and improved the visual ease of reporting. We have also added new object fills and gradients.   New opportunities We added the ability to apply a "Linear Gradient" fill to an object or band To apply the "Linear Gradient" fill to an object or band, you need to select the element first and then click on the "Fill" group in the properties panel: A dialogue box will open where you need to navigate to the "Gradient" tab. After that, you can choose the gradient parameters (start color, end color, gradient angle, focus, and contrast) and apply the changes:   Added the ability to apply a "Shape Gradient" fill to an object or band To apply a "Shape Gradient" fill to an object or band, you need to select an element and then click on the "Fill" group in the properties panel: You will see a dialog box in which you need to go to the "Shape Gradient" tab. After, you can select the parameters of the figure gradient (center color, edge color, shape) and apply the changes:   Added the ability to apply the "Hatch" fill to an object or band To apply the "Hatch" fill to an object or band, you need to select an element and then click on the "Fill" group in the properties panel: A dialog box will open in which you need to go to the "Hatch" tab. Here, you can select hatch parameters (hatch color, background color, hatch style) and apply the changes:   Added the ability to apply the "Glass" fill to an object or band To apply the "Glass" fill to an object or band, you need to select an element and then click on the "Fill" group in the properties panel: You will see a dialog box in which you need to go to the "Glass" tab. Then you can select the glass fill parameters (color, transparency, shading) and apply the changes:   Added the ability to apply a "Texture" fill to an object or band To apply the "Texture" fill to an object or band, you need to select an element and then click on the "Fill" group in the properties panel: You will see a dialog box in which you need to go to the "Texture" tab. After this, you can select the texture parameters (image, texture pattern dimensions, transfer mode, "save proportions" option, pattern shift along the X and Y axes) and apply the changes:   Added the ability to drag a field onto a barcode so that it is recorded in the DataColumn Now, to insert any data into a barcode, you can, in addition to using the properties panel, drag data from the data panel directly onto the barcode:   Added the ability to delete a matrix via the context menu Based on user requests, we have added a useful "Delete" item in the context menu of the matrix:   Improvements Rework and new design of pop-ups All pop-up windows, such as the expression and format editor, have been completely redesigned and improved to meet modern UI standards. We have completely reviewed and rewritten all dialog boxes in our project. This was done to ensure better performance, ease of use, and optimize user experience. For example, now the expression in the expression editor field is transferred to the specified location: Here is the full list of changed windows: MS Chart editing; Band editing; Border editing; Connection string editing; Data band editing; Fill editing; Font editing; GroupHeader editing; Conditional selection editing; Map editing; Matrix cells editing; MS Chart series editing; Image editing; RichText editing; Format; Link editor; Map layer loading; Adding connection; Outline editing.   Rework and new design of elements in pop-up windows In addition to functional improvements, you will also notice visual changes. The design of controls has become more modern, clean, and intuitive. These changes improve user experience with the application.   Rework and new design of the work panel (properties, report tree, data, events) The work panel has been redesigned and changed. It includes: Properties panel; Report tree panel; Data panel; Events panel. Now, the work panel is located on the right: The design of the properties panel has been changed. Now it looks like this: Also, the report tree panel has been redesigned: The data panel has been redesigned: And another event panel:   New Components Panel for Desktop Devices For desktop devices such as personal computer or laptops, the component panel is now on the left: For devices with a touchscreen display, the component panel remains in the same place:   Changed Color Picker The color picker has been updated to a more powerful version. The new version of the tool allows you to select preset colors and adjust color transparency. The old version of the tool looked like this: The new version looks like this:   Now, when deleting GroupHeader, the Data band is not deleted with it Previously, if you deleted a GroupHeader, the Data band was also deleted. Now the Data band is saved: If you used JS injections for FastReport Online Designer, their functionality may be impaired! If you have any problems, please contact our support. Full list of changes ----- + Added the ability to apply a "Linear Gradient" fill to an object or band;+ Added the ability to apply a "Shape Gradient" fill to an object or band;+ Added the ability to apply the "Hatch" fill to an object or band;+ Added the ability to apply the "Glass" fill to an object or band;+ Added the ability to apply a "Texture" fill to an object or band;+ Added the ability to drag a field onto a barcode so that it is recorded in the DataColumn;+ Added the ability to delete a matrix via the context menu;* Rework and new design of pop-up windows;* Rework and new design of elements in pop-up windows;* Rework and new design of the work panel (properties, report tree, data, events);* New component panel for desktop devices;* Replacement of the color selection tool;* Now, when deleting a GroupHeader, the Data band is not deleted along with it;* Updated localization;* And other improvements; - Fixed a bug when the "Simple Progress Sensor" object was not displayed;- Fixed a bug when nothing happened when selecting a data format in some cases ;- Fixed default color for table borders;- Fixed reset of the separator when re-opening the "data format" form;- Fixed a problem where the CheckedListbox on the dialog form was not updated;- Fixed compatibility issues for old reports;- Fixed display of numbered list in RichText;- Correction of errors in dialog forms;- Fixed display of events after report reloading;- And other fixes.
September 25, 2023

Updating Delphi and Lazarus products to 2023.3 version

We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of Delphi and Lazarus products. In this update, we paid special attention to ergonomic design and component performance. With 2023.3 version, we have added a new NextCloud transport, changed the operation of the report engine, added support for new electronic signatures, and much more. Changes (different for each product) are available for the following products: FastReport VCL, FastScript, FastConverter .FP3, FastQueryBuilder, FastReport FMX, FastReport Viewer, FastCube VCL, FastCube FMX. New demo reporting center For convenience, we have combined all demos into a single demo center. It is available with the new FastReport product installer.   Changed the operating mode of the report engine The new mode allows you to automatically select the font size to match the size of the “Text” object and its content (ContentScaleOptions property). Selecting the size to match the static dimensions of the object allows you to reduce the text if there are physical limitations when printing. You can find an example of use in the article at the following link. Dynamic font sizing allows you to control the font scale that is applied to dynamically resizing or stretching objects. The report engine reduces the contents of such objects to fit the band on the current page.   New resource localization editor With this update, you can edit language resources to suit your needs directly from the IDE. Thanks to the new editor, this has become as fast, simple, and convenient as possible. Full language switching at run-time. Now all language resources are updated immediately without the need to restart the report designer.   Added new NextCloud transport  You can save and load reports from your corporate storage directly from the designer, as well as from code. Read in the article how to set up a connection.   New types of electronic signatures When exporting to PDF format or working with random files, you can sign documents using the following electronic signatures: CADES_T and CADES_X_LONG_TYPE_1. We have also added partial font embedding in PDF export. It allows you to reduce the size of the PDF export. FastCube for Lazarus has added support for integration with the Chart component for the FastReport integration package.   Full list of 2023.3 changes --------------- [Designer]- Fixed drop-down InPlace editor in the DPIAware application. [Engine]+ Added the ability to automatically select the font size to match the size of the “Text” object and its content (ContentScaleOptions property);+ Added language resource editor;+ Added frThreadSynchronizeProc variable to override the default synchronization procedure in FastReport;+ Added implementation for UP/DOWN/MOVE mouse events for report script objects;+ Added support for signatures CADES_T and CADES_X_LONG_TYPE_1;+ Added TfrxHtmlView.LoadFromString method to RTTI.+ Added compatibility of old behavior in TfrWideStrins;+ Added correction of the height of the last line of text to the tmDescent value (required for some fonts);* Improved language switching in the report designer;* Changed the TfsScript.OnSetVarValue event;* Changed the order of finalizing datasets;- Fixed work of TfrLocalizationController in FastReport FMX;- Fixed printer font scaling in FastReport FMX for RAD 11.3;- Fixed a bug where the frxIBO package did not compile in some IDEs;- Fixed a bug when the dclfqbFIB package was not compiled;- Fixed the name of the groups in the component palette;- Fixed a problem with data when editing a chart in a report for integration with FastCube;- Fixed behavior of HideIfSingleDataRecord with delayed expressions;- Fixed chart rendering in Lazarus;- Fixed TfsCustomHelper in debug mode;- Fixed out-of-range issue in FastCube;- Fixed a bug with case-insensitive keys in resources;- Fixed post-processing of expressions for paReportFinished/paGroupFinished when the ReportSummary/GroupFooter band is visible or invisible;- Fixed Job method TfrLocalizationController.ShowLocalizationEditor;- Fixed a problem with a blank page when duplex printing is forced in the printer settings, and single-sided printing is set for the report page;- Fixed inability to compile the project for FMX versions below Tokyo;- Fixed FastCube compilation for C++ Builder FMX;- Fixed behavior of the TfrxHTMLView.DefBackground method when the value is clNone;- Fixed a bug in FastScript when adding nested components via AddComponent;- Fixed an error in determining the SVG format with a BOM header;- Fixed several GDI descriptor leaks;- Fixed TeeChart package names in FastCube package templates;- Fixed inheritance of styles in the report template. [Exports]+ Added the ability to partially embed fonts;+ Added LineSpacing support for PPTX export;- Fixed PDF export with CJK fonts;- Fixed a bug with multi-page HTML export when the image cache was cleared for each page;- Fixed work of PDF form fields with owner password;- Fixed substitution of font names;- Fixed application closing with PDF export;- Fixed export of time format in XLSX export;- Fixed SMTP in TfrxMailExport. [Lazarus]+ Added a new integration package with LazChart;- Fixed PDF export dialog for Lazarus;- Fixed visual errors in the report designer for Lazarus;- Fixed the designer reopening with TfrxLazSqliteQuery;- Fixed Unicode output from the database for Lazarus;- Fixed barcodes in Linux. [Other]+ Added support for FibPlus, IB Objects, and BDE in the installer;- Fixed description of the FastCube FPC package;- Fixed a bug with using an OLE object in FastScript code;- Fixed FastCube FMX packages;- Fixed chart templates for FastReport Demo for compatibility with TeeChart 2023.38. [Preview]+ Added TfrxPreviewTabs.CurrentTab property;- Fixed the HighlightRuleEditor form in FastCube;- Added the “Search” item to the preview context menu. [Report object]+ Added TTeeFont and TteeShadow classes to RTTI for diagrams;* Changed the DefaultDatabase class from TFDConnection to TFDCustomconnection;- Fixed rotation of 2D barcodes;- Fixed list of modules in FireDAC; [Resources]* Updated Serbian resources;* Updated Arabic resources;* Updated Bulgarian resources;- Fixed string resource numbers. [Transport]+ Added NextCloud transport.
September 18, 2023

FastReport Desktop release - our product for reporting automation

Our stand-alone Low-code solution will help you to automate the generation and transmission of reports from multiple databases (and even several at the same time). Set up export of reports and send them to databases in a couple of clicks! Buying this product you’ll get: Visual designer for creating and editing reports. Builder in the form of a console utility for building and processing reports. GUI configurator for creating builder tasks. A convenient scheduler for completing tasks on a schedule. Viewer for displaying and printing ready-made reports. In the Standard edition, these utilities have to be manually connected to your project. In the Professional edition, we did it for you. A common interface of utilities and a report manager will help you set up business processes much faster. FastReport Desktop will be an excellent replacement for the previous FastReport for DBA solution. Existing FastReport for DBA license will be changed to FastReport Desktop Professional Single at no additional cost. All clients will retain their remaining days on previously purchased licenses. If you have any further questions, please, email us at
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