We provide the following newsgroups as a user-supported area to exchange information, tips and techniques on the use of our products with the global community of Fast Reports customers.
We encourage members of this community to assist each other with technical questions.
fast-reports.public.fastcube - Technical questions relating to FastCube
fast-reports.public.fastreport.4 - Technical questions relating to FastReport 4
fast-reports.public.fastreport.studio - Technical questions relating to FastReport Studio
fast-reports.public.fastreport.net - Technical questions relating to FastReport.NET
fast-reports.public.fastreport.clx - Technical questions relating to FastReport CLX
fast-reports.public.fastscript - Technical questions relating to FastScript
fast-reports.public.freereport - Technical questions relating to FreeReport
fast-reports.public.openquerybuilder - Technical questions relating to OpenQueryBuilder
fast-reports.public.non-technical - Non-technical questions relating to any Fast Reports, Inc. product
fast-reports.public.binaries - Send attachments here