10. Oktober 2014

ITDevCon 2014

Fast Reports on ITDevCon 2014. Den Zubov will explain how migrate to FastReport from other reporting tools. 

ITDevCon is coming back on 23rd and 24th October 2014. The innovative feature of this edition is the location. This year, the European Conference for Delphi developers will be held in Milano.
We will discuss about the main improvements of the RAD Studio suite and how is now possible work in a fluid development environment that makes your workflow more efficient. 
We will also talk about new technologies and development, also for mobile, on different platforms: Windows, MacOSX, iOS and Android. itdevcon.it

18. Dezember 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
12. Dezember 2024

FastReport .NET unterstützt jetzt .NET 9: Was ist neu?

Die rechtzeitige Anpassung von Tools an neue Plattformversionen ist für den Komfort der Entwickler von entscheidender Bedeutung. Mit der Version 2025.1.8 unterstützt FastReport .NET jetzt .NET 9.
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