28. Februar 2019

Die neue Version von FastReport VCL - 6.3

In der neuesten Version haben wir neue Modi zum Unterstreichen von Text hinzugefügt. Jetzt kann für das Textobjekt das Verhalten des unterstrichenen Textes angepasst werden.

Der PDF-Export wurde um die neuen Exportformate PDF/A-1, PDF/A-3 erweitert und die Exportqualität von PDF-Dokumenten insgesamt verbessert.

Die neue Möglichkeit, beim Erstellen eines Berichts alle Objekte auf der Seite automatisch wiederzugeben, ermöglicht eine unkompliziertere Erstellung von RTL-Berichten.

Verbessertes Arbeiten mit Multithreaded-Anwendungen.

Ab sofort können Daten zu Cloudspeicher gesendet werden, ohne den Dialog über Anwendungscode verwenden zu müssen.
Unterstützung für die Entwicklungsumgebung Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3 Rio wurde hinzugefügt und natürlich verbessern wir das Produkt auch weiterhin und beheben Fehler.

Version 6.3
- Fixed PDF LineSpacing (for huge values + VAlign)
- Fixed Chinese font names in PDF export
- Fixed active cell for XLS with several sheets in the BIFF8 export
- Fixed UTF-8 support for Geodata from DBF
* Improved FireDAC DB components

* Improved fonts' simulation, exporting of images and checkboxes in the PDF export
- Fixed Inplace editors in the designer
- Fixed numeric formats with ";" in XLSX export
- Fixed FireDAC for x64 platform
+ Added FireDAC to recompile.exe
- Fixed for AV in RichEdit when using OLE object under Windows 10 with last update
- Fixed ModifyObject for default values

* Improved Quick Report to Fast Report converter
* Improved multi-threading : Datasets on TDataModule, map file access, Inherited reports, Rich critical section
+ Added PDF/A-1, PDF/A-3 support
- Fixed TTF tables align. Now it uses zeros for align, not garbage memory
- Fixed macro variables in the table object

- Fixed series in the script for TeeChart 8 Professional and later
- Fixed bug when save dialog appears for exports to Stream
- Fixed MS Office resources for DOCX export
+ Added ability to load Geodata from DB
+ Added new Page.MirrorMode property for better RTL support. The base idea to keep the original layout in the report template and switch to RTL only in preview (during page loading).
+ Added TfrxUserDataset demo

[6.2.11 - 6.2.12]
+ Added ability to internet IOTransports send files without dialogs from code
* Improved performance of report preparation for XE3, XE6, XE7, 10, 10.2.
* Reworked exported bounds for barcodes with outbound text via Vector output
- Fixed wrong barcode size in PDF export on Win10 with font scaling > 100%
- Fixed EAN13 barcode rendering
+ Added xtDate support for Arrow and Bubble series
- Fixed PNG images in the exports
- Fixed font names table and horizontal_metrix_table return values

[6.2.9 - 6.2.10]
* Improved Gauges script RTTI
+ Added Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3 Rio support
* TfrxOLEView Editor form is scaled now
* WKT/WKB MultiPoligonShape support
* Removed global frxDrawText from preview draw

[6.2.6 - 6.2.8]
- Fixed right align for some fonts in the PDF export
- Fixed WheelDelta in the designer
- Moved some non-translated strings to resources
- Lock/Unlock current cached preview page for export.
- Fixed TfrxMemoView.Duplicates in the TfrxSubreport

[6.2.4 - 6.2.5]
- Fixed recent files in the ini file storage
- Fixed errors processing in the transports
- Fixed code editor for long script
- Fixed text wrapping for traditional Chinese
+ Added CharSpacing support in the SVG export

+ Added TfrxMemoView.UnderlinesTextMode property. (ulmNone - no show under lines, ulmUnderlinesAll - show under lines
at the whole area of object, ulmUnderlinesText - show under lines for text only, ulmUnderlinesTextAndEmptyLines -
show under lines for text and empty lines)
- Fixed AV in the PDF export with some fonts
- Fixed TfrxMemoView.Underlines rendering
- Fixed GS1-128 parsing

- Fixed Outline checkbox behavior in the PDF export dialog
- Fixed AV when field name not exists in the dataset

- Prevent flickering in the report preview with drill-down reports
- Fixed random crashed during report reloads
- Fixed exporting of TfrxTableCell with HTMLTags to PDF

18. Dezember 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
12. Dezember 2024

FastReport .NET unterstützt jetzt .NET 9: Was ist neu?

Die rechtzeitige Anpassung von Tools an neue Plattformversionen ist für den Komfort der Entwickler von entscheidender Bedeutung. Mit der Version 2025.1.8 unterstützt FastReport .NET jetzt .NET 9.
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  • info@fast-report.com
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