28. Dezember 2009

FastReport VCL 4.9 released!

FastReport VCL 4.9

ability to print/export transparent pictures (properties TfrxPictureView.Transparent and TfrxPictureView.TransparentColor) (PDF export doesn't supported)
+ added new "split to sheet" modes for TfrxXMLExport 
+ added support of /PAGE tag in TfrxRichView, engine automatically break report pages when find /PAGE tag  
+ added ability to hide Null values in TfrxChartView (TfrxChartView.IgnoreNulls = True)
+ added ability to set any custom page order for printing (i.e. 3,2,1,5,4 )
+ [enterprise] added variables "AUTHLOGIN" and "AUTHGROUP" inside the any report  
+ [enterprise] now any report file can be matched with any (one and more) group, these reports are accessible only in matched groups
+ [enterprise] now you can set-up cache delays for each report file (reports.xml)
+ [enterprise] added new properties editor for reports in Configuration utility (see Reports tab)
+ [enterprise] added property "Xml" - "SplitType" in server configuration - allow to select split on pages type between none/pages/printonprev/rowscount
+ [enterprise] added property "Xml" - "SplitRowsCount" in server configuration - sets the count of rows for "rowscount" split type
+ [enterprise] added property "Xml" - "Extension" in server configuration - allow select between ".xml" and ".xls" extension for output file
+ [enterprise] added property "Html" - "URLTarget" in server configuration - allow select the target attribute for report URLs
+ [enterprise] added property "ReportsFile" - path to file with reports to groups associations and cache delays 
+ [enterprise] added property "ReportsListRenewTimeout" in server configuration
+ [enterprise] added property "ConfigRenewTimeout" in server configuration
+ [enterprise] added property "MimeType" for each output format in server configuration 
+ [enterprise] added property "BrowserPrint" in server configuration - allow printing by browser, added new template nav_print_browser.html
+ [enterprise] added dynamic file name generation of resulting formats (report_name_date_time)
* [enterprise] SERVER_REPORTS_LIST and SERVER_REPORTS_HTML variables (list of available reports) depend from user group (for internal authentification)
+ added drawing shapes in PDF export (not bitmap)
+ added rotated text in PDF export (not bitmap)
+ added EngineOptions.IgnoreDevByZero property allow to ignore division by zero exception in expressions
+ added properties TfrxDBLookupComboBox.DropDownWidth, TfrxDBLookupComboBox.DropDownRows
+ added event TfrxCustomExportFilter.OnBeginExport
+ added ability to decrease font size in barcode object
+ added ability to inseret FNC1 to "code 128" barcode
+ added event TfrxPreview.OnMouseDown
+ added support of new unicode-PDF export in D4-D6 and BCB4-BCB6
* improved AddFrom method - anchor coping
- fixed bug with strikeout text in PDF export
- fixed bug with incorrect export of TfrxRichView object in RTF format (wrong line spacing)
- [enterprise] added critical section in TfrxServerLog.Write
- fixed bug with setting up of the Protection Flags in the PDF export dialog window
- fixed bug in PDF export (file structure)
- fixed bug with pictures in Open Office Writer (odt) export
- [enterprise] fixed bug with TfrxReportServer component in Delphi 2010
- fixed minor errors in Embarcedero RAD Studio 2010
- fixed bug with endless loop with using vertical bands together with page header and header with ReprintOnNewPage
- fixed bug when using "Keeping" and Cross tables (incorrect cross transfer)
- fixed bug with [CopyName#] macros when use  "Join small pages"  print mode
- fixed bug  when try to split page with endless height to several pages (NewPage, StartNewPage)
- fixed bug with empty line TfrxRichView when adding text via expression
- fixed bug when Footer prints even if main band is invisible (FooterAfterEach = True)
- fixed resetting of Page variable in double-pass report with TfrxCrossView
- fixed bug with loosing of  aligning when split TfrxRichView
- fixed buzz in reports with TfrxRichView when using RTF 4.1

And FastScript v1.96 released
+ added support of Embarcedero Rad Studio 2010 added new RTTI functions
* improver script run speed
* improved work for Lazarus

18. Dezember 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
12. Dezember 2024

FastReport .NET unterstützt jetzt .NET 9: Was ist neu?

Die rechtzeitige Anpassung von Tools an neue Plattformversionen ist für den Komfort der Entwickler von entscheidender Bedeutung. Mit der Version 2025.1.8 unterstützt FastReport .NET jetzt .NET 9.
Fast Reports
  • 800-985-8986 (Englisch, die USA)
  • +4930568373928 (Deutsch)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • info@fast-report.com
  • 66 Canal Center Plaza, Ste 505, Alexandria, VA 22314

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