24. Oktober 2005

FastReport Studio 3.19

+ added new Delphi for .NET demo
+ added new C# demo: Report client for FastReport Server
+ added new C# demo: Picture - shows how to use IfrxPictureView interface
+ added new interface IfrxPictureView
+ improved interface (new buttons, splash and startup window)
+ added scheduler service (you can schedule your report and receive it by e-mail)
+ added configuration utility
+ added context help in designer (F1 key)
+ added method LoadPreparedReportFromStream(IStream *) to TfrxPreviewX
+ added method SavePreparedReportToStream(IStream *) to TfrxReport
+ added new interface:  IfrxDataBand
* fixed C++ demos: variable demo, callback demo
* updated C++ thread_test demo
* updated C# DataSetDemo: added FrxDataSet class
* updated C++ DynamicReport demo
* updated: Method CreateReportObject() of IfrxReport interface has been changed in accordance to new requirements
* updated Visual FoxPro demo
* updated C# DataSetDemo: added FrxDataView class + sorting example

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  • info@fast-report.com
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