6. März 2018

Das neue Release von FastReport .NET 2018.2

  • Die neue Version von FastReport .Net 2018.2 unterstützt die Komponenten von TeeChart für die Darstellung der verschiedenen Grafiken und Diagramme.
  • SVG ist jetzt als internes Grafikobjekt enthalten und nicht als Plug-In.
  • Für RichText gibt es auch einen Export im Text-Format für alle Export-Formate. Außerdem gibt es auch eine Bearbeitungsmöglichkeit der Text-Objekte in WebReport und im Online-Designer.
  • FastReport .Net kann auch aus dem Central Package Repository vom Nuget Package Manager installiert werden.




+ SVG is now included as an internal graphic object, not as a plug-in (only for .Net Framework 4)
+ added compatibility with Fips Algorithm Policy (with limitations: encryption of PDF export, encryption of report)

[.Net Core]
- fixed error with packages installation

+ added an event indicator for objects and bands, a small triangle in the upper left corner; this feature is able to be enabled or disabled in the designer settings (disabled by default)
+ added a new tab of the designer's settings: "Objects appearance"
- fixed import from rdl 2010 report template

+ added property RichTextObject.ConvertRichText for conversion the RichText in text objects on exporting
+ added paragraph based export in Word 2007 (experimental), property Word2007Export.ParagraphBased
* increased speed of export to CSV
* improved speed of PDF export
- fixed bug with removing the last character of each row when exporting to CSV without separator
- fixed bug with text resources in FTP export
- fixed bug with latin characters in interactive PDF in Chrome
- fixed bug with large size of PDF files
- fixed bug with transparent background of cells in Excel 2007 export
- fixed bug with lines and shapes in layered Word 2007 export
- fixed bug with checkboxes in layered Word 2007
- fixed bug with default value Word2007Export.Wysiwyg
- fixed bug with opening exported files in Excel 2007
- fixed bug with slow export of reports with unlimited width or height

+ added support for editable TextObject and CheckBoxObject
+ added properties WebReport.DocxWysiwyg, WebReport.DocxParagraphBased
- fixed position of loading indicator
- fixed bug with null pointer in service javascript code

+ added Steema TeeChart object plugin (\Extras\Misc\TeeChartObjectPlugin) https://www.steema.com/
+ added new demo \Demos\C#\PrintZPL

[Online Designer]
+ added ability of horizontal resizing the bands
+ added online/offline notifications
+ added offline working of designer with service workers
+ added property Editable for text objects and checkboxes
+ added component SimpleProgressGauge
* changed style of tooltips on moving the components
- fixed bug with adding the components in dialog page
- fixed bug with incorrect drawing the resize line of the band
- fixed bug with incorrect selection of DataSource for DataBand on save a report

Fast Reports
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  • +4930568373928 (Deutsch)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • info@fast-report.com
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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