✔ In neuer Version FastReport.Net integrierten wir einen Barcode für Pharmaindustrie – Pharmacode, der mit beliebiger Farbe erstellt werden kann
✔ Sie können jetzt auch einen Zugang zum populären Open Source NoSQL Datenlagern RavenDB direkt aus dem Bericht erstellen
✔ Nach Ihrem Wunsch fügten wir den Export ins binäre Excel Format hinzu, das als BIFF8 genannt ist
✔ FastReport.Net unterstützt jetzt von rechts nach links orientiertes Modell sowohl im Users Interface, wie auch bei der Berichtserstellung
✔ Auch sind weitere Code Optimierung und Fehlerberichtigung durchgeführt
+ added new barcode: Pharmacode
+ added new option for images: Grayscale display mode
+ added ability to change the color of barcodes
+ added caching of compiled report script
- fixed bug with losing precision in totals
- fixed bug with enabled ReportPage.UnlimitedHeight and ReportPage.PrintOnPreviousPage
- fixed bug with null initialization in text objects
- fixed bug with deserialization on saving from On-line Designer
+ added support of Right-to-Left Interface (RTL)
+ added a new property to MSChartObject, that allows to use several series with automatic creation
- fixed bug when instead of creating a new data source, editing of selected data source was opening
+ added support of Right-to-Left Interface (RTL)
+ added mouse-relative zoom
+ added export in Excel 97-2003 (BIFF8)
+ added ability to insert images in original resolution when exporting to PDF
+ in the PDF export window added ability to select a color space
* improved quality of images in Excel 2007 export
* changed work of export to Dropbox for using API 2.0 instead API 1.0
* added converting to Date format for Excel2007 export
* improved SVG export: added embedding images in file, HasMultipleFiles option was added, improved text rendering, text with angle, underlines added
- fixed bug with blank pages in Excel 2007 export
- fixed bug in PDF and HTML exports with vertical position of text which height is bigger than object height
- fixed bug with metafile images in RTFExport
- fixed bug with Vertical Alignment = bottom in PDF export
- fixed transparent images appearance in XPS export
- fixed export empty images in XPS
- fixed bug in preview of CSV export with small amount of rows
+ added RavenDB connector \Extras\Connections\FastReport.RavenDB
+ added SQL Anywhere connector \Extras\Connections\FastReport.SqlAnywhere
+ added new report demos: Pharmacode, Box
+ added ToolbarBackgroundStyle.None (you can use WebReport.ToolbarColor instead bitmap from style)
+ added properties WebReport.UnlimitedWidth, WebReport.UnlimitedHeight for enable Unlimited size for all report pages (default: false - use report settings)
+ added property WebReport.Dialogs for enable or disable all report dialogs (default: true - enabled)
- fixed bug with handling of onClick event in WebReport
+ added HTML object
+ added Pharmacode barcode
+ added page's properties UnlimitedHeight and UnlimitedWidth
+ added barcode's property Color
+ added grayscale property support for PictureObject
* resize gui elements are always shown on resize component
- fixed the issue with showing context menu on touch devices on long tap
- fixed dblclick bug on PictureObject
- fixed bug, related to building the designer with disabled code editor
- fixed DataBand dblclick bug
- fixed bug, related to showing default components of Dialog in report tree on create new Dialog