11. Juli 2011

Rebranding of FastReport Studio and release of FastReport for COM/ActiveX v.4.9

1. From the version 4.9 FastReport Studio has new name. From now FastReport Studio Developer Edition names FastReport for COM/ActiveX, FastReport Studio Business Edition - FastReport for Business.
These names more storng describe targets of products.

2. 11 of July FastReport for COM/ActiveX and FastReport for Business v.4.9 released

What news?

+ pictures format in all exports switched to PNG

It gives possibilities to use all the preferences of the PNG-formats, like quality, alpha-channels, size (in BIFF and HTML). Also it solves problems with preview on Apple-devices.

+ added export to DBF format - it can be use for data exchange of modules of different business applications

+ added new property ExpandDrillDown to IfrxReport interface - it allows control DrillDown reports programmatically

Version 4.9

- fixed bug in the PDF export in rotating texts 90, 180 and 270 degrees
- fixed bug in the ODF export in processing of headers and footers
- fixed bug in the Text export in computing object bounds
- fixed bug in the ODF export in UTF8 encoding
- fixed hiding gridlines around nonempty cells in the BIFF export
+ added property TfrxODFExport.SingleSheet
+ added property TfrxSimpleTextExport.DeleteEmptyColumns
- fixed images bluring when exporting
+ optimised merging cells in the BIFF export
- fixed word wrapping in the Excel XML export
- fixed bug in XML export with the ShowProgress property
- fixed bug in RTF export with font size in empty cells
- fixed bug in ODF export with UTF8 encoding of the Creator field
- fixed bug in XML export with processing special characters in strings
- fixed bug in ODF export with properties table:number-columns-spanned, table:number-rows-spanned
- fixed bug in ODF export with the background clNone color
- fixed bug in ODF export with a style of table:covered-table-cell
- fixed bug in ODF export with table:covered-table-cell duplicates
- fixed bug in ODF export with excessive text:p inside table:covered-table-cell
- fixed bug in ODF export with language styles
- fixed bug in ODF export with spaces and tab symbols
- fixed bug in ODF export with styles of number cells
- fixed bug in ODF export with the background picture
- fixed bug in ODF export with charspacing
- fixed bug in ODF export with number formatting
- fixed bug in ODF export with table-row tag
- fixed bug in XLS(OLE) export with numbers formatting
- fixed bug in RTF export with processing RTF fields
- fixed bug with processing special symbols in HTML Export
- fixed bug with UTF8 encoding in ODF export
- fixed bug in PDF export with underlined, struck-out and rotated texts

6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
27. Mai 2024

Aktualisierung der Cloud-Dienste auf 2024.2 Version

In der neuen Version 2024.2 für FastReport Cloud und FastReport Corporate Server haben wir Fehler behoben und neue Funktionen hinzugefügt.
21. Mai 2024

Neue Version von FastReport Online Designer 2024.2

Neue Funktionen in Version 2024.2: Spark-Grafikobjekt, Erstellung benutzerdefinierter SQL-Abfragen, Intellisense beim Bearbeiten von Code.
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