20. September 2006

FastReport 3.18 released

* D2006 ready
+ added strikeout text support in HTML export
+ added char spacing support in PDF export
+ added support of BALTIC_CHARSET (windows-1257) in PDF export
+ added support TfrxShapeView diagonal lines in PDF export
+ added FRF import unit. To use it, simply include frx2xto30.pas into your "uses" list.
- fixed inplace editing of the Text object
- fixed bug with export to the monochrome TIFF format (error with the MS Paint and Photo Editor) 
- fixed dbx components bug
- fixed paper bins selection
- fixed bugs in e-mail export (Lines and Signature properties, 
bad attachment, bad address syntax with some smtp servers)
- fixes of the export filters interface
- fixed GIF export filter
- fixed bug with xp style (av when closing expr editor)
- fixed av when selecting sysmemo and memo
- fixed the default export file name in the "Save Dialog"
- fixed TfrxServerConfig.LoadFromFile

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