Comparison of FastCube 2 editions

FunctionFastCube 2 VCL Embarcadero EditionFastCube 2 VCL Standard        FastCube 2 VCL Professional
Relational database given as data source x x x
Saved cube as data source x x x
Ability to convert data type in boot process x x x
Automatic creation of measurement year, month, day of week etc. based on fields of type Date x x x
Simultaneous calculation of several indices x x x
Ability to create user-based performance measurement x x x
Mapping of measurements without indicators x x x
Simultaneous Filtering of multiple values x x x
Simultaneous Filtering on multiple fields x x x
Detailing / minimizing measurement values x x x
Itemized cell to original data - x x
Sorting by value fact - x x
Construction of calculated parameters - x(with FastScript) x(with FastScript)
Aggregate functions x x x
Change for field of facts axis location (in row, column) and level of axis x x x
Display fact as percentage of column / row x x x
Colorize data - x x
Hide zero rows / columns - x x
Create custom formats for measurements and facts - x x
Saving of cube (data x scheme) x x x
Saving schemas shown separately from cube x x x
Export to Excel, HTML x x x
Copy selected cells to clipboard - x x
Diagram based on TeeChart x x x
Report Printing x(with FastReport) x(with FastReport) x(with FastReport)
Source Code - - x
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