Types of solutions for generating reports and documents

FastReport .NET

Sets of components that simplify and automate the process of creating reports and documents in C# for diverse technologies.

FastReport VCL

Sets of VCL, FMX, and Lazarus components with full sources codes for creating reports and documents in Delphi and Pascal.

WEB reporting

Components for cross-platform projects to develop, build, display, print, and export reports directly in the browser.

Solutions for end-users

Independent software solutions for designing, building, converting, and viewing ready-made reports on your computer.

OLAP and Business Graphics

Data presentation and analytical processing tools for obtaining pivot tables with subsequent visualization based on Business Graphics.

Service solutions

Ready-made services and client-server systems for fast data visualization and automatic execution of information processing tasks.


February 12, 2025

Delphi turns thirty!

To celebrate the occasion, we invite you to get the FastReport VCL Ultimate edition with a notable discount of 30%. It's a great opportunity to get a great deal on the most extensive type of reporting tool with a source code, cross-platform tools, and OLAP features! Don't miss your chance on February 13 and 14 to save from $390 and provide your application with: Source code Report designer with dialog forms Client-server components for VCL and Lazarus Report creation for VCL, FMX and Lazarus Converters from Quick Report, Report Builder, Rave Reports Support for exporting templates to other data formats Multidimensional analysis system FastCube for VCL, Lazarus and FMX Flexible and open architecture with support for custom report objects Storing finished documents in cloud storage Google Drive, Next Cloud, OneDrive, Amazon S3, Outlook, Gmail FastScript and FastQueryBuilder included   Freeze your discount and pay later! The offer is valid till 11.59 pm of February 14. If for some reason you can't make payment until this time, contact us and freeze your discount for 6 days to pay later!  
December 19, 2024

Recap of 2024 and plans for 2025

Friends, this year has been eventful and productive for us!     📌 Key achievements Release of new products: we launched FastReport Avalonia – a tool for cross-platform work on reports for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Changes in approach to product formation: we split the product content in a way where you do not have to buy unnecessary functionality.     What changed for our products? For Delphi and Lazarus: Improved work with hierarchical data in FastReport for Delphi and Lazarus by adding the TfrTreeView component. Additional capabilities for working with maps were added by supporting the GeoJSON and TopoJSON formats. Improved digital signatures, added infinite table width, expanded barcode capabilities, and improved display accuracy and compatibility of PDF, HTML5, SVG, DOCX, and XLSX export filters. In the latest version, we have enhanced the capabilities of working with reports in complex scenarios and provided a higher level of integration with modern development environments, including RAD Studio 12.2. Next year, we plan to add new components, support for RFID tag EPC in ZPL, new transports, improved export filters, and much more.     For .NET: We have abandoned the legacy .NET Standard 2.0 - 3.1 and .NET 5 compatibility layer in our libraries. Now the minimum supported .NET version is .NET 6, and the minimum supported framework is .NET Framework 4.6.2. With the latest version of the FastReport .NET library, FastReport Business Graphics .NET and FastCube .NET now support .NET 9. To do this, we abandoned binary serialization (BinaryFormatter). This year, we relaunched FastCube .NET, a library for working with OLAP cubes and operational analysis of big data. Now FastCube.Core.Web supports  Linux and MacOS. It opens up the possibility of developing web applications with OLAP functionality on any server. One of the key changes in the FastCube .NET 2025.1 release was the complete removal of the dependency on the System.Drawing.Common library in the FastCube.Core module. This was done to increase the library compatibility with various platforms and improve performance. The FastReport Online Designer visual template designer has also changed. In 2024, a new "SparkGraphic" object was added, it became possible to create guidelines on the page and a new component menu was implemented. When editing the report code, the Intellisense functionality was added, which provides automatic code completion and syntax hints, which allows users to write code faster and more accurately directly in the web interface. In 2025, we plan to add a new plugin allowing you to convert user reports from MS Word to .frx. In addition, a connection to Google Sheets will be implemented in the future. FastScript .NET for executing scripts will be released in the first half of the year. The new library will contain a compilation technology that allows you to convert intermediate code into machine code for a specific platform (Native AOT). We are striving to create a complete ecosystem of products for different platforms, so next year we will also work on their integration with each other.     For service solutions: In FastReport Cloud, we improved the automatic task execution system, added printing from the browser, and developed a font storage, finalized the SDK. Improved the usability and speed of the API Added new API methods for working with the cloud, allowing you to perform familiar operations faster and more conveniently: bulk copying, deleting, and moving files; a new upload method that allows you to upload large files and use fewer resources; methods for obtaining the current user's rights to files, groups, tasks, and data sources; added the ability to receive and edit report parameters without opening the report itself for editing. Made the user panel more convenient Improved work with the Online Designer: added a Richtext preview, and style templates for ChartObject. Gave the ability to edit the user's avatar, made a new trash bin for deleting files, improved the Tasks page; finalized data sources, giving the ability to use stored procedures and add custom tables from SQL. In 2025, we plan to release a new product and add parameter transfer to StaticPreview UI.     We thank you for trusting us in 2024. Let's move on and create the future together! Happy Holidays!  


February 17, 2025

Adding New Users to FastReport Cloud

In the Business edition of our cloud service for working with reports, FastReport Cloud, there is an option to add users to the same workspace. This means that multiple individuals can prepare reports from a single large list of previously added templates. Additionally, several people working on report templates can quickly and conveniently add them to a space where those reports can be prepared by another group of users who do not have editing permissions for the templates. To begin, let’s add a new user to the workspace. When a new user first opens FastReport Cloud, they will see the following screen:     Each user must have an account on our authentication service, FastReport ID. After successful registration and logging into FastReport Cloud, the user will see the following message:   At this stage, we go back to the account that purchased the license for FastReport Cloud. In the “Users” tab, you will see a list of users that have already been added, as well as a button that we will need right now—“Make Invite Link.”   If you click on this button, you will see a text field with an invitation link, as well as a button that allows you to copy this link.     By default, this link is reusable and is valid for one day. Currently, this can only be changed through the API. Share this link with the new user. When they click on this link, they will see a dialog prompting them to accept the invitation to FastReport Cloud.     After clicking “Accept,” two things will happen. First, the new user will be able to perform actions permitted for the “All Users” group. For example, if you have disabled access to document information by default, this is what they will see:   Secondly, you will be able to see the new user in the same “Users” menu from which the invitation link was copied.     If you want to remove a user from the subscription, you can right-click on that user and select the appropriate option.     By the way, if you go to the workspace information menu, you will be able to see the maximum number of added users.     Thus, the Business edition of FastReport Cloud allows for effective organization of collaborative work on reports. By adding users to a single workspace, simultaneous preparation of reports from a shared list of templates can be ensured, or tasks can be distributed among different groups of users. This streamlines the reporting process and makes it more convenient and efficient.
February 10, 2025

How to Try FastReport .NET WEB Before Purchase

Choosing reporting tools is an important step in developing any business application. FastReport, one of the leading solutions in the market, offers powerful capabilities for generating reports of various complexities. However, before purchasing the full version, many developers want to assess the product's potential and ensure it meets their needs. In this case, an excellent solution is to use the FastReport .NET WEB package, which allows you to test the system's core functionalities without the need for an immediate license purchase. In this article, we will discuss how to try the FastReport WEB package, its limitations compared to the full version, and how this can help you make an informed decision about acquiring the tool.     Demo Projects on the Website First, let’s take a look at the demo projects that you can explore on our website.   1) Blazor Server. Using Blazor Server technology, all application logic runs on the server side, while the user interface for the viewer and report designer is displayed in the browser window. When interacting with the interface, the browser sends an event, the server processes it, and sends back updated information. All interactions with the visual components, data processing, and report generation occur on the server side, allowing reporting components to be used on nearly any device. The server’s performance is crucial here. You can check out the demo project at the following link. Blazor Server demo   2) Blazor WebAssembly (WASM). This technology allows you to develop applications directly in the browser. The visual part and event handling are set up using C# code and Razor. The application is compiled into .NET assemblies and fully loaded into the browser using WebAssembly. When using the report generator, browser resources are leveraged, meaning that server requirements are minimal. WebAssembly is suitable for those who need to save server resources and for whom security is not as critical. Files are saved on the client side with access to the report template. In this case, passwords will be sent openly, which is why we recommend creating a REST service for data representation while using our set of WEB components as a “showcase.” You can check out the demo project at this link. WebAssembly demo   3) FastReport Online Designer is the web version of the FastReport .NET report designer. The online report designer is a RIA (Rich Internet Application), allowing it to run from any device with a modern web browser. The online designer will work in the latest versions of popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE), unlike the desktop designer which operates only on the Windows operating system. However, despite all the cross-platform advantages, the online version lags behind the desktop version in convenience and functionality. You can check out the Online Designer demo at this link. Online Designer demo   4) ASP.NET is a web application development platform that includes web services, software infrastructure, and a programming model from Microsoft. ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework and is an evolution of the older Microsoft ASP technology. You can check out the ASP.NET FastReport demo project at this link. ASP.NET demo   5) ASP.NET MVC – The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern separates the application into three main components: model, view, and controller. The ASP.NET MVC platform provides an alternative to the ASP.NET WebForms template for building MVC-based web applications. You can check out the ASP.NET MVC FastReport demo project at this link. ASP.NET MVC demo   6) .NET Core – is a cross-platform application runtime developed by Microsoft that allows the creation and execution of applications across various operating systems. Core is a universal platform designed for developing web services, cloud applications, and other types of software. It features a modular architecture, allowing developers to choose only the necessary components for their projects, reducing the final product size. What is .NET Core in the context of development? It is an environment that supports automatic memory management, type safety, and many other modern features that simplify the lives of developers. You can check out the .NET Core FastReport demo project at this link. .NET Core demo   In general, this is the complete list of WEB demo applications that we can explore before making a purchase. One of the main conveniences is that there is no need to develop your own project and connect the necessary packages. You just need to follow the link and see the application's functionality in all its glory. But what if we want to create a project on our own? In this case, FastReport has a solution for developers. To create a demo application independently, we will need knowledge of WEB development in C#, NuGet packages, and the magic of .NET.     NuGet Packages On our website, you can find many articles on developing WEB applications using FastReport. Now, let's take a closer look at the demo NuGet packages that we can obtain from NuGet.org. FastReport.Core (demo on nuget.org) - a package with the core logic of the program (data retrieval, report rendering, exports, etc.). Some functionality from FastReport.NET is absent due to the cross-platform nature of the package. Works with .NET Framework 4.6.2 and .NET 6 and later. FastReport.Core.Skia (demo on nuget.org) - a package with the core logic of the program for SkiaDrawing (data retrieval, report rendering, exports, etc.). Works with .NET 6 and later. FastReport.Net (demo on nuget.org) - a package containing the FastReport.dll library for .NET Framework 4.6.2 and .NET 6 and above, exclusively for Windows. It can also be obtained in our official Trial installer and allows you to evaluate the product's capabilities for different target platforms on Windows OS. This package has limitations typical of a demo version (random text fragments are replaced with "Demo" or "Demo version"). FastReport.Web (demo on nuget.org) - a package for integrating FastReport into web application scenarios (report rendering in the browser, export and print from the browser, working with the Online Designer) for ASP.NET Core. It includes components for Blazor Server and is used only with FastReport.Core. Works with .NET 6 and later. FastReport.Web.Skia (demo on nuget.org) - a package for integrating FastReport into web application scenarios using SkiaDrawing (report rendering in the browser, export and print from the browser, working with the Online Designer) for ASP.NET Core. It includes components for Blazor Server and is used only with FastReport.Core. Works with .NET 6 and later. FastReport.Core3.Web (demo on nuget.org) - a package for integrating FastReport into web application scenarios (report rendering in the browser, export and print from the browser, working with the Online Designer) for ASP.NET Core. It includes components for Blazor Server and is used only with FastReport.NET for .NET 6 and later. FastReport.Blazor.Wasm (demo on nuget.org) - this package contains Razor components for Blazor WebAssembly. Works with .NET 6 and later. Now, let's figure out how to incorporate these packages into your project. For this example, we will be using Visual Studio. First of all, we create a project. After that, we navigate to Solution -> Dependencies and right-click on "Packages." Then, we go to "Manage NuGet Packages". You can find out more about enabling NuGet packages in this article. Read the article     After that, we will be taken to the NuGet packages menu. By default, the source is set to NuGet.org.     In this section, we can select the desired package and install it in our project. When selecting a package, you can view its detailed description (which platforms the package supports, the latest version, etc.). We install the package using the "Install" button on the right side of the screen. The preparatory stage is complete, and we can start developing our application using the demo packages.     Creating a Report Directly from the Browser Let’s take a look at the demo Online Designer. To do this, follow this link: https://www.fast-report.com:2015/razor/Home/Designer, and you will be taken to the demo application.   Here, we can use the full functionality of the Online Designer. There is only one limitation—saving the report. On the left, there is an element panel from where we can drag text objects, images, tables, etc., into our report. On the right, we have the report properties, events, data, and report tree. Additionally, there is a management menu for the report at the top. If necessary, there is also an option to change the page language. You can find detailed instructions on how to work with the online report designer at this link. Online documentation     Installing FastReport .NET WEB on Windows Now, let's install the demo version of the desktop report designer. To do this, we need to follow this link and install the "Trial version for WinForms, WPF, Avalonia, Mono for Windows." In addition to the WEB packages, we can also obtain various demo versions of products, such as report designer for Avalonia. The trial desktop versions have slightly different limitations:  Words are replaced with "Demo" in random places in the report. Watermarks appear in random places. Otherwise, the functionality is the same as in the full version. After installation, we open the installer. You can familiarize yourself with how to use it at this link. Next, we select the trial component set that we need. We click "Next" and wait for the products to install. Once the selected products are installed, we need to navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Fast Reports\.NET. Here, you will find folders named after the latest available version of the product. We proceed directly to the "FastReport .NET WEB Trial" folder, as shown in the screenshot below.   In this folder, you will find the desktop designer, viewer, localizer, and .dll files. We also have a "Nugets" folder where most trial NuGet packages can be found.   The "Demos" folder contains demo projects, and by going into any of them, you can explore the applications and their code.     Conclusion Thus, using the FastReport WEB package represents an excellent opportunity for developers to test the system's capabilities before making a purchase. With the availability of essential features and tools, you can create test reports, evaluate the user interface's convenience, and ensure the solution's compatibility with your projects. While the trial version has some limitations, they do not hinder gaining a complete understanding of the product's potential. By testing the WEB package before purchasing, you will be able to make an informed choice: whether FastReport meets your needs or if you should consider alternative options. Remember that a well-chosen reporting system is an investment in your application's efficiency and end-user satisfaction.

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