May 19, 2014

RAD Studio Reporting with Fast Reports

RAD Studio Reporting with Fast Reports
See what’s new with FastReport and FastCube VCL and FMX

You’re invited to join Embarcadero with Fast Reports’ Michael Philippenko and Den Zubov for two new webinars on reporting for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder developers.

Webinar 1:
New Report Generator for Delphi FastReport VCL 5
Thursday, May 22, 2014
6AM San Francisco / 9AM New York / 2PM London / 3PM Milan
11AM San Francisco / 2PM New York / 7PM London / 8PM Milan
5PM San Francisco / 23-May 9AM Tokyo / 23-May 10AM Sydney

FastReport VCL is a modern solution for integrating Business Intelligence in your software. Topics covered in this webinar include:

What is new and how to use it in FastReport VCL 5
New kinds of report interactivity
News in objects and properties
Changes in web-reporting and more!

Webinar 2:
FastCube VCL 2 and New FastCube FMX - OLAP Components for your Software!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
6AM San Francisco / 9AM New York / 2PM London / 3PM Milan
11AM San Francisco / 2PM New York / 7PM London / 8PM Milan
5PM San Francisco / 4-June 9AM Tokyo / 4-June 10AM Sydney

FastCube enables you to analyze data and to build summary tables (data cut-offs) as well as create a variety of reports and graphs both easily and instantly. In this webinar you will learn:

What is new in FastCube VCL 2
What the difference in VCL and FMX versions
How to estimate performance of FastCube on your own data and application

More information

December 18, 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
December 12, 2024

Now FastReport .NET supports .NET 9: what's new?

Timely adaptation of tools to new platform versions is crucial for the convenience of developers. Since version 2025.1.8, FastReport .NET now supports .NET 9.
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