+ added Greek resources
+ added HTML tags support in PDF export
+ added Hebrew, Turkish and Arabic languages in the PDF export filter
+ added property TfrxPDFExport.Background (default = False)
+ added properties TfrxRTFExport.Creator and TfrxPDFExport.Creator
+ improved quality of the PDF export filter
+ password protected reports is now working in client/server mode
(IMPORTANT: Do not use this feature in one time with the server authentification)
+ verbose output of the server errors in the HTML mode
- fixed name of the properties TfrxServerConnection.Proxy and TfrxServerConnection.ProxyPort
(press 'ignore' button on load prompt in yours projects for autofix form components)
- fixed clean of the report cache on TfrxReportServer.Stop method
- fixed background draw in HTML export filter in server mode
- many bug fixes