+ added variables "AUTHLOGIN" and "AUTHGROUP" inside the any report
+ now any report file can be matched with any (one and more) group, these reports are accessible only in matched groups
+ now you can set-up cache delays for each report file (reports.xml)
+ added new properties editor for reports in Configuration utility (see Reports tab)
+ added property "Xml" - "SplitType" in server configuration - allow to select split on pages type between none/pages/printonprev/rowscount
+ added property "Xml" - "SplitRowsCount" in server configuration - sets the count of rows for "rowscount" split type
+ added property "Xml" - "Extension" in server configuration - allow select between ".xml" and ".xls" extension for output file
+ added property "Html" - "URLTarget" in server configuration - allow select the target attribute for report URLs
+ added property "ReportsFile" - path to file with reports to groups associations and cache delays
+ added property "ReportsListRenewTimeout" in server configuration
+ added property "ConfigRenewTimeout" in server configuration
+ added property "MimeType" for each output format in server configuration
+ added property "BrowserPrint" in server configuration - allow printing by browser, added new template nav_print_browser.html
+ added dynamic file name generation of resulting formats (report_name_date_time)
+ added Windows x64 support (in WOW mode)
* SERVER_REPORTS_LIST and SERVER_REPORTS_HTML variables (list of available reports) depend from user group (for internal authentification)
* changed PDF export: added full Unicode support, improved performance, decreased memory requirements
- fixed bug in garbage collector (Session Manager)
- fixed bug with designer executable crash
- fixed bug with variables lost on refresh/export