May 15, 2019

New version of FastReport .NET 2019.3

In the latest version of FastReport .Net 2019.3 we added a new object - digital signature, that allows adding place of signature after exporting it to PDF.
We also added property that allows aligning picture inside the PictureObject.
You can now change fonts in query editor.
And we fixed that critical bug that led to memory leak and infinite loops.


Version 2019.3
+ added ImageAlign property for image alignment inside PictureObject; by default, alignment is disabled
+ added a new property Config.ProcessEvents for cancel button in progress form
- fixed a bug with infinite loop in AdvancedTextRenderer when WordWrap is true and width of object less than width of one character
- fixed a bug when in some cases the TypeConverter`s were not loaded correctly
- fixed a bug causing memory leak in HtmlTextRenderer
- fixed a bug when using the KeepTogether property for a group with matrix, when in some cases the GroupHeader was placed on one page and the matrix was on another page


+ added an ability to change font in query editor
+ added Digital Signature object for adding empty signature field in PDF documents


- fixed a bug where the preparation process was hanging and the cancel button was inactive throughout the preparation


+ added ability to export empty signature fields for PDF documents
+ added links for images to HTML-export
- fixed a bug in CSV-export with "Data only" option when not only Data bands were exported
- fixed a bug when PDF Export did not export some SVGObject gradients to a PDF file, with the property GradientQuality = GradientQualityEnum.Image


- fixed a bug with inherited reports with online designer

[.Net Core]

+ added a CoreCompat.System.Drawing reference to the script, which allows using Color, Font and some other features of System.Drawing


December 18, 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
December 12, 2024

Now FastReport .NET supports .NET 9: what's new?

Timely adaptation of tools to new platform versions is crucial for the convenience of developers. Since version 2025.1.8, FastReport .NET now supports .NET 9.
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