November 29, 2012

FastReport Mono 2013 released

What's news in our crossplatform reporting tool?
Use the opportunity to publish reports on the web - version FastReport.Mono 2013 allows to use the report generator conjunctly with 
the Apache web server. You'll find the example of WEB reporting in the folder "Demos/C#/Web".
Do not limit yourself by using only the classic bar codes. In version FastReport.Mono 2013 added support of two-dimensional bar 
code - QR-code. Using the QR-code allows to increase up to 100 times the amount of encoded information over traditional barcodes.
- added WEB reporting server
- improved look of navigator of generated HTML documents
- added "Data Only" property to Xlsx export (Excel 2007 and later version)
- added new barcode - QR-code
- improved look of RichText object
- fixed bug in BusinessObjects data source
- improved logic of bands placement
- optimization of two-pass report generation
- added CC field to the E-mail client
- added WYSIWYG  property to Excel 2007 export
- memory optimization of big blob data
- many minor fixes
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