March 12, 2008

FastCube 1.3 released!

FastCube 1.3
+ Added styles for cells with total: cellrowtotal, cellrowgrand, cellcoltotal, cellcolgrand, cellfulltotal, cellfullgrand, cellrowtotalcolgrand, cellrowgrandcoltotal
+ You can use keyboard now to scroll content of DetailGrid
+ in detail grid added cell focus
+ Recompile Wizard save settings for every compiler
+ added description of TfcChart. Read fcchart.txt.
+ new events: TfcChart.OnGetSeriesClass, TfcChart.OnSeriesCreated, TfcChart.OnChartFilled
+ new events: TfcGrid.OnDrawCell, TfcGrid.OnDrawAxisItem
+ Change Caption of field in Slice when renamed Caption of field in Cube
+ added component TfrcChart for link TfrcChartView in report with TfcChart from form.
+ use new utf8-xml resource
+ new version of TfcChart
+ added PercentFormat
+ added popup menu item to rename dimensions
+ added property Value in TMeasure in script (short from CurrentValue)
+ added FastCube classes registration in script in FastReport
+ added Italian resources (thanks Loris Ferraresso)
+ Right Alignment for numeric fields in DetailGrid
+ added Brazil resources
+ export in UTF8
* dimension does not lose its width/height anymore while moving between areas
* In Trial version You can to save cube to file.
* added: It is possible to choose source for TfrcChartView and TfrcCrossView in report.
* fix for Delphi5
* not allow use function with "Count of Unique" with calculated measure
* TfcCube.LoadFromStream set Cube to Active
* String "Report Data" changed to Cube Caption in export
- fix error with THorizBarSeries
- fix error: divide by zero when display measure as Percent and Total = 0
- Fixed: AV when drag and drop 'System Counter'.
- fix error with showing SmallInt values
- fix error: AV after loading slice from another cube
- fix error: AV after added new measure
- fix error: Caption of measures field set to "#MEASURES"
- fix error: clear Data marking after measures editing
- fix some bugs of DetailGrid and SourceGrid paint
- fix error of unchecked of all measures with unchecked option mdsoAutoFilter
- fix paint in TfcDetailGrid
- fix error of rollback filter changes with unchecked option mdsoAutoFilter

September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
August 06, 2024

We treat you with a discount on report generators in honor of our birthday

Dear clients, we are happy to announce great news! This year our company celebrates a remarkable event - we are 26 years old!
June 26, 2024

Fast Reports Wins ComponentSource Award

ComponentSource has awarded Fast Reports a Top 50 Publisher Award in the annual ComponentSource Awards for 2024.
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