October 13, 2020

FastCube .NET Release 2020.2

New features are already expected in the update:

- Added Mono platform support.
Starting with this version we add support of cross-platform Mono framework.

- Major changes:

* Before this release we shipped FastCube.Olap package with depency on FastReport library.
Now we moved this dependency and therefore integration with FastReport into a separate package FastReport.Olap.Report for the .Net platform and FastReport.Olap.ReportMono for Mono platform.

Other changes:

* Expression editor now shows dimension/measure/field names instead of their captions.

Errors resolved:

* Expression errors does not raise Exceptions;
* ExpressionHighlight errors does not raise Exceptions;
* Fixed move to group error;
* Fixed chart data representation in some locales;
* Fixed "List of values" aggregate calculation;
* Fixed "Median" aggregate calculation.

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