October 23, 2014

New version of FastReport .NET 2014.4

Great reason to order licence or re-enroll support and updates - a lot of improvements in the new version of FastReport.Net 2014.4.

+ added an AutoSave feature in a Designer, you can enable it and set a time interval in View-Options-Saving

+ added picture editor in a Designer, now pictures can be resized, cropped and modified to grayscale or monochrome

+ added "Enable Code Completion" checkbox in Code Page Options in a Designer
+ added selection of multiple objects with CTRL key in a Designer
+ added proportionally scaling of objects with SHIFT in a Designer
+ added selection of barcode type on a toolbar in a Designer
+ added text editor for barcodes

+ added support of encodings Windows-1251, cp866 in QR-code object
+ added transparency of the image in PDF export
+ added compliance of PDF/A-2a,b and PDF/A-3a,b in PDF export
+ added new property PDFExport.PdfACompliance 
(can be selected from PdfAStandard.PdfA_2a, PdfAStandard.PdfA_2b, PdfAStandard.PdfA_3a, PdfAStandard.PdfA_3b)
+ added options for selection of PDF/A compliance, Jpeg quality, Initial Zoom in PDF export dialog

+ added support of dialog objects ListBoxControl, CheckedListBoxControl in WebReport
* improved speed of PDF export with transparent images (now it became three times faster)
- fixed bug in Designer with save from code editor (save icon is not active after code change)
- fixed bug with band break
- fixed bug with single page export in PDF

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