Resolving Conflicts at FastReport.Net assemblies


Conflicts often occur If you use different versions of the same program. There might be different reasons for this.  Often after you remove the previous version - the old libraries still remain. Or a new version of the product can be installed "on top" of the previous one without prior proper removal.

For example,  a strong indication of a conflict is a watermark of the demo version in the licensed version.

Sometimes all you have to do is to correct references to the new libraries. But the used libraries can be from the GAC. One of the ways to resolve this issue is to completely remove FastReport .Net and reinstall it. Let's consider the process of the complete removal FastReport.Net:

  1. Close Visual Studio;
  2. Use FastReport.Net uninstall program from the control panel;
  3. Make sure that the folder "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FastReports \ FastReport.Net Trial" removed, or delete it manually;
  4. In Windows Explorer, open the folder “C: \ Windows \ assembly”, and find in the list and delete libraries: FastReport, FastReport.Bars, FastReport.Editor, FastReport.VSDesign, FastReport.Web;
  5. In Windows Explorer, open the folder “C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL”, find the folder names with FastReport, FastReport.Bars, FastReport.Editor, FastReport.VSDesign, FastReport.Web and remove them;
  6. Delete the folder with the configuration files “C: \ Users \ USER_NAME \ AppData \ Local \ FastReport”. Removing a configuration may also be useful to restore the original location of the control objects in FastReport Designer;
  7. Re-install FastReport.Net.

Let's look at the other possible sources of the conflict.

• Wrong uninstall. If you just delete the folder with the program, conflicts are inevitable. Remove FastReport .Net using the uninstall utility from the folder with the program.

• Damage to the official msi installer files. Also, these files can be deleted by utilities of the garbage cleaning or by user.

We have examined the typical conflicts that may arise when you use FastReport.Net. Now you know how to avoid them.

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