How to print one page of the report in several copies

How to print one page of the report in several copies

If you need to print particular pages of the report in several copies, we have to use an encoding. You can configure printing properties from the user application code, as well as manually in the print dialog box. This enables you to choose particular pages of the report and set a number of copies. However, the thing is that you can set the number of copies only of all pages to be printed. That’s why we’ll have to split the printing procedure into steps to reach a goal.

Let’s say that you need to print three copies of the second page and one copy of the rest of the pages. So we’ll split the procedure into two steps: printing the second page and the rest of the pages.

//We create a report
 var report = new Report();
//We create a data source 
DataSet data = new DataSet();
//We download the data from the file
//We register the data source in the report 
 report.RegisterData(data, "NorthWind");
//We download the report template
 //We prepare the report
 //We choose the second page of the report 
 report.PrintSettings.PageNumbers = "2";
 //We set a number of copies
 report.PrintSettings.Copies = 3;
 //We hide the print dialog box
 report.PrintSettings.ShowDialog = false;
 //We sent the report to print 
 //We repeat the same steps for the rest of the pages of the report
 report.PrintSettings.PageNumbers = "1, 3, 4, 5";
 report.PrintSettings.Copies = 1;

Thus, we can print the necessary pages apart from the rest. The only disadvantage of the above-mentioned code is that the printed pages will be out of order. If you still need to print the pages in order, you’ll have to split the procedure into three steps: printing the first page, the second page and the rest of the pages of the report.  

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