Installation of FastReport.MONO Demo

The cross-platform framework .Mono is available on Windows, Mac OS and Linux platforms.
Fast Report .Mono is also cross-platform. Let us consider the installation program for each platform.

 MS Windows:
1) Download the archive with the program;
2) Extract the archive in any folder;
3) Run the executable file Demo.exe.

Mac OS X:
1) Download and install MonoFramework package:;
2) In the terminal, run the command: mono Demo.exe.


1) Install MonoDevelop package;

2) Install the package mono-gmcs, required for successful generation of reports that contain embedded scripts.

3) To successfully export reports, make sure that your system font files are stored in the directory / usr / share / fonts / truetype. This is true for all modern versions of Linux. If for some reason the font files are located in another directory, you need to install before you run Demo.exe FONTDIR environment variable with the command:

export FONTDIR = / my / fonts / path

specify instead of / my / fonts / path the path to the directory with the fonts;

4) Run Demo.exe.

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