How to work with ClickHouse in FastReport Cloud

ClickHouse is a popular database that is convenient for data analysis. In this article, you will learn how to connect to this database from the FastReport Cloud service for report generation and storage.

As an example, the article will use a database of tutorials on working with ClickHouse.

Database screenshot

In our case, “default” is the name of the database, and “my first table” is the name of the table. To add our database as a data source, select “ClickHouse” when adding a source. You will see the dialog:

Adding ClickHouse connection

We don’t need the table name now, just the database name. So, let’s fill out the form:

Completed form for adding a connection

As you can see from the dialog, the connection test was successful. Now just click “Connect,” and the connection will be saved among the existing ones.

Connecting to ClickHouse in the data sources menu

You can then use this connection in your reports. Now let’s try to make a simple report based on this connection:

Online designer with an open report

And, of course, take a look at the report preview:

Preview of the report with ClickHouse data

If we compare the data from the original table with our report, it will be quite obvious that the connection is functioning properly.

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