April 15, 2015

New version of Fast Report VCL - 5.3

We are pleased to announce the release of FastReport 5.3 VCL!

The new version supports the latest RAD Studio XE8 development environment. It also has a lot of improvements and fixes for Lazarus IDE to work with Windows and Linux(qt). Export filters for Lazarus version will be available soon during daily updates. Stay tuned!

New version also brings some new features like:

- support of PDF/A-2a format
- support of multiply ECI in QR code. This feature allows to switch codepage of the data directly in QR code (Can be set in barcode text by using '&ECIXX;' commands where XX is a ECI codepage number).
- Detail reports now allow to pass a list of variables in hyperlink expression using Hyperlink.ValueSeparator property;
- Value variable can be used inside hyperlink expression with a cross tabs and passes value of current cell;
- Implemented PrintOnParent for multi-column pages - the new PrintOnParent  mechanism can detect columns free space and prints data there;
- Added GDI->DMP and DMP->GDI converters;
- Added ability to use Value variable in cross hyperlink expression;
- Added paper orientation support for worksheets in the XML export filter;
- Added support of exponential number formatin the XML and BIFF8 export filters;
- Added paper sizes support for worksheets in the XML export filter;
- Added <sub> and <sup> HTMLTags support in the BIFF8 export filter;
- Added ability to save compressed prepared report
- Added TfrxReportPage.BackPictureStretched property
- Added TfrxFillGaps class in the frxClassRTTI

And of course a lot of bug fixes(see the change log for details).

Version 5.3
+ Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE8 support for x32 and x64 windows platforms
+ Added PDF/A-2a compatibility
+ Added haBlock alignment for frxPDFExport filter (thanks to Nikolay Zverev)
+ Added support of multiply ECI in QR code. Can be set in barcode text by using '&ECIXX;' commands where XX is a ECI codepage number
+ Added ability to pass a list of variables in hyperlink expression using Hyperlink.ValueSeparator
+ Added GDI->DMP and DMP->GDI converters
+ Added ability to use Value variable in cross hyperlink expression
+ Added paper orientation support for worksheets in the XML export filter
+ Added support of exponential number formatin the XML and BIFF8 export filters
+ Added paper sizes support for worksheets in the XML export filter
+ Added <sub> and <sup> HTMLTags support in the BIFF8 export filter
+ Implemented PrintOnParent for multi-column pages
+ Added ability to save compressed prepared report
+ Added TfrxReportPage.BackPictureStretched property
+ Added TfrxFillGaps class in the frxClassRTTI
+ [lazarus] Added 2D barcodes support
- [lazarus] fixed many issues with the report designer and improved x64 support
- Fixed <sub> and <sup> split text behaviour
- Fixed TFDAdaptedDataSet and TFDRdbmsDataSet classes in the frxFDRTTI
- Fixed debugging with dialog pages
- Fixed Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode
- Fixed AV in the Connection Wizard
- Restored Color property for linear barcodes
- Fixed range check error in frxpngimage unit
- Fixed 2D barcodes memory leaks
- Fixed TfrxCrossView.OnCalcHeight for PlainCells = False
- Fixed Quick Report compatibility of DelphiZXingQRCode unit
- Fixed bug with active page frame in the preview
- Fixed infinity loop in the TfrxRichView
- Fixed TfrxBrushFill frame
- Fixed text for EAN8 barcode with checksum
- Fixed PreviewOptions.ZoomMode behavior
- Fixed Hyperlink editor for cross-tab
- Fixed bug with units in the preview pages settings window
- Fixed FooterAfterEach and KeepFooter behavior
- Fixed bug with printing current page with Join Small Pages mode
- Fixed HAlign and VAlign for Rotation = 90, 270 in the TfrxXLSExport, TfrxXMLExport, TfrxXLSXExport and TfrxBIFFExport
- Fixed HTML tags support in the TfrxHTMLDivExport
- [enterprise] Fixed frxISAPI for D2009-XE7 support
- Fixed TfrxDesigner.Restrictions drDontSaveReport option behavior after changes in the script
- Fixed problem with TfrxIBXQuery parameters
- Fixed TfrxSubreport's page properties changing after adding of TfrxSubreport
- Fixed TeeChart Standart support
- Fixed Quality property behavior in the TfrxPDFExport filter


December 18, 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
December 12, 2024

Now FastReport .NET supports .NET 9: what's new?

Timely adaptation of tools to new platform versions is crucial for the convenience of developers. Since version 2025.1.8, FastReport .NET now supports .NET 9.
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