January 21, 2015

New version FastReport VCL 5.2 is released

New version of FastReport VCL 5.2 includes a number of changes.


Added support of free cross-platform development environment Lazarus. It's the first beta-version that includes designer and preview. New opportunities will be added later, as for now we offer to try it and give us your feedback.



Popular vector image format widely used over the Internet is now available in FastReport exports. SVG's main advantage involves maintaining picture quality through enlargement of any of its part. It is useful when creating maps, big charts or diagrams.


RAD Studio XE7:

Added support of the new version of RAD Studio XE7.



Improvement of the reports inheritance and quality synchronizing of the templates. Added some new options of working with data tree such as multi-selection, dragging and editing.



Transparency and color mask in PDF.

We've translated Fast Report 5 User manual to Portuguese and it can be downloaded here: http://www.fast-report.com/public_download/files/FR5UserManual-br.pdf

+ Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7 support for x32 and x64 windows platforms
+ Added initial support of Lazarus for Fast Report 5 - first beta release with includes ther report designer and the report preview.
+ Added new export filter to SVG format - SVG is a graphical vector format used in web and now FastReport allow you to export reports to this format.
+ Added ability to reset object properties to parents in inherited report (whole report or single object) - ability to restore object properties of any object in inherited report to default values introduced in base report.
+ Added multi-selection for data tree and ability to drag whole dataset(create band) - allow to drag any count of fields from "data tree" or/and include whole dataset.
+ Added ability to move/select/edit report objects from report tree window - new enhanced "report objects tree" gives ability to select move and edit objects more easily.
+ Added transparency and color mask in PDF export (Pictures/HTML-tags/RTF) - pictures and some objects like RTF may uses alpha mask during export to PDF.
+ Added selection mode in report designer - new selection modes allow to select all object of the same kind as selected.
+ Changed preview tabs mechanism. TfrxPreview.EachReportInTab allow to bind few report components to a single preview and show each in the separate tab.
+ [enterprise] Added new Enterprise demo to show how to build client application for mobile platform in FMX framework - learn how you can build a mobile client for FastReport Enterprise edition.
+ Improved variables and styles editor to handle new inheritence items
+ Added export of page frame in PDF
+ Added cell rotation in XLSX and DOCX exports filters
+ Added packages for IBO4 for D2005-XE3
- [enterprise] Fixed unicode problems in FR Server navigator toolbar
- Fixed TfrxFontComboBox now uses TfrxReport.iniFile for saving data
- Fixed FireDac components compatibility for XE7
- Fixed align of text in DOCX export
- Fixed Indy SMTP mail transfer
- Fixed frxTeeChart problem in multy-threaded inviroment
- Fixed error with export of 2d barcode from code
- Fixed problem with new DBX behaviour in master detail reports starts from Delphi XE
- Fixed problem with KeepFooter in subreports
- Fixed DateTime format in BIFF export
- Fixed preview window flickering with drilldown reports
- Fixed text align fix for negative LineSpacing
- Fixed minor problems with report inheritance
- Fixed preview error which may appears during preparing crosstab
- Fixed TIFF export problem when using Stream
- Fixed problem with crosstab header resizing in some cases
- Fixed problem with minimizing report designer in application compiled with delphi 2010 and above
- Fixed visibility of several components for x64 platform
- Fixed script inheritance in reports when used fsGlobalModule
- Fixed OnLoadTemplate and OnGetUnit events for inherited report
- Fixed OnPreviewDblClick event
- Fixed missing Fill property for some objects
- Fixed double frames in PDF export
- Fixed font embedding problem with x64 platform
- Fixed incorrect preview behaviour in some cases
- Fixed PDF checkbox export
- Fixed EAN13 barcode bug
- Fixed numeric formats in XLSX export
- Fixed TabOrder in frxEditPage
- Added missing bcCode128 support in report script
- Restored published Color property for TfrxSysMemoView

December 18, 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
December 12, 2024

Now FastReport .NET supports .NET 9: what's new?

Timely adaptation of tools to new platform versions is crucial for the convenience of developers. Since version 2025.1.8, FastReport .NET now supports .NET 9.
Fast Reports
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  • +4930568373928 (German)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portuguese)
  • info@fast-report.com
  • 66 Canal Center Plaza, Ste 505, Alexandria, VA 22314

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