April 17, 2009

FastReport Studio 4.7 released!

FastReport Studio 4.7 released!

• Added new demonstration program for Sybase PowerBuilder
• Improved DrillDownd mechanism, should work correct with master-detail-subtetail nesting
• Extened functionality of Vertical Bands
• Extended interface of TfrxADOQuery object - added ability to dynamically set Master/Detail relation between SQL queries and dynamically set parameters of SQL queries.
• Extended interface of TfrxReport object.
• Extended functionality of build-in FastScript language.
• Improved export abilites.
• Improved compability with scripting languages like VB Script.
• Fixed several demo programms.
• Extended functionality of TfrxLineView object - now you can dynamically create LineView object and control its properties by external application.
• Extended functionality of TfrxADOTable object - added new properties for access to table header - field names, field types and field size.
• Fixed bug in vertical bands
• Fixed small memory leak in subreports
• Fixed minor bugs in Object Inspector and extended functionality of Objct Inspector
• Fixed bug when Engine try to split non-stretcheable view and gone to endless loop
• Fixed bug with HTML tags in memo when use shot text and WordWrap
• Fixed MailExport and extended its diagnostic messages.

FastReport Studio – is a “win32” report generator for software developers and business users. 
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  • info@fast-report.com
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