A lot of new things in FastReport .NET 2017.4:
And not only that!
+ added initial support of .NET Core (\Demos\Core\FastReportCore.MVC\readme.txt)
+ Trim property has been added for linear barcodes
+ Tag property has been added for all components
+ added saving of meta data (ReportInfo.Name, ReportInfo.Author, ReportInfo.Description,
ReportInfo.Created, ReportInfo.Modified, ReportInfo.CreatorVersion) in prepared report file
+ added RegisterData(DataSet data, bool enableAllTables) and RegisterData(DataSet data, string name, bool enableAllTables)
functions for registering DataSet and enabling all its tables
+ added possibility to access the Report.Dictionary without case sensitivity
+ added RadialGauge control
+ added SimpleProgressGauge control
- fixed wrong result for n.9999 values in NumToWords functions
- fixed bug with multi-thread preparing and using the cursors inside a report
- fixed borders for Gauges
- adjusted scale and pointer for SimpleGauge
+ added pagination in Data View Window
+ added Space to separators list in CSV connection
+ added possibility to open List and Label files with extensions crd, srt, inv, lab and let
+ added selecting previous file filter in open file dialog
- fixed bug with deleting of bands
- fixed bug with empty fields when connecting to CSV table
- fixed bug with space separator when connecting to CSV table
- fixed bug with strings without separator when connecting to CSV table
- fixed bug when viewing business object data
- fixed bug with null value of System.Guid instance
- fixed bug in PageColumns class when number of positions is not equal number of columns
+ added Word2007Export.RowHeight property with enum (Minimum, Exactly)
+ added converting to Percent format for Excel2007 export
+ added export in LaTeX (without pictures, works with XeLaTex)
- fixed bug with barcode duplicates in PDF export
- fixed bug with table cells duplicates in XAML, SVG exports
- fixed bug with tilde in Excel2007 export
- fixed bug with image duplicating in PDFExport
- fixed bug with Biff8 export from prepared report
- allowed export TextObjects with not default FontWithRatio to Excel 2007
+ added property WebReport.DesignerConfig for storing custom configuration of Online Designer
- fixed bug with WebReport object resizing
+ added Web API self-hosted example (Demos\C#\Web\WebApiSelfHosted)
+ added SVGObject plugin (\Extras\Misc\SVGObjectPlugin)
+ added TelegramMessenger plugin (\Extras\Misc\Messaging\TelegramMessenger)
+ added support for MaxiCode and Intelligent Mail barcodes
+ added editor for hyperlink property
* improved Crystal Reports converter, now works with the latest versions of Crystal
+ added Highlight editor
+ added resizing area for the left sidebar
+ added MaxiCode & Intelligent Mail barcodes
+ added ability to call control dialogs from properties panel by clicking button in the title of subsection
+ switch all the customization panels at once
+ font editing dialog
+ border property editing dialog
+ hyperlink property editing dialog
+ building process changed
* popup restyle in the upper right corner
- fixed bug with positioning DataHeader Band after DataBand
- fixed bug with freezing in IE