We are glad to announce the release of the newer version of FastReport .NET.
The main changes include improvement of WebReport and On-line Designer objects interaction, bug patch and rework of the current functionality.
And not only that. Here's a full change list:
* updated Japanese resources
- fixed bug with opening frx/fpx files with Unicode signature in begin of file
- fixed bug with CantFindObject exception in report reader in WebMode
- fixed bug with saving empty Excel 2007 files
- fixed RichTextQuality in PDF export
+ added Preview button in File menu in Ribbon toolbar
+ added export in Prepared report
* page breaks in export to Excel 2007 from WebReport now disabled by default
- fixed bug with exception CantFindObject in WebReport
- fixed bug with preview from designer in ASPX mode
- fixed bug with designer position
- fixed bug with report load in designer in ASPX mode
+ added report exporting methods in Service
[On-line Report Designer]
+ added barcodes Aztec, Plessey, GS1-128/EAN-128
+ added support of hierarchical data arrays with BusinessObjects
+ added Aliases for data sources
+ added copy/paste of TableObject and MatrixObject
+ added enable/disable of rows/columns in tabled objects
+ added MatrixObject
+ added more space between bands
+ band height reduced twice on mobile devices
+ cancel of creating object by ESC
+ added scale of report page with "ctrl + mousewheel"
+ added save of report on keys "ctrl + s"
+ added corners highlight of selected objects
+ added objects SimpleGauge, LinearGauge
* changed panels with properties and events
* improved work with TableObject
* changed design of trees in Report Tree, data and in Expression Editor
* improved of parse of report with error reporting
* the icons are same as in desktop designer
* added tab View change of settings of grid and units
* changes in style of object creation
* changed search algorithm of objects on page with selection
- fixed bug with duplicate component/bands names
- fixed bug with cell deletion in table object
- fixed bug with deletion of child bands in last band of page
- fixed bug with band resize to 0
- fixed bug with save of included objects in frx report
- fixed bug in TableObject with adding of rows and columns
- fixed bug in TableCell with RowSpan and ColSpan
- fixed bug with table witdh and height
- fixed bug with selecting of non valid fields
- fixed bug with showing of messages when toolbar is hidden
- fixed bug with moving of child cells of table beside a left side
- fixed bug with adding of new object on the mobile devices
- fixed bug with create object on scaled page
- fixed bug with create object inside a cell of table
- fixed bug with positioning of LineObject in Firefox