First FastReport.NET was released several years ago. But only now world have met with such data volumes, which allow estimate real power and benefits of FastReport. Meet FastReport.Net 2014.2 - with Big Data support!
+ added connector Google BigQuery \Extras\Connections\FastReport.GoogleBigQuery
+ added an example of Google BigQuery access \Demos\C#\GoogleBigQuery
+ added save to Box cloud from preview
+ added support of line-spacing in RTF and DOCX exports
* increased speed of database access (up to 6 times faster)
* changed output of language names in an interface language selection dialog
* updated German, Japanese resources
- fixed bug with fonts in SVG export
- fixed bug with default message in ProgressBar window
- fixed bug with AVG function in Map editor
- fixed bug in font packing subsystem (in some rare cases the OS/2 table was overlapped by other tables)
- fixed bug with artifact lines in RoundRectangle with big Curve value
- fixed bug with ParagraphOffset in RTF export
- fixed bug with hints in WebReport toolbar