April 21, 2020

New version of FastReport FMX - 2.7

In the new version we’ve added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3 with latest updates and support of new platform MacOS x64.  Export to PDF significantly improved in this version: we added block text align and improved work with fonts. Also, wrap and draw of text object was improved.

Full list of changes:

Version 2.7


  • + Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3
  • + Added MacOS x64 support
  • + Added support of block align in text object (HAlign=haBlock) in PDF Export
  • + Added ability to move report pages tabs in the report designer
  • + Added popup menu for pages Tab in the report Designer
  • - Improved text wrap realization
  • - Improvement text draw between different platforms
  • - Fixed preview content scaling for 150% scale or above
  • - Fixed HTML tag subscript printing
  • - Fixed inactive report designer when switching to dialog page(OSX).
  • - Fixed changing of page orientation
  • - Fixed draw of arial narrow font in D2D context for RAD Studio 10.2 and above
  • - Fixed text split for simple text render
  • - Fixed fsUnderline style in font GDIP canvas cache
  • - Fixed right align in PDF export
  • - Fixed space Width in PDF export
  • - Fixed font names in PDF export
  • - Fixed wrong result of CalclHeight function
  • - Fixed Hint callouts in the report preview and the report designer
  • - Fixed Modal dialogs order under OSX for Rad Studio 10.2.3
  • - Fixed bug in PDF export under OSX
  • - Fixed bug in TfrxMemoView with HAlign=haRight
  • - Fixed PDF export when font has multi byte name like "MS ゴシック"
  • - Fixed bugs with DBLookupComboBox DialogPage control
  • - Fixed error with PictureCache in file under MacOS
  • - Fixed "Object lock not owned" error message for Chart object
  • - Fixed DialogPage for RAD Studio 10.2 (Position, Font, BorderStyle)
  • - Fixed truncate of the last symbol in PDF export undex OSX
  • - Fixed error with combobox in object inspector
  • - Fixed preview lock during exports
  • - Fixed barcode lines
  • - Fixed AV in the TfrxCustomMemoView.DrawPart
  • + Added TfrxPreview.PageSetupDialog for C++Builder compatibility
  • - Fixed infinite loop in the TfrxMemoView.WrapText
  • - Fixed IDE freeze when designer minimized
  • - Fixed AV in the PDF export
  • - Fixed export of fixed-width fonts to PDF
Fast Reports
  • 800-985-8986 (English, US)
  • +4930568373928 (German)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portuguese)
  • info@fast-report.com
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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