June 16, 2020

New version of FastCube VCL 2.11

Added Rad Studio 10.4 support

Starting with this version we add Rad Studio 10.4 support.

Highlight of measure cells

In this version we significantly improved FastCube VCL cell highlight abilities. We added new highlight classes, improved classes we had before and fixed errors.

  • TfcxTopHighlight class - highligh most and least cells
  • TfcxAverageHighlight - highlight cells comparing with average
  • TfcxUniqueHighlight - highlight repeatable and unique cells
  • TfcxExpressionHighlight - highlight cells matched expressions


We also imporoved bar chart highlight (TfcxContinuousHighlight class): now negative and positive values can be drawn using different style and on different sides of axis.

Other major changes

  • Major refactoring of the TfcxContinousHighlight with breaking of the compatibility: 

Before: TfcxContinuousHighlightValueType enum had BoundByRow, BoundByCol, PercentByRow, PercentByCol, PercentileByRow, PercentileByCol elements.

Now: Those elements replaced by Bound, Percent and Percentile elements. Added new enum TfcxHighlightScanDirection and the approptiate property ScanDirection common for all Highlight types with the Auto, Rows and Columns elements. New saves wont correctly work in the old version.

Effect: Highlight setup simplification due to reduced combobox lists. Auto element suit for most cases and does not break highlight (as before) after "Measures" field move from the rows to the columns and vice versa.


  • Fixed TDate, TTime, TDateTime fields parse for Lazarus/FPC
  • Fixed array out of bounds error in TfcxSliceGrid

+ Added support for RAD Studio 10.4

+ Added cell highlight option compared with average value (TfcxAverageHighlight).

+ Added most/least N cell highlight option (TfcxTopHighlight).

+ Added repeatable/unique cell highlight option (TfcxUniqueHighlight).

+ Added cell highlight based on expressions (TfcxExpressionHighlight).

+ Added negative value settings for ContinuousHighlight with Kind = ContinuousHighlightKind.BarChart

+ Added event TfcxCustomToolbar.BeforeDialogExecute

* Major refactoring of the TfcxContinousHighlight with breaking of the compatibility

- Fixed TDate, TTime, TDateTime fields parse for Lazarus/FPC

- Fixed array out of bounds error in TfcxSliceGrid

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